- *** VENDREDI 4 NOVEMBRE 2011 ***
6970,0 0757-0930 LASER HOT HITS,still low power, much noise and QRM. Evening : worse.
6324,7 1357-1418* R. --- INT, v.weak, Radar love, D mix mx, Shadow?? CQ?? Pluto ?
6325 a *1419-1450 QSO in D : R. PLUTO, UNID, JAMPIE WESTERBEK, also BBR as Jan Karel
6220,0 1406-1541* R. SPACESHUTTLE INT, e.weak, R&R, 60s pop. After 1435 relays Cool AM
6325,0 1522-1540 R. --- SW, v.weak, Mamy blue, pop, 1534 ID no copy.
6320,0 1524-1531 UNID, v.difficult (cornered), mx, R&R? 1531 lost.
6550,0 1544-1655 UNID, v.weak, rock nonstop. 16.51 Animals"House of the rising sun"
6550,0 1808-1830 UNID, weak (+PLC), C&W, Beatles"All you need is love... [cf RISING SUN]
6295,0 1620-1712 HALLOWEEN R. ?, sunk under PLC, then quite similar to Halloween R.
6305,0 1641-1712 R. ALICE, strong, pop, ID, Peggy Sue...
6325,0 1645-1709* UNID, strong \fading, pop. [cf BLACK BANDIT]
6920,1 1656-1803 MIKE R., strong \fading. IDs in E (+ID in F at 1656), songs from "Hair", parts
3905,1 1716-2312 SKYLINE INT R.[usual], mx, 1740 Groovy.. love, 2216 Poppies 2312 Camouflage
4026,0 1735-2245 LASER HOT HITS, mx+DJ, 2211 S.Ross, bit of atmos.
3920,7 1746-1754* UNID, mx now (after carrier) \vocoder traffic, 1747 Radar love.
6325,0 1756-1757 R. PLUTO, weak (+PLC), mx, ID.
6240,0 1810-1833 R. CAROLINE INT, IDs added over a "Music for(from?) the world", Artem? in E.
6305,2 1827-1921 R. MAZDA INT no drift, strong, D mix mx, 1849 IDs.
6220,0 1834-1921 Artem's music progr, unknown relay.
6324,6 1916-1925 R.UNDERGROUND, 1916 Paranoid, 1920 ID, tk: Guy Fawkes day.
6315,5 1920-1927 UNID, mx, op mentions Underground at 19.26. [cf CAROLINE INT]
6920,0 1923-1925* UNID, strong, mx, 19.24 blank and off.
6950 L 1924-1925 UNID, mx in SSB, messing.
3920,6 2202-2204* UNID, mx, s/off without ann.
6934,0 2428-2434 UNID, mx, v.difficult, then lost.
*** SAMEDI 5 NOVEMBRE 2011 ***
6970,0 0749- LASER HOT HITS %, v.weak, much disturbed, sp. traffic on 6967,5U. (not at 1640)
6300,1 0752-0905 CUPID R., weak \fading, many IDs, rpts from East 21460. On 48m: 50W, then 35W.
4026,0 0801- LASER HOT HITS, v.weak, clear, mx
4026,0 2144-2201 LASER HOT HITS, duo playing comedy, ID, mx.
6095,0 0909-1137 KBC, v.strong, C&W program from Emperor Rosko, KBC ad. 1111: about DRM tests.
18950L 1140-1143* BALTIC SEA R., mx, IDs+@ with seagulls, and off.
15009,2 1448-1533 OLD TIME R., v.weak, clear, mx+tk, IDs (from Finland), 1509 Ghostbusters.
15065 1454-1458 UNID official? mx, dull voice, low mod, 1458 This is ..., anthem.
15800 1503-1522 R. POWERLINER INT, strong, S.&Garfunkel songs, IDs over, test to USA-Canada.
6325,3 1533-1536 R. MARCONI, ID, said c'/d soon, 60s pop.
6310 1537- UNID, strange, report with numbers
6304 1538-1558 UNID, weak \ut.QRM, D songs, D DJ singing. [cf R. VENDOR]
6219,8 1544-1550 R. CAROLINE INT, ID but not alike, tk, ment. Undergr., Titanic. Artem relay?
6325,0 1551-1554* UNID, weak mx, sudden off.
6315,0 1554-1601 UNID, strong, D mix mx. [cf OLD TIMER]
6310,0 1621-1629 UNID, fading down, D mix mx. [cf OLD TIMER]
6310,1 1650- UNID, v.weak, bpm mx [cf FOX 48]
6215,1 1614-1620 UNID, v. weak mx: 60s instrum. mx
6300,5 1622- UNID, Aretha Franklin?? then blank and lost.
6985,3 1631-1645* R. WAVES INT / RWI, fair\atmos, soft rock, IDs in E (1638 F accent), sudden off
6930,0 1641-1645 IRISH MUSIC R., weak\atmos, mx, ID by W.
6326,1 1646-1650 R. ALTREX, v.weak\atmos, mx, IDs, rock.
--- long away ---
6935 U 2129-2136* WOLVERINE R. %, crooners,v.good mod! /PLC, 2134 "Je vous en prie"(echo),SSTV,off
6990,5 2140-2202 LIGHTNING R. %, v. weak, ut.on L side, mx, 2201 "This is Radio..."
1395,0 2208-2356 R.SEAGULL, pops, E (speedy or distorted), 2345 clear ID (Tony Christian).
1512 2345-2348 UNID v.difficult, gmail address.
6925,1 2358-2402 UNID v.weak, mx, "This is..." too much atmos. [cf FREE EUPHORIA]
*** DIMANCHE 6 NOVEMBRE 2011 ***
6970,0 0648-1434 LASER HOT HITS, v.weak, 0650 strong! Marco rpt, Halloween, fading, v.weak again.
6200,0 0656-0736 R. ORANG UTAN, I want to break free, ID, hl, mx.
6420,0 0700-0721 UNID, reggae, ID as B.F. Radio??, pops, ut splash on L side.
6585 L 0707-0717 MUSICA LIBICA INT? R. MANDEL INTER? it. mx+tk, few weak angry ops.
6214,8 0722-0748 KING SW %, v.weak \ut.splash, non stop pop, 0748 "... SW".
4026,0 0730-0735 LASER HOT HITS, v.weak fading down. mx, DJ, ID.
6299,8 0749- CUPID R., tk about test on 21460 for Japan (UKR rpt), said // 6300
15060,1 0755-0841 R. SCOTLAND INT, weak>strong, IDs+@, rock, Cream, "Rising sun, J.Airplane
15009a 0759-0919 OLD TIME R.(Finland), drift, e.weak 0906 strong, IDs, jazz, D.Ross, G.Esteban
15800,2 0846-0850 R. POWERLINER INT, strong, PLC, het 15804,2, mx, ID (not at 0858)
21460,3 0805-0858 UNID, e.weak mx at best. [cf CUPID R.]
12257,2 0922-1135 WR INT, strong\PLC at first, mx, jingle, ID+@, DJ live.
6095,0 0930-1342 KBC, v.strong. Hanging on the tel, ID, Chicago, ID, StrayCats?, Kate Bush..
6325,5 0932- UNID, strong, mx. [cf BLACK BANDIT]
6005,0 0948-1346 UNID, pops, G tk, (1022 ID Radio..., not 700, not Siebenhundert). Also 1705.
5815,0 0951-1003 ORION R. NL, mx, ID in D, what? is kaput, @, D songs.
5800,0 0951-1002 UNID, messing with one polka. (not at 1004)
6310,0 1005- UNID, v.weak (under PLC)
6300,0 1006-1007* UNID, v. weak\PLC, "closing down here" and off.
6295,1 1007-1102 R. CONDOR, v.weak \RSI QRM at 1st, bpm-techno mx, 1040 clear ID and PLC again.
6292,1 1008-1014 R. SCOTLAND INT, strong, Daddy cool, ID,rpt, R.Stones.
6140,0 1015-1057 M.V. BALTIC R., v.strong., softrock, IDs, ads Schwerin-OEM, anorak mx, Beatles
9480,0 1057-1100* M.V. BALTIC R., // 6140, fair, ID, next time Baltic & Gloria: Nov.9, bye bye.
6045,0 1017-1030 UNID in G, S.Am. mx, touring in India.. not an anorak on 1st Sunday!
6283,1 1033-1037* UNID, mx. 10.37 g's to UKdxer, bye bye and off [cf R. SCOTLAND INT ?]
6305,0 1041-1041* UNID, was talking, v.weak mx and off.
6450,0 1043-1048 UNID, weak\PLC, mx, 1048 /It's a heartache/ [cf UNIVERSE]
6220,1 1045-1117 UNID, (trace alr. at 1015), long tk about mx, alt? mx [cf THE GHOUL]
6980,2 1050-1055 INDEPENDANT MUSIC NETWORK, fair\fading, mx, C&W, ID twice. [via RWI ?]
6930,1 *1053-1437 IRISH MUSIC R., v.weak, mx+DJ, W voice at times, 1437 ID.
6304,7 1100-1147 UNID, G songs, good. 1147 techno, mod suddenly low, v.weak overall.[MARCONI?]
6255,0 1102-1150 R. TELSTAR SOUTH, v.weak, f/in & out \PLC, 1149 typical Golden Boys.
6245,0 1104-1150 R. BORDERHUNTER, strong, mx, tk about test to Japan, mx.
6985,0 1127-1133 R. WAVES INT / WCS, weak, mushy carrier, soft rock.
15065 1136-1144 R. POWERLINER INT, strong, Beatles songs, IDs, test.
---- away ---
6324,5 1306-1349 R. UNDERGROUND, fair \PLC, D mx, 1308 hl, 1337 ID, Lulu. 1349 E.Piaf song
6304,7 1311-1350 R. MARCONI, good\PLC. IRL? mx, pop, D song, polka, ID, synthe, ID, D songs
6297,0 1315-1330* UNID, strong\fading. D mx, s/off w/out ann.
6290,0 1316-1329* R. OSAKA? (shy IDs!), D mx, 13.29 ment. R.mazda at s/off.
6316,0 1439-1459 UNID, v.weak\PLC, ---Radio@hotmail, tk : LHH, XTC, Geronimo jinles? [cf PANDORA]
6310,0 1440- UNID, strange, report with numbers (like yesterday).
6304,5 1456-1458 R. MARCONI, instrum, ID, ment. Osaka.
--- away ---
6304,9 1644-1815 R. OSAKA, It's a heartache, ID, Reggae night, mx+tk.. IDs 1815 chachacha
6930,1 1634-2032 IRISH MUSIC R., weak>good, mx, DJ John, pop-rock, 2030 good, 2032 v.weak
6970,0 1641-2028 LASER HOT HITS, v.weak.
6255,0 1648-1816 R. TELSTAR SOUTH, nostalgia: R. London jingles, later RNI, Radio One.
6380,2 1710-1810 R. ALICE, strong\morse on 6379, nonstop D mx. 1809 ID, c'/d. (not at 1812)
6315,5 1734-1815 R. CAROLINE RAINBOW, utQRM on U side. mx, IDs+@+@.
6399,6 1743-1811* UNID, v.weak, pop, D mx, TX problems?, signal hickups, soon blank and breakdown
6450,0 1754-1755* R. PLUTO??, IDs unsure, mx, off at 1755'45".
1395,0 1821-1900a R. SEAGULL %, mx, rock
6324,7 1937-1942 UNID, mx, no tk.
6304,8? 1943-2013 UNID, strong, D mix of mx, 1944 tk, hum from weaker st. [cf SPACESHUTTLE]
6304,7 1944-2023 UNID, under stronger UNID, mx heard at times, 2023 clear, v.weak.[cf F.R.NOVA]
4026,0 2004-2306 LASER HOT HITS, fair>strong. 2008 ID, B.Marley"Could you be loved".
6325,0 2010-2022 BLACK BANDIT %, strong, storm background, mx. 2016 mod fading almost out
6990,5 2310-2312 LIGHTNING R. %, v.weak mx.
mx=music, tk=talk, D=Dutch, E=English, G=German, rpt=rpt, v.=very,
w.=with, c'/d=closing down, M/W=man/woman, g'=greeting, ut=utility,
ID+@=ID+e-mail address, J=jingle, PLC=PowerLineComm'(noise) \=but
Logs 4-6 Nov. 2011
Moderator: Moderators group
- Hardcore Gold Piratear
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- Joined: Fri Jan 12, 2007 21:40 pm
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Logs 4-6 Nov. 2011
- Hardcore Gold Piratear
- Posts: 1172
- Joined: Wed Nov 18, 2009 21:52 pm
- Location: Bogatynia/Polish-Germ.-Czech border
Re: Logs 4-6 Nov. 2011
Hi Ray,
lot of thanks for such 2 logs of us and also for such log of Caroline/Rainbow International!!!!!
The first two logs of our programmes had been nice and new programme of great DJ Artem of Moscow,
so you had been 100% correct!
Meanwhile equipment with a power of 120watts works good and so we will hope that it will go on so.
Best wishes from here and again thanks a lot,
Radio Caroline International.
lot of thanks for such 2 logs of us and also for such log of Caroline/Rainbow International!!!!!
The first two logs of our programmes had been nice and new programme of great DJ Artem of Moscow,
so you had been 100% correct!
Meanwhile equipment with a power of 120watts works good and so we will hope that it will go on so.
Best wishes from here and again thanks a lot,
Radio Caroline International.
Re: Logs 4-6 Nov. 2011
thanks for the log Ray, indeed something was Kaput, but can't remember what
- Radio Scotland
- Hardcore Gold Piratear
- Posts: 174
- Joined: Wed Jan 05, 2005 09:35 am
- Location: Beilen
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Re: Logs 4-6 Nov. 2011
Hi Ray,
Thanks for the 15060 khz log.
This was with rather low power (200 watts) with the good old Rohde & Schwartz SK-050 TX.
Unfortunally, the other more powerful TX is not capable to work at 19 m band.
Greeting, Albert R. Scotland
Thanks for the 15060 khz log.
This was with rather low power (200 watts) with the good old Rohde & Schwartz SK-050 TX.
Unfortunally, the other more powerful TX is not capable to work at 19 m band.
Greeting, Albert R. Scotland