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Logs from South-West of France - April 9 & 10

Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2011 20:33 pm
by Toutatis
The propagation was correct on the beginning of the morning and at the evening, but bad in the middle of the day.

Saturday, April 9

1906 3932 44434 The Ghoul
1927 3906 35433 Overijssel Radio
1944 4026 34433 Laser Hot Hits
2020 6305 34433 Radio Bravo Sierra
2025 6930 24422 Irish Music Radio - 2036 : end
2042 3920 44444 Radio Likedeeler

Sunday, April 10

0656 4026 35333 Laser Hot Hits
0700 5820 44444 Orion Radio
0720 6220 45444 Laser Hot Hits
0727 6200 24432 Radio Orang Utan
0740 6310 34443 Radio Condor
0746 12257 35422 WR International
0913 6310 35333 Antonio Radio
1312 6425 44343 Radio Black Power
1934 5805 45444 Radio Telstar South
1948 6425 34433 Trans Europe Radio
1953 4075 45544 Radio Black Bandit - 2009 : end

Good listening.

Re: Logs from South-West of France - April 9 & 10

Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2011 04:22 am
by JoJo
thanks Michel, for the log

Re: Logs from South-West of France - April 9 & 10

Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2011 18:03 pm
by Dave Jones
Thanks Michel, as always it is a pleasure to hear from you and to see WR International in you weekly logs.