Mystery Radio
Posted: Sun Oct 03, 2004 01:22 am
Mystery Radio heard here in VA-USA on 10/3/4, 00:15-1:20+ utc, 6220am, SIO 434 with fades to 322, music and IDs. Does anyone have a contact address for this station?
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Mystery Radio does appear to be a bit of a mystery to a lot of people at moment... If you manage to get any info, there are a few people who would love to contact them. Every weekend they bleed all over Laser Hot Hits on 6218.7 kHz, but never seem to broadcast a mailing or contact address. This sort of totally anonymous operation always seems a bit pointless to me ...L Cee wrote:Mystery Radio heard here in VA-USA on 10/3/4, 00:15-1:20+ utc, 6220am, SIO 434 with fades to 322, music and IDs. Does anyone have a contact address for this station?
I think they operate from Italy. In August they seemed to co-ordinate airtime with R. Marylin, definitely Italian station, which broadcasted on almost exactly the same frequency as LHH.pjk wrote:I'm also looking for a contact address, but sofar no luck to find one. But i heard that they are maybe transmitting from Germany or Holland. Please post a message if you find the address to this station.
73's Peter J