summer arrived in Cologne

Logs from pirates on shortwave.
Log van piraten op korte-golf. (Ned & Eng)

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General Trouble maker
General Trouble maker
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Joined: Sun May 06, 2007 19:31 pm
Location: Cologne

summer arrived in Cologne

Post by Axel »

Hello again,
there was nothing to hear during a short band scan at 0730 on Sunday morning.

2020 3900 25432 Underground, partly 1-3, good to hear you again
2024 6220 44433 Mystery
2027 6400 45454 Black Bandit with greetings to Radio Tina with 700W, absolute stable signal
2037 4025 35433 Laser, partly 45433, sounded good, but not very loud. Sounded mostly like O=2.

Enjoy the week
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