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UNIDs, help!! 7 March

Posted: Sun Mar 07, 2010 16:08 pm
by Dave Valko
Just about to start reviewing the (Perseus) recordings and wanted to make a quick plea for some help on a few Unids. I heard this morning. If any of you know who these stations were, please let me know!! Thanks!!!!

5799.83 0801+ Decent signal here and observed the entire time but couldn't really hear any audio. Not a Perseus generated signal as it faded like all other stations as morning progressed. So has to be in Europe.

6259.63 R. Saxonia?? Was he here at 0857?? Got a weak signal on this freq for a short time.

7628.09 Definitely a station here 0735-0950+. Heard only nonstop Pops and Dance mx. No anmnts noted. Strong at the start and sometimes stronger than Amica.

7685.2 0942 "Bette Davis Eyes", then deep-voice M anncr repeating e-mail addr over and over ( and ended w/ID "You are listening to...". Just couldn't copy.

Hope you guys can help.

Posted: Sun Mar 07, 2010 20:21 pm
by Ray Lalleu

just under 5800 : carrier all the morning, no audio (except SSB transmissions on the channel)

around 6259.8 kHz : very weak signal, maybe with audio at 9.45

Sorry, didn't try the others.


Posted: Sun Mar 07, 2010 20:29 pm
by Caroline
Hi Dave,

here near Czech-Polish-German border I could receive this morning also
the UNID station on about 6259kcs at 09.29hrs UTC with SINPO 34333,
but I don´t know which station it was, sorry!

I hope, someone else can help us!!

Best wishes to you,


Posted: Sun Mar 07, 2010 20:46 pm
by Dave Valko
I listened to my recording but didn't get any audio on 6259.64. However, I suspect it was R. Saxonia. That seems to be their freq.

7685.2 is Polaris R. ID at s/off "You are listening to Polaris R."

Thanks for your continued help guys!!