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Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2008 00:10 am
by Andy Richards
I think that the AM bands at this moment have a great wealth of really good Pirate radio stations.One of the best is WMR,with broadcasts every week,mainly with good signals and with superb programmes.

So why are Jock & Stan not praising their efforts?

I suspect it is something to do with the past,but they are just not honest enough to tell the truth.

If someone posts on this forum to say they don't like something,then fair enough,it is open to fair debate.

But to play the stupid "Mind games" these guys are playing is just crazy.

My response to the trolls;

Well,well,well..............we have some SERIOUS Trolls here.

One "might" be in Scotland,another "might" be in China!Yeah right!Jock,either you are suffering some mental delusion and imagining the streets of Glasgow to be Beijing or you are even
really are there!!

I don't care who you are or what you are supposed to have done in the past.(Some involvement with WMR)

None of it matters.This is the present.All ex-Pirates are just listeners now,
we listen to the new "Kids on the block".

Posting in the way you guys have you show a "distaste" for WMR.

You still haven't told us why.

Witness your "Love in" of hate;


there has been no contact from jack to say what happened ,a lot of things could have happened ,not paying bills,may be the wmr studio was even broken into and all his gear stolen, maybe scottish new year was too much for him and blabbed to someone and the authorities raided him,so jack please update us asap....


I'm surprised that Jack hasn't posted in this thread to elucidate.Let's hope that that's not because he's unable to do so due to incarceration!


Hello Jock, I have heard a few rumours regarding wmr ,the most plosible(sic) is that the wmr mother got sick of all his gear cluttering up places and threw it in the burn at the back,as i said before this is unconfirmed ,so please jack tell us what is going on before things get out of hand and i think they are starting to go that way


It wouldn't surprise me if the WMR mother,the mother of all mothers,had chucked the transmitting gear into the burn!


I do not think jack has the flu, but he maybe fuu (scottish for drunk)

let us know asap jack....please we dont want to see a real station go off like so many others have done in the past.


Stan,even Jack,who can "take a bucket",couldn't manage to be "fuu" for such a long time following New Year's Day.
But his passion for talking in contrast to his lack of posting in here is worrying.(He himself would be the first to admit talking is his favourite pastime).That's why his lack of response to this thread makes me think he's "lying low",just like a fox being hunted,on account of something bad that has recently happened at WMR!
But I could be way off the mark!I just don't know.

All this false concern is transparent.You fool nobody with your stupidity.

As for the "Fellow Alfa Lima Member"(If he is not a figment of Jock's imagination) who didn't dare to post this message under
his own name on the Alfa Lima Board;

"Hi alec,
that richards is a prick, he knows fuck all about wmr, and fuck all about free radio i think you should do one of your very atriculate repies(sic) to him , saying e is a big headed english twat ect and it proves how thick he is by not knowing who jock wilson is ,you could mention that you have been into fradio before he was born and what does he call wmr successfull for and why....."

from a fellow alfa lima member.(Jock's words).

Yes.Come on Jock!Give that big headed ignorant Andy Richards(Who knows "fuck all about free radio") one of your articulate

And by the way,NOBODY posting on this forum was into free radio before I was born.............I'm far too old for that!!!

Jock say's he won't post any more in this thread.I would hope for an "atriculate repie"(sic) at least!!!!

Any other "Trolls" want to have a go?

Bunch of ignorant arseholes!!

I leave you with "The fellow Alfa Lima Member's" thought;

and what does he call wmr successfull for and why....." (He means me)

???????????????? - WMR - not successful & why??????????What a madman!!!!!!!!!!

Goodbye lunatics!!!!

Hoping for a response from Jack soon...........getting bored with the loonies.

Andy Richards.

Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2008 22:27 pm
by Tom
Hello friends in FR. For a Dutchman I can't understand all that English or dialect, but one thing is for shure, in my opinion is WMR a good station, and as a pirate for a long time I understand the answers of Andy Richards.
I don't understand that rumours of other 'colleagues'.

I hope Jack is coming back soon, whatever happens!!

Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2008 23:46 pm
by Johnno
Jock,NOTHING bad happened at WMR. NOTHING,NILL,NADA. Comprend?
Stan,you should know better than to stir it up! The only reason Jack has not responded is because there is nothing to respond to..
The website went down last week and ,to the best of my knowedge ,it will be back very soon.
WMR will be on air as usual this weekend and into the future on 6400 kHz.

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2008 02:04 am
by Jock Wilson
It will indeed be very good news if WMR comes back,for the sake of free radio.And I for one would never endanger WMR(although I could do so) despite the way Jack has treated me and treats many of his friends,ie gossipping behind people's backs,which results in trouble for him later.
A word of advice for the blabbermouth Jack:try to become a "mensch".

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2008 23:40 pm
by ukdxer
WMR back on the air as normal on 6400 tonight...and they have a new website.

All seems to be bit of a storm in a teacup!

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2008 05:14 am
by Jock Wilson
UK D'xer,
Maybe you think it's a "storm in a teacup".But I fear others who have posted in this thread may not agree with you.
When I say that,I'm referring to Jack,via Johnno, as well as to Stan,the "stirrer" according to Johnno.
It's obvious from Stan's postings that he doesn't think much of WMR's programs.Fair enough,he's entitled to his views,or is the UK no longer a FREE country?
But what really makes me angry is the BIGGEST shitstirrer of the lot,namely Jack,via Johnno,daring to criticise Stan for "stirring it".
Jack,the shit that has afflicted you recently and has angered you,has resulted from your continual backstabbing.It's no less than you deserve.It's high time it stopped!
Having put the record straight,might I enquire if anyone knows if WMR will continue with transmissions on the 76 metre band?

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2008 09:11 am
by Box73
Hi, hi, it seems that after fighting the Dutch some UK stations/listeners found another victim... :twisted:

Why not leave things as they come and go ?

If WMR does not broadcast, OK. If they do, even better.
And if the website is up or not. So what ?

Just tune your receiver and see/hear what's happening. :shock:

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2008 11:18 am
by Jock Wilson
Dear Boomi,
Looking at your avatar and trying to figure out the reason(or reasons) behind your "high power " usename,I'm totally unsure as to why you have posted on here.Anyway,it seems you're Dutch.Just maybe Dutch pirates are power-drunk(in terms of rig watts/kw).

Anyway,as an ex-pirate who is residing way beyond WMR's normal listening range,I'm still interested in what's going on "back home" as regards free radio,especially WMR,which is Scottish,as am I.So I wouldn't think it's a "crime" to enquire about 76 metres regarding WMR,especially when I,the Radio Stella Int'l op,was one of the fore-runners to use that band in the free radio world (indeed before WMR)!If the website isn't up,it MIGHT mean that there has been a problem.When sth changes for the worse,one is ENTITLED to fear the worst,isn't one?And if the website would go,so would my listening facility!
You say that if WMR goes off forever,ok.I couldn't agree with you!There's little enough free media in the world without WMR reducing that exclusive niche by ceasing transmissions.I say so even though this thread has led me to believe that WMR is not everyone's cup of tea.But it's still a damn site better than Westsound or the many other ILR stations that are broadcasting unimpeded in the UK because of big bucks.

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2008 12:48 pm
by Johnno
OK,I'll not be posting in this thread in the future.
So why change your mind?

Jock, Jack does not speak via Johnno. Johnno speaks via Johnno...

Why do you think that WMR is not Stans cup of tea. If that were so then he would not have stated that that he hopes it does not go off air. Also, he listens to WMR regularly so must enjoy the output.

The station has not changed for the worse. If anything its stronger than ever.The website will be back very soon with a new look,if its not already. The main channel is 6400. WMR decided to use 76 as a filler. They have now decided not to continue with this. No big deal and no mystery there. It may return some day. :?: To keep things going, changes have to be made occasionly.

The issues you have concerning WMR have been answered before but you still insist there is a problem. WHY? :?:

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2008 14:23 pm
by Box73
Jock Wilson wrote:Looking at your avatar and trying to figure out the reason(or reasons) behind your "high power " usename
This has nothing to do with High-power or so.
Just look up the loggings from Axel from Cologne overhere on the Forum and things will become a bit more clear.

Concerning WMR, who am I to say what he/they should do or not.
All I know, I had some nice contacts with them in the past and they play nice music. 8)

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2008 16:09 pm
by RadioRamona
As for 76 meters if you listened to his broadcast you heard him say he had transmitter problems with his 76 meter transmitter. So thats why he was not there.

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2008 17:48 pm
by Jock Wilson
Hi All,
many thanks to all of you for updating your fellow thread readers,myself included, regarding the present situation at WMR.Much appreciated by me here in the People's Republic of China,where I can't receive WMR except by internet streaming.
As regards my statement that WMR is not Stan's cup of tea,it is based on one of Stan's sarcastic comments in this thread in the posting in which he personally attacked Andy Richards,who has come to the same conclusion as me,as evidenced by his reply to that posting.Maybe the "Stan" you're referring to is a different one from the "Stan" who has posted in this thread.Stan's quite a common forename,you know.
Bye all.

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2008 18:55 pm
by Johnno
Quote from "Stan" from the 10th post in this thread

"....please we dont want to see a real station go off like so many others have done in the past."

He was referring to WMR.

Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2008 00:13 am
by Jock Wilson
Quote from "Stan" from the 10th post in this thread

(i) "....please we dont want to see a real station go off like so many others have done in the past."

He was referring to WMR.


Quotes from "Andy Richards" from his posting of the 11th,Andy's assessment:

(ii) Posting in the way you guys have you show a "distaste" for WMR.

(iii) All this false concern is transparent.You fool nobody with your stupidity.

Can you believe (i) in the light of the statements of others that have led to Andy posting(ii) & (iii) ?Andy Richards obviously doesn't;neither do I.
I'm assuming (i) to be a piece of sarcasm from Stan as it totally contradicts all of the the negative vibes that emanate from his other statements!
I rest my case.

Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2008 23:18 pm
by Andy Richards
Apologies to all readers of this forum.

Is it me?

Or is Jock not making sense?

Sorry Jock,my English is pretty good,spoken it most of my life(Not all of it)
But I don't have any idea what you are saying!

Can anyone else translate or explain what Jock is trying to say?

Too long in China methinks..............

It's all Chinese to me!

Andy Richards.