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Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2007 22:25 pm
by achim
On such a short band with 30 Khz to use interference is always a problem. 48m band is useless for short skip at night at the moment. Might be better to arrange an additional new frequency area above 4 Mhz. I remember Spaceman using 4070 Khz some time ago and PFBS used 5295 Khz during sunspot minimum some years ago. If it will be promoted the listeners tune in.

73 achim

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2007 08:09 am
by Guest
It is sure, that signals from 76mb and 48mb complement one another, but I try to know how often occurs situation when signal from one transmitter is OK and from another is inaudible – often or only from time to time. Maybe indeed 3910 is better than 6400. It doesn’t matter.
But I am afraid that for some people problem is in WMR occupation of two frequencies every weekend for long time.
WMR does great work for UK listeners. And does it in very professional way. But from other side we all need to think for a while what happen in also two or more stations start transmit their programs simultaneously on 76mb and 48mb? I suppose every station operator want to cover wide area and attract many listeners. It concerns all: professionals from UK and amateurs from NL. I think many people can ask: “It is fairly to give rights to some frequencies for one operator and other must be crowded? All operators should be equal”. I am not able to answer this question but probably some people know already the answer, so we can observe facts of deliberate carriers. And who is the victim? Listeners. So I only try to understand this difficult situation. Maybe it could be better for everyone to choose the best, but one frequency for WMR in order to not irritate others? I don’t want to observe more carriers and hear whistles.
Many questions to considering but we need to see this problem from two sides ... Fortunately I am sure that most of pirate operators are very nice (and wise :) ) and this problem will disappear soon.

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2007 08:13 am
by Guest
achim wrote:Might be better to arrange an additional new frequency area above 4 Mhz. I remember Spaceman using 4070 Khz some time ago and PFBS used 5295 Khz during sunspot minimum some years ago. If it will be promoted the listeners tune in.
I agree - we need more space. This can resolve many our problems...

3900 / 3945 band.

Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2007 10:15 am
by rossrevenge
re the fourm about station,s going higher, 4.000 khz up.?? spaceman did use this part of the band and was heard ok.that might solve the problem of over crowd,ing. :D