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Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2006 05:04 am
by Guest
Hey Goran

Yes it was me i did it :D
Finaly after a lot of trying and brewing it workt.
It whas just one tube the el84 with an experimentel transmitter of rob007 design.
And then to think this al started because of rob007 sw chalenge
Im very very happy you heard me
many thanks for the report and the audio file you send me

I'm now working on a 2xel84 that wil deliver something in the order off 15 watts.
Lets hope that it works a bit better so they can also hear me in the netherlands :shock:

greeting and all the best to you guys out there

Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2006 17:38 pm
by Bycross Radio
Ronald, welcome to free Radio! Great to have more stations on air! I'll try and listen out for you in the UK. Best regards, Rob.

Posted: Thu Nov 23, 2006 23:23 pm
by Roger Davis
Thanks Radio Ramona for your views ref: WMRs QRM problems, it makes sense what you say about 6400khz being a well used channel and the fact most SW free radio stations could well have a XTAL for this freq, however as far as I know BRI do not have one for this channel!!! sadly I think the problems WMR are suffering from at the moment go back rather along time, its clear that some unknown station has been recording WMRs output to re-broadcast it on other channels very strange behaviour?, but recently it seems they have decided to broadcast it on the same channel as the original output, so how I see it someone is intentionally jamming WMR, lets hope this is resolved soon to allow Jack to continue with his great station without the hassles.



Posted: Fri Nov 24, 2006 00:12 am
by RadioRamona
Hi Roger.

Well here in Holland it's a standard crystal, used in PLL systems and Stereo FM coders. costs less then an Euro you can get in the most electronic stores. so if any new pirate wants to start, this frequency is the cheapest one to test your rig at. That is what we used on our transmitter to get started. ... d2eb729991

Well i hope everyone finds a spot on the meterband without disturbing other stations. And about the Fake WMR, it's a shame, there is no glory in that.