41M listeners in Europe?

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41M listeners in Europe?

Post by Guest »

I run a pirate station WHGW in Eastern US. Do any of the listeners in Europe ever try listening around 6925khz? I'm running 100W USB with Mystery/Sci-Fi shows from the 1940-1950's era.
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Post by alfred »

Yea, It seems as not many pirateers from the USA are on at the right time a lot dont even try to get a usa pirate,, I saw yesterday at frn that Under cover radio have been pxing last night on 6270 khz for ai believe to px to Europe. Have been anouncing it in this forum but these guys should anounce it a bit earlyer and than in the sw pirates group and this board. to keep the listeners waiting for them.. I know from expiriance that there are very often openings between west europe and east coast USA
alfred.zoer [ad] straatklus.nl
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I am trying,

Post by jan »

Hello WHGW at the other side of the atlantic ocean. :ahowy:
We are trying here to receive USA pirats but the conditions for reception are not so good. :verysorry:
It is allready difficult to receive or own European pirats.
The 48 meter band is some times comepletly dead, only noise at my side and at the higher frequency even worse. :down:: but it depence also on the place and time when we are listening to our radios
Someone In London or in Finland can copy you maybe perfectly while I receive nothing only noise.
Funny conditions these days. :?
But keep on trying once you or someone else will be received in Europe.

Greetings jan

Re: I am trying,

Post by Guest »

Hello there!
My friend here in Finland has heard two US-pirates many years ago around 6.95 MHz (SSB). I have never tried.

It is possible around 03 utc in the early morning in Europe (quite hard to get up, I must confess)!!! It should be midnight in East Coast at that time?

How many of them use AM and SSB? What powers?


Harri Kujala
Naantali - SW Finland
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Yes it's possible!

Post by curious george »

Hello Mike of WHGW,

It's definitely possible, as I logged 8 US stations during a 10 day period while on vacation in Hungary during the summer of 2003.

The key was to listen during local dawn (0230-0330 UTC). Pirates in USB mode were of course easier to hear than AM mode.

I'm not aware of any DXers in Europe that are dedicated to DXing US pirates. One big problem I see is that the US stations don't have a traditional time to be on the air. With the Europirates, we know that they will be on the air Sunday mornings, and sometimes on Saturday nights.

In the US, the pirates primarily target their stateside audience, and will go on the air before long skip takes over. Also, they tend to go on the air on any day, not just weekends.

That particular summer in 2003 was great, as a pirate was on almost every night.

Perhaps if those in the US could arrange a set DX time, more in Europe would be willing to wake up at the crack of dawn to listen.


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US pirates

Post by pjk »

Back in 1996 i logged a few US pirates, 12:th of may was a particulary good day when i catch 2 US pirates on 6955 USB mode. Montana Audio Relay Service and WLIS. I din't have such a good antenna at that time, only a low wire going around the house. I think the best time to listen is after 0000 UTC. Every now and then i give the 41 m a try.

Regards Peter J




Post by Guest »

Are dxers from US and in EU aware of the GREYLINE who is round our world????
There are programs who calculate this and that is the best time to listen on 41 mb from EU to US.
It seems to me that the comming 2 or 3 years we still have changes to get some good DX on the low bands.
We are still in the minimum of this cycle, so use it.

Greetings Johan Black-Bird
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Post by curious george »

Right now, the sunset terminator is over the East Coast of the USA around 2330 UTC. The sunrise terminator is over Central Europe at 0430 UTC.

The question still remains, who in Europe is willing to DX at those two times, and on what days? Perhaps if the US pirates knew they would have an audience in Europe on Friday night/Saturday morning, they would try to transmit to them.

Post by Guest »

Thank you for the replies! I think I'll post in the PX area here before we do a show and maybe we'll get some listeners on the continent. I'm going to try DxToolBox to figure out propagation.

I really like Alfred's new theme here!
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