2020 R.Spaceman 3927 44544, pop-mx, at 2255 9+15 db’s SINPO 55555, c/d 2303
1558 Vrolijke Mijnverker 6305 33333, report to R.Valencia, Dutch-mx
1810 R.Mazda 6305 33223, Dutch-mx, QSO ?
1814 UNID 6401 32121, EE ?, pirate ?
0057 UNID 1636 44232, QSO, reports
1130 R.Sombrero 6207 44444, Finnish-pop, Van Halen, AC/DC, s-9+
0948 Tower.R 6275 34333, Dutch-mx
A few stations logged this weekend. R.Spaceman made again a successful transmission, he was very strong around midnight here at my place, peaking 9 + 15 to 20 db's, crystal clear reception. Conditions super fine on the 76 m, using only a short vertical ant ( Procom BCL-1KA ) about 1 meter long 6 meter above ground, RX= ICOM IC-R8500. Why dont more stations discover this fantastic band. Also today good reception of the R.Sombrero with 9+ signal, from time to time a bit disturbed by Russian SSB + RTTY.
73 greetings Peter J
Logs from north of Sweden 26 + 27/2 2005.
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