receiver yaesu frg8800 antenna 40 meter longwire
time = UTC
7333khz 8.50h 22222 Radio Friends, from North Italy

6276khz 9.00h 45544 (NL) Tower
6295khz 9.06h 33332 (D) radio Fox or Vox
6305.4khz 9.18h 21121 Unit
6306.6khz 9.12h 22222 Unit, nonstop music
6311khz 9.18h 23332 (UK) Radio Underground ,18 ~ 20 Watt, DX show
6260khz 9.27h 23333 (NL) Antonio Music
6302.5khz 9.29h 12211 Unit, Fisher Z, U2
6267khz 9.34h 21131 (UK) Unit, splatter from Tower

6202khz 9.36h 23332 (D) RTM
6295.4khz 9.40h 32322 (NL) Unit, record Henk Wijngaard
6302.4khz 9.43h 22222 (NL) Skywire
6305khz 10.08h 32222 (NL) Vrolijke Mijnwerker, QSO
9385khz 10.12h 23322 LHH
6540khz 10.32h 12221 (B) Radio Brigitte
6385khz 10.37h 22212 LHH different program, Old recording

6300khz 10.54h 22212 (NL) Schadowman, QSO
6300khz 11.00h 12211 (NL) Blackbird, QSO
Greetings Jan
Edit 1-3-2005 : changed Radio Frank to Radio Friends north Italy and changed Unit to Skywire