hello free radio friends
early friday evening between 17.20 to 17.34 utc I listened
to a short QSO roundand catched R ZONNENSTER and
R RODE PIMPERNELL for the first time
(doing QSO with R BLAUWE VOGEL)
1 6 2 0 ZONNENSTER (NL) polka + rapportje 4433 3 / later 4444- 4
1 6 2 0 BLAUWE VOGEL (NL) polka + rapportje 3433 3
1 6 3 6 RODE PIMPERNELL (NL) polka + rapportje 4433 3
already yesterday thursday 24.02.2005 heard
1 6 3 6 ZENDER PELIKAN (NL) 17.35 polka 3444 3
keep on rockin' & fffr
mw logs 24./25.02.2005 utc northern germany
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