coorporation between shortwave-stations

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coorporation between shortwave-stations

Post by Guest »

Hello free radio collegues :

I would like the read your comments about this :

95 % of the activity on 48 metres is normally on sunday-mornings. The area between 6200 and 6400 is filled with radio-stations, and there usually is ( a lot ) of interference.
A few months ago lots of pirates already talked about interferences, and JoJo ( Orion ) started a e-mail service, in which pirates could tell their collegues which time they wanted to make their program and on what frequency.
I must confess I have not posted my programs every time to the Orion-server, but I am not on that much ( which is really no excuse I admit !).

However I was thinking : Would it be possible to get some kind of coorporation between the operators of the pirate stations, in which several stations could share a frequency from let's say 06.00 U.T.C. till 18.00 or something like that, and in which the listeners could continue listening to the pirate-programs all day ?
Nothing like level-48 in the past, but all stations would keep their own identity, and would play their programs for 1 or 2 hours on a certain day, then switch of and tell the listeners that another collegue is coming on, and than another station would follow up etc..
In our area in Holland lots of FM-pirates work like this, and, by doing so, the listeners are very happy because they can simply tune in the one frequency and listen to free radio all-day.
This means that the air is filled with free radio, everybody coorporates so there is much less interference, not only the big ones get attention but also the operators using low power, you get more listeners and reactions, and you are always sure that your program is appreciated.
I know that this would take some calling between stations, and I am not thinking of 40 stations using one frequency, but by doing this with maybe one or two frequencies, there is more space for the dx-ing and talking pirates, and the pirates who want to present a program, are sure that the program is being heard.
Also I am aware of the fact that at some part of the day there are much more listeners than on another part of the day, but I think by doing so, the shortwave would be much more interesting for 'the normal' listeners.
As it is now, the frequencies are crowded the whole morning, and after 13.00 U.T.C. you only hear Laser on 4 frequencies ( I do not know why that is, but..... ).
I would like to read your comments on this.

Kind regards,
Magic AM.
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Post by alfred »

First, that laser is on 48 mb on two frequency's is something i dont respect. I guess their thinkin is, if one is jammed we still have the other. but cant cope with this kind of thinking. Using frequencys with a few mhz between them i can reason with as you have a totaly other scip.

about making a schedule for some certain stations on the same frequency is also something i could not be handeling as a dxer.

Sometimes i would like to reach far places and other continets. this is asking for activety at a certain time, also sometimes i would like to do more europe . that i would be switching in some later.
now that i am not so into piracy due the well known reasons it is not realy my isue, but i can imagine that there are a lot thinking just as i am doing. But,, I dont know. thats why it is so nice they call this a discussion board ;) Greetings Alfred
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Post by Andy Richards »

The problem is the one that Alfred has raised.One of freedom and indepenence.
Pirate operators,by their nature,are free spirits.They want to operate how they want,where they want,for whatever reason.
This feeling is stronger amongst some operators and not so much with others.
What you will find is that some operators will be very enthusiastic for your idea and some not interested.
This does NOT mean that it is a bad idea.In fact,I believe it is a very good idea.Just not for everyone.
From a listeners point of view it is very good too.
My opinion?For what it is worth.Go for it.See what you can do.If it works,great.If not,at least you tried.

Andy Richards.


Post by Guest »

Okay, Andy and Alfred, thanks for your reply.
I certainly do understand your opinions, and agree with them.
However I would like to make listening to shortwave more interesting for the 'normal' listeners....not that dx-ers are not normal people, but, for example when I have visitors here which are not pirates, they hate it when I have my receiver on and stations are jamming each other. Therefor I explained that on FM there is, at least in this area of Holland, some more coorporation.
The above mentioned idea does not mean that everybody should do this every week, but what I see as a very regular listener, and a not so much active station, is that now everybody is doing his own thing at one time of the sunday, and the rest of the day the 48 mb is almost empty.
Ofcourse you can not think of FM and Shortwave as the same kind of band, because on shortwave there is more propagation etc...
I also know that it is difficult to get free people to work together, but this can work on fm.....perhaps it is worth giving it a thought and a try ?
Also I agree totally with Alfred about Laser.....I like pirate-radio very much, but putting 5 transmitters in the air with only one program, and even 2 in the middle of the 48 mb, that is really crap.
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not bad

Post by alfred »

That sometimes a station is jammed. its the risk of shortwave, could happen, But sometimes i wonder if they did take a listen to the frequency. i did it also a few times, jamming an other without me knowing it, but as soon as reaction came in that i was jamming an other station that was there already i take a run to an other frequency, Thats why the chatroom ( ) is so handy, and the sw pirates msn list. You know very fast if a certain frequencie is free , also in other country'ds. maybe that would solve this problen aswel a bit, that for those who can communicate a bit more by the chatroom and msn
the 100 % watter thight situation is that almost all the pirates login the chat or msn and ask if a there is a nice free frequency.. that works also bvery great for me. But,, still, i guess there will be a few that just say, what the hell, i dont care
alfred.zoer [ad]

Post by Guest »

The idea is not bad Magic-Am, but on the other hand it is not legal what we are doing.
What i mean is that i don't like it to announce a week or some days before who is on for a while on with freq.
The idea that also our people from Telecom find out that we do this is much eassier for them to get us off the air with all the consequence.
I don't like to be raided......
And what i like about free radio is that when i like to go on air at anytime when i think it's ok i do it.
Free radio or pirate radio as it called here up in the north is going on air at my one when i like it.
For example i like to go on air early mornings, then i have time, mostly i do not hear the station on groundwaveat that time, so i do not know if a freq. is free yes or no, but when some sms are comming in that there is someone else also on that freq. i will go off air.
Also i like to play with the Grayline to see how far my signal reach into EU or outside, that grayline is always moving with time and saison so i can't see when and where i go on the air.
Maybe it would be an idea to hear more from our DXers / listeners what's going on on a freq. if it is free from jamming by commercials and other stuff.
Sometimes i think it's a clear spot, but then i hear from others there is rtty or something like that in there area.

The idea is ok, and discussion at this forum is also highly appreciated.

Greetings Johan-Black Bird.

hello Blackbird

Post by Guest »

Thanks for reply.
It is nothing I would like to anounce, these programs of several stations, I also want to continue doing this irregularly. Also I think when you would do such a thing, there is a station in the North of Holland doing a 1-2 hour show, afterwards somebody in the south does his program, then somebody from the east etc.... The raiders definately would need a very fast car, trying to raid them...hihi....
But, to give you an example : a few weeks ago the Laser-crew put 6275 also on air, and there was a station playing records on 6270 and one on 6282 and one on 6290, so you can imagine what an absolute crap this was for normal listeners.
This was all in the morningtime, and 2 hours later there was nothing on the whole 48 metreband at all, exept for Laser on god-knows-how-many-frequencies, playing and repeating tapes over and over again....
The whole idea was making it more interesting, not only for freaks but also for the normal listeners.
I know that it is almost impossible to do this with all-stations, but some kind of coorporation is definately needed ( in my opinion ).
In the 70's and 80-'s there was more coorporation, ( sometimes )better programs, and definately more listeners ( at least more listeners replying to the stations ). Have been reading some old frm´s lately, and there was a lot to do on shortwave.
I know that nowadays there is much more music, on fm, mediumwave, internet, ipod, computer etc....but thinking about making 'our' shortwave band nicer, definately is worth giving it a try I think.
Perhaps it is something which you and others could discuss at the Borderhunter/meeting during a nice beer.
I personally will not be there, sorry for that.....
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Hi all!

Post by Andy Richards »

The point is that if SW is to keep people interested then it has to be entertaining and not annoying.Few young people listen to SW as it is,we will not generate more interest when people tune in & hear stations jamming each other on the same frequency or by excessive splatter.
I think that in The Netherlands and perhaps Germany a few young people still have an interest in SW,but here in the UK it is almost none.
Word of mouth is a great advertiser & if people hear that good or exciting things are happening on SW then people might try to tune in.Pirate stations are always interesting to rebelious people,especially the young.
If we don't get younger listeners interested in SW Pirates then it will all die due to lack of interest.

Andy Richards


Post by Guest »

Thanks for reply. tried to send you a personal message, but the e-mail keeps getting back to me......
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Post by Andy Richards »

Try again.Nothing wrong with my e-mail address,but the MSN servers have had some problems the last few days.If not,try;

Andy Richards.

Hello Andy

Post by Guest »

Did sent you a reply via the radiofloss-e-mail-adress.
Did no come back yet, so hopefully you have read it.

Kind regards,


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re question

Post by JoJo »

Hello All,

Well Magic-Am I agree with you. In the Early days we did something like that on Medium wave At Christmas time. Using one freq. whole the day with 6 or 8 stations. (Don't remember anymore how much) Some different was all stations where from this area. Those days thee was no WWW of course and we didn't post any thing, just told some listeners, and it works well. We are all talking about jammer and splatter, but I guess we don't do any thing about this. At the moment the OP on air mailing system counts only 8 members and almost nobody use it. I know not every body want's to post his px on the internet So I lanched this system, but we all keep on going the way it is.

And as before the transmitter get bigger and bigger to solf these problems. I am still looking for other freq. But we all like the lower part of the 48 meter ( 6200-6250) because this freq. is in a lot (car) radios and we possible have more listeners.

I don't know what to do any more, so we can give it a try!.

(btw still not linking to :wink: )

Thanks John for reply !

Post by Guest »

I am sorry the site is not yet linking to yours, but this will be shortly. Am just a little to busy with all kinds of other personal matters.....Have some other stuff to put on the site also, which is simply laying around.
I would very much like a coorporation between sw-pirates, but, seeing the replies, there are only a few who want to give this a thought.
Pity, but I think talking to each other would be the first thing to do, in order to get less jamming, less problems and more funny programs on the air. By doing so, we all would get better respons from our listeners, and more listeners would tune in to the shortwave.

Kind regards there, and keep up the good work, it is always very appreciated here ! Also thanks to Alfa-Lima and Dr.Tim for their work for free-radio on medium-and shortwave.

The Magic-AM-Crew !
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