Logs from South-West of France - September 29 to October 1

Logs from pirates on shortwave.
Log van piraten op korte-golf. (Ned & Eng)

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Hardcore Gold Piratear
Hardcore Gold Piratear
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Location: South-West France

Logs from South-West of France - September 29 to October 1

Post by Toutatis »

Hi to all,

Stations heard this weekend:

Friday, September 29th

4910 1926 Zender Akenzo
5140 1521 Charleston Radio International
5880 1934 Radio Rock Revolution
6270 1727 Time Radio
6270 1904 Johnny Tobacco
6280 1912 Soul of England
6290 2006 Radio Parade - 2018 : end
6295 1704 Radio Ronalisa
6325 1920 Radio Deltracks
6380 1656 Skyline Radio Germany - via Radio Mexico
6931 1718 Indy Radio
6940 1856 Enterprise Radio
6960 1713 Zeppelin Radio

Saturday, September 30th

5140 0719 Charleston Radio International
5835 1729 Radio Europe ? - Ukraine
5880 0712 Radio Rock Revolution
6060 1624 Radio Casanova
6205 1640 Superclan Radio - via relay
6210 1653 King Shortwave
6265 1701 Soul of England
6275 1723 Johnny Tobacco
6290 1414 Weekend Music Radio - via relay
6931 1543 Indy Radio
7405 1714 Radio Piepzender - // 13595 kHz
7675 1945 Soul of England
12075 0724 Radio Delta International
12095 1616 Radio Delta International - 1621 : end
13595 1718 Radio Piepzender - // 7405 kHz

Sunday, October 1st

3870 1919 WMBR
3905 1925 Misti Radio - 1925 : carrier - 1929 : music + id
5140 0737 Charleston Radio International
5880 0811 Radio Rock Revolution
6020 0731 Radio Casanova
6160 0800 Skyline Radio Germany - via Shortwave Radio
6205 1630 Superclan Radio - via relay
6210 1722 King Shortwave
6245 0840 Soul of England
6260 0756 Radio Thunderbird
6265 1644 Soul of England
6270 0743 Radio Deltracks - 0751 : end
6275 0815 Radio Blackstone
6275 0928 Radio Scotland International - QSO with R. Blackstone
6275 0949 The Voice of the Netherlands - QSO with R. Blackstone and R. Scotland - 6271 kHz at 1006
6275 1650 Radio Ronalisa
6290 0751 Weekend Music Radio - via relay
6380 1539 De Wittereus
6380 1853 Radio Mexico
6931 1914 Indy Radio
6985 1714 Flux AM
7730 1015 Radio 319 - Radio Caroline archive

+ several unid stations not listed (no id = no report)

Tecsun S-2000
Elektor SDR
Grundig Satellit 2000
Yaesu FRG 7000
Grundig Yacht Boy 400
Silvercrest KH 2029
Long wire antenna
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