LOGS : 14 - 20 AUG 2017

Logs from pirates on shortwave.
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Ray Lalleu
Hardcore Gold Piratear
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LOGS : 14 - 20 AUG 2017

Post by Ray Lalleu »


It was very busy in that second half of August. There was a marathon very weak transmission on 6240 everyday, maybe relaying several German stations. Moreover, the propagation was quite strange on Sunday, so there was maybe up to 3 different stations at the same time on 6240, with most logs including only one (and no details to help checking). The IDs on 6240 included SRG, CWR, Enterhaken (and more ?).
In such an entangled situation, the IDs "from the chat" are dubious, and carefully checking all the logs, the IDs given without any source are dubious too...
Not helping that situation, several stations on the weekend were broadcasting almost nonstop music, or at least did not give IDs, or even went on frequency hopping, maybe in search for a good one. Even LHH and friend relays from Tenerife took part in that mess!

* * * * * MON. 14 AUG. 2017 * * * * *

6085,0 1640-1702* R. MI AMIGO INT, fair; pop, rock, "I got the music in me", IDs, welcome, end
3985,0 1701-1703 R. MI AMIGO INT, v.weak\noisy; welcome ID, "Same old song".

6150,0 1648-1702 R. MARABU, mx, 1658 ad in G: ...www.AmericanForces...de, ID, mx

6070,0 1651-1703 UNID via CH.292 %, "Shaft", 1656 "Israelites", mx

6220,0 1703-1705 UNID, duo tk and mx, ..democracy.. ..R.Caroline... (1828 gone)

6290,3 1705-2034 RAINBOW ?, e.weak > v.weak\much atmos; mx, tk, IDs(no copy), 1923 Walk like an Egyptian, tk in E, 1934 tk : Russia, ment' Rainbow ?, "The fool on the hill", 2023 e.weak, Walk like an Egyptian [cf CAR. RAINBOW]

6205,0 1828-2226 UNID, R. London story, mid 60's pop-rock, R.Stones, Beatles, Big L last days, 2009 tobacco ad, 2124 Caroline North, 2147 A.Franklin, Fortunes, 2205 R.London story, duo tk, R&R, etc (2306 gone)

6240,0 1840-2330 UNID, e.weak \traffic >much atmos; IDs no copy (Gemini??), rock, tk: R.Caroline, 2018 ..gmail, 2057 ..bye-bye, \bad PLC; pops, rock, 2118 www (in G or D), mx, tk, slogans, 1h loop ?, etc [ cf SKYLINE R. GERMANY %]

6234,9 1856-2036 R. WAVES INT, mx, tk, 1900 Bowie, Culture Club, strass mx, 1911 ID, etc, 2016 ID, "Le poinçonneur des Lilas", now fair-good \atmos; 2034 C&W, promo Festival de Craponne.

6325,1 1940-1946 UNID, fair\RTTY6328; "Shaft", "Hard day's night"

5870,0 1947-2146 R. MI AMIGO INT (via UNID), mx, tk (in D?), mx, 2046 Groovy kind of love, jingle, 2126 welcome ID, promo P.Vandam, 2142 J.Dutronc "Et moi et moi", DJ in F over R.Mi Amigo Int'l, contacts. (1653 already pops)

6210 U 2000-2011 UNID, \hum6209,9; "Tell me why", Johnny B.Goode, blanks, mx again.. [ cf BARRACUDA ]

6220,0 2012-2045 UNID, e.weak\hard to hear, het6222,1; mx, tk, etc... (2121 gone) [ cf RONALISA ]

6305,0 2028-2033 UNID, good; electro-pop, b.B. mx, transe. (2056 gone). [ cf MUSTANG ]

3920,0 2049-2225 UNID, fair\atmos; pops, 2206 D song. [ cf POWERLINER ]

6235,0 2102-2204 BALTIC SEA R., USB+pilot; pops, Born to be wild, 2116 ID, ZZ Top, etc, 2150 Route 66, ID+@

6377,0 2217-2335 BBR, good level, good mod; D songs, 2300 J.Cash, rock, 2324 ID as R. TRIPLE L, g's to NY

6210 u 2307-2309* UNID, mx, end ?

6220,0 2310-2331 UNID, \het6222,1; a "2-5-9" recording with A.Franklin, rock, DJ..

* * * * * TUES. 15 AUG. 2017 * * * * *

6085,0 1555-1606 R. MI AMIGO INT, good; ID, DJ, brass mx, pop-rock...

6220,0 1558-1923 LASER HOT HITS, weak\noisy,atmos; mx, tk, ..Hot Hits?, 1900 'Laser Int' (2000 gone, see 6205)

6215,15 1825-1926 UNID, v.weak\atmos +odd peak; 60's pops, islands mx, 1842 tk in Ru, "Souvenirs souvenirs" in G, 1902 www in E, "Free Radio - -" , G schlager, 1911 http://www.freeradio..., mx, 1924 promo free radio, 1926 blank

6240,0 1830-2320 UNID, v.weak\noisy,atmos; mx, tk in G, 1834 "Radio - - " in G, phone call, 1837 \het6241,8 Titanic; more mx and tk, \now hard to hear; tk in G, 1922 G song, etc, 2022 \no het, soon traffic 6240u; 2109 R. Sinda???, 2140 tk, IDs no copy, still v.weak\noisy,atmos, PLC;

6241,9v 1846-1954 R. TITANIC, fair-good peaks, drift to 6242,0; mx, tk(in D and E), IDs, "Tiger feet", rock, 1921 Hanging on the telephone, 1941 "1-2-polizei", etc (2022 gone)

6290,5 1904-1947 BLACK PANTHER, good; pops, IDs, "W coast of NL", 1914 accn, gd ev' Artem \2nd carrier; mess..

6210,0 2000-2011 UNID, e.weak\everything bad !; mx, 2011 "Bandolero" (2024 gone)

6205,0 2006-2320 LASER HOT HITS, fair-good; mx, tk, IDs

6235,0 2051-2052* BSR %, mx in USB-mode with pilot carrier.

6231,9 2052-2054* UNID, v.weak\atmos, QRM around; "You sexy thing", end

6235,0 2054-2135* BALTIC SEA R., USB+pilot; mx, IDs, accn, G song, tk, var. mx styles

* * * * * WED. 16 AUG. 2017 * * * * *

5129,85 0211-0221 UNID (via WBCQ %), v.weak\muffled; blues, R&R, C&W, tk in E and playing *with* guitar

6070,0 0857-0922 UNID (via CH.292 %), good, mx

6085,0 0900-0919 R. MI AMIGO INT, fair; welcome ID, pops, etc.. 0919 "Blue monday"

6070,0 *1700-1717 IBC, IS-ID, tk in it., ID+web, ID+@europe.com, Benvenuiti, etc.., tk, mx

6220,0 1703-2139 LASER HOT HITS, \het6222 at first; mx, IDs, 1827 Beatles, 1958 good, "Billie Jean", later fair

6268,1 1717-1829 UNID, e.weak, bassy mod, some downdrift \PLC,deep fades; mx, occ. tk
6268,0 1955-2133 UNID, v.weak \PLC; mx, 2000 "- - FM" ?, 2017 mx, IDs as "- - Radio" (2138 gone) [ cf JOY R. ]

3920,0 2058-2305 POWERLINER R., "Comme un ouragan", pops, 2116 modern Bach, 2122 ID, pops, 2305 accn

* * * * * THURS. 17 AUG. 2017 * * * * *

6070,0 0946-0957 JAMMIN OLDIES, pops, tk in G, ID (heard as 'German'..)

6070,0 1645-1729 JAMMIN OLDIES, tk in G and E, 'Superflight' (what?), mx, IDs (often heard as 'German'..)

6205,0 1647-1653 UNID, e.weak; "River Kwai" theme, gd ev' everyone, IDs "Radio Blue - - ", mx, f'/out

5870,0 1656-1700 UNID, pops, QSY to 5840 with same record
5840,0 1700-1929 UNID, "Wall street shuffle" acc. to DJ in D, pops, DJ in D, 1833 "Jérôme c'est moi", etc...

6220,0 1703-2222 LASER HOT HITS, mx, tk, IDs, 1819 Walk don't run

6240,0 1707-1727 UNID, e.weak on peaks; mx, tk, ..number(?) twenty-five.. (1826-1923 : trace)
6240,0 2038-2155 UNID, v.weak\noisy,PLC,traffic; mx, tk in E, 2126 strass mx, 2132 ID(=?), Daddy cool, Last night DJ
6240,0 2207-2213 CRAZY WAVE R., R.Stones + ID above, "The last time", IDs+@ in E+G, 2213 blank carrier

3985,0 1717-1724 R. MI AMIGO INT, weak-fair\noisy; soul, tk in D, 1720 in E, ID, Emperor Rosko, 60's synthe mx

6255,15 1842-1932 R. REPUBLICA BANANA, v.weak\PLC; Banana song and IDs+@, latino mx, los Mariachis

6395,4a 1904-1910 UNID, mx \under a mess of noise and QRM

6320,0 2025-2044 LITTLE FEAT R., v.weak\PLC; early 60's pop-rock, IDs, 2033 V.Paradis, 2041 Flashback

3920,0 2048-2223 POWERLINER R., fair\fading; "Osaka", 2055 ID, 2112 Don't fear the reaper, 2202 \QRM6215, mx, IDs

* * * * * FRI. 18 AUG. 2017 * * * * *

6240,0 1627-1728 UNID, trace-e.weak\atmos; 1646 "Waterloo", mx, tk
6240,0 1818-1855 UNID, e.weak\much atmos, v.hard to hear; mx, tk

5800,0 1632-1651 UNID, weak\noisy; pop-rock, tk in E, 1645 "number 8", mx

6085,0 1651-1702* R. MI AMIGO INT, pops, ..Emperor Rosko.., 1657 ID, I only want to be with you, 1700 welcome ID
3985,0 1700-1707 R. MI AMIGO INT, cv.weak\noisy; welcome ID, 30" behind 6085, mx, 1704 ID, mx

6220,0 1709-2003 LHH %, v.weak\atmos; mx, psiou !, 1822 jingle, mx, mx, 2003 killed by stanag right on 6320

6290,0 1710-1716 UNID, e.weak\much atmos, v.hard; mx. (1727 gone)

5870,0 1722-1726 UNID, e.weak\much atmos; mx
5870,0 1839-2049 UNID, \much atmos; pop-rock, soul, etc...2044 t, ..hotmail, mx. (2138 gone)

6315,1a 1826-2018 GOOFY ?, e.weak\jerky carrier,much atmos,v.hard; 1856 SE Europe mx, 1859 ID(not quite OK)

6950,0 1901-2125 UNID, weak\atmos; 1901 ID(=?), mx, etc, 1908 tk in it., rock, tips, g's, mx, 2031 Santana "Black magic woman", Final countdown, 2037 g's in E, mx, mx. (2140 gone) [ cf ENTERPRISE ]

6240,0 1932-2415 SKYLINE R. GERMANY, \atmos; rock, tk (Shadows bg), etc, 2058 ..Germany, 2132 Motorhead, 2148 Black Betty, 2215 movie theme, ID, etc, 2304 IDs, rock, IDs, hl, etc

6232,0 1937-1943 SKY[LINE] R. GERMANY, v.weak\much atmos; after long blank, mx, 1938 ID, rock, tk (2004 gone)

6210,0 1944-1949 UNID, \much atmos; tk (in it. ?), maybe 2 stations, v.hard. (2003 gone)

6230,1 2004-2009 UNID, e.weak\much atmos; tk: ..on SW.., W voice, voice only

6290,0 2013-2017 PANDA SW, weak\much atmos; mx, ID+@gmail, mx, tk, pops

6378,0 2018-2027* BBR %, good \sounds like SSB traffic !; ZZ Top, Sound of silence, Vodka Anushka, end

6205,0 2050-2246 LASER HOT HITS, pops, tk, 2053 ID+@, etc

6290,0 2102-2148* UNID, Jailhouse rock, 60's, "Charlie Brown", Elvis, Judy in disguise, end [ cf TRX ]

6295,3a 2106-2120 UNID, \stanag above upside; C&W, D mx, 2114 Radio (Modulum??), mx, tk, f'/down

3920,0 2127-2412 POWERLINER R., (2040 trace), pops, 2140 ID, 2221 D mx, 2405 Hendrix, "Autobahn"

6290,0 2249-2254 UNID, e.weak; mx, tk in E ..on 48mb, "Living in the past", tk, singer.

6930 u 2321-2452 UNID, e.weak\noisy,atmos; mx, mx, mx, 2436 mx and IDs?. (2455 gone)

* * * * * SAT. 19 AUG. 2017 * * * * *

6070,0 0731-0759 R. WAVES INT, fair\PLC; J.Hallyday, ID, Julien Clerc, more F songs
6070,0 0823-0825 UNID, Mamas & Papas "Dedicated to the one I love", mx

6085,0 0734-0823 R. MI AMIGO INT, v.weak; in G, R.Stones, Mungo J., Beatles, 0800 welcome ID, 0821 Elgar"Pump.."

6210,0 0735-0820 UNID, e.weak\undermod; mx, 0743 v.weak on peak [ cf KING SW ]

6205,0 0736-0825 LASER HOT HITS, v.weak; mx, 0800 ID, tk, mx (also 1040-1045 mx, tk, 1228 trace)

6240,0 0738-0819 UNID, e.weak; tk in E, mx, 0803 f'/down at noise level. [ cf SKYLINE R. GERMANY ]

7310,0 1054-1302 R. MI AMIGO INT, pops, // 6085, 1209 //, ID, 1248 //, 1300 pips, welcome ID, mx

6070,0 1211-1227 ISLE OF MUSIC %, v.weak; tk in sp., mx from Cuba

6285,0 1238-1246 UNID, trace, some mod, end

6205,0 1247-1539 LHH %, v.weak; mx

6240,0 1346-1523 UNID, trace, 1513-1520 e. weak; mx, tk, ID??, trace again [ ENTERHAKEN, ID from friend ]
6240,0 1534-1604 UNID, e.weak, mx, tk, ...dot com, mx... [ ENTERHAKEN, ID from friend ]

6150,0 1458-1503 R. MARABU, v.weak\noisy,fading; pop-rock, 1502 ID

6725 a 1525-1547 UNID, e.weak\strong Morse on 6728; mx, 1547 \ut. QRM ends kiling it. [ cf PIONEER ]

6240,0 1823-1955 UNID, weak\muffled,atmos; tk in G, anthem, tk, 1910-1955 \D QRM, hum; mx, tk
6240,05 1906-1955 UNID, \QRM with G stn, hum; D songs. (2005 gone) [ cf ARISTONA ]
6240,0 2005-2051 UNID, v.weak \atmos,traffic; tk in E, mx --- (see later)

6285,2 1831-1836* UNID, v.weak \atmos; mx, mx

6291,9 1837-1838* UNID, v.weak \atmos; mx, sudden s/off. [ cf LAGUNA ]

6310,2 1840-1852* UNID, weak-v.weak\atmos,fading; pops, tkin D, R. London??, sudden s/off

6205,0 1853-2154 UNID, fair\atmos; tk, mx, pops [ cf LHH ]

6210,3 1859-1902 UNID, weak\light mod., atmos,fading; mx, 1901 ID???, pop [ cf KING SW ]

6285,0 1926-1949 BBR %, good; mx, D "Ali baba" (cut), D songs, mx parts, euro pops. (2013 gone)

6305,0 1931-1947 QUADZILLA R., fair\atmos; ID, pop-rock, ID, skiffle, ID, 1947 Mrs Applebee

6321,0 1937-2036 R. BELLA ITALIA, v.weak\atmos; mx, retro latino, 1944 it.anthem, ID+@gmx.net, etc, 2026 SSTV's

6255 U 2007-2033 BALTIC SEA R., \deep fading? messing?; "Athletico", ID, accn, etc

6267,0 2012-2050 ARROW CLASSIC ROCK (via Mustang %), good-strong\messing?; pops, Lust for life (cut), synthe
6267,0 2148-2148* same?, mx, blank, s/off

6305,2 2030-2030* UNID, mx, end

6285 u 2036-2047 BALTIC SEA R., USB+pilot; Jungle rock, ID, Rock this town, ZZ Top

6240,0 2134-2233 UNID, v.weak\atmos,traffic; mx, IDs??(muffled), mx, duo tk in G, 2224 same as at 1823 (so maybe a 4 hour long loop), 2226 R. Angara???, tk, 2233 tk ..und Rosemarie...

* * * * * SUN. 20 AUG. 2017 * * * * *

6070,0 0713-0718 SUPERCLAN R., weak\noise(jamming?); 60's, gd m', date, ID, M+W duo tk, "Race with the devil"
6070,0 0818-0900* RNI - GOLDRAUSCH, \much noise; Under the moon of love, Showadywady, Abba, 0859 IDs

6205,0 0718-0938 UNID, e.weak\much noise; mx, tk [ cf LHH ]

6085,0 0719-0909 R. MI AMIGO INT, \much noise; rock, 0818 ID, mx, tk, 0900 welcome ID, 0909 beating

6235,0 0820-0854 R. CASANOVA, known voice, D song, Flashback, mx, 0854 brass polka. (0902 gone)

6300,1 0823-0826 UNID, e.weak\much noise; Kinks "All day..", jingle, "Baby come back", f'/out

5840,0 0829-1049 UNID, e.weak\v. noisy; "Substitute"?, tk in E, pop-rock, 0844 J.Lewie"..kitchen at the parties"[ cf 319 ]

7310,0 0900-0912 SW SERVICE, ID, news in G, pops

6875,1 0921-0932 R. EUROPE, e.weak\fading,noisy,hard; pops, 0929 ID+@ in E, mx

6305,1 1050-1055 UNID, e.weak; Kinks "All day..", mx [ cf MERLIN ]

6150,0 1055-1057 UNID, e.weak\PLC, v.hard; mx, 1057 maybe "We love the pirate stations" ??

6150,0 1410-1531 R. MARABU, 1410 badly disturbed (by DRM?). 1529 weak\PLC; mx, ID

6205,0 1412-1527 UNID, \stanag?; news, mx, tk [ cf LHH ?? CAROLINE ?? ]

6240,0 1516-1549 SKYLINE R. GERMANY, v.weak\noise; mx, tk, 1522 ID, 1532 deep fade?, back, 1538 ID \v.hard; etc

6240,0 1701-1727 UNID, e.weak\noise; mx, tk, jingles, tk-guitar bg, mx

6205,0 1702-2234 LASER HOT HITS, mx, tk, 1902 ID, FSN, pop-rock, 2006 ID, 2021 Shaft, etc

6307,1 1712-1952 GOOFY ?, e.weak\noise bursts,deep fades; mx, 1918 ID(quite not OK), mx

6320,0 1715-1721 UNID, weak\PLC; D mx [ cf JOEY ]

6240,0 1841-1944 LASER HOT HITS (fake? or stereo with CWR ?), \hum, PLC; tk in E, mx, 1903 Spirit in the sky, rock, DJ, mx, CWR ?, mx, 1933 LaserHotHits.co.uk, also gmx, 'laser' effects, rock, tk, mx
6240,0 2000-2233 CWR, \hard; ..SW, ..gmx.., mx, 2004 "Daddy cool", 2006 ID, 2008 "Last night a DJ...", mx, tk, 2028 'crazy wave radio' ?, mx, 2058 "Radar love", rock, tk, etc... (no more IDs heard). (2408 mx,tk \noise;)

6267,0 1846-1851 UNID, good-strong; C&W, dropouts or reader problem?, 1850 pop. (1911 gone) [ cf BBR % ]

6284,95 1851-1853 UNID, fair\fading; pop, "Mighty Quinn". (1912 gone)

6290,0 1853-1914 UNID, good; jazz, 50's singers, jazz

6320,0 1858-2149 UNID, fair; pops, 1955 tk+bg, g's, Quadzilla??, D song, 2038 "Leader of the pack", 2048 "Whole lotta love", 2134 instrum of "Yes sir I can boogie", 2149 "Maybe tomorrow" [ cf JOEY ]

6279 U 1945-2015 BALTIC SEA R., rock, IDs, 1948 CCR, 1951 "Route 66", etc, 2012 "Route 66" again

6260,1 1929-2055 R. DR TIM, v.weak\noisy,OLC; pops, 2034 ID+@, mx, 2055 now undermod

6950,0 2041-2047* UNID, fair\noisy(loc?); mx (from It?), few words/bg; movie mx ?, end. [ cf ENTERPRISE ]

3905,0 2059-2139 R. BORDERHUNTER, good; mx, g's to Akenzo (above), 2112 tchacs, parts, some tech problems, "We will rock you", 2157 hello Alex/Kiev, ID, drops, "I want you", ID

3920,0 2103-2140 POWERLINER INT, long beatbox free run, 2111 ID, same box, tk, ID, 2115 mx

6285,0 2118-2124 UNID, Hello Marylou, tnx, Elvis"All shook up", 50-60s pops (2133 gone)

6925,0 2238-2300a UNID, e.weak; mx, tk, 2249 instrum, 2258 mx, then lost

6935 U 2319-2347 R. FREE DO WHATEVER, C&W, allo, mx, tk, dot-com, 2327 ID (part copy, enough), mx

6930 L 2348-2402 UNID, e.weak\noisy,atmos; mx, 2351 SSTV, blank, mx, 2402 SSTV. (2405 SSTV??) [cf PEEWEE ]

6765,65 2422-2424 UNID, mx or IS, then tk.

kHz UTC1-UTC2 Station-ID, signal \QRM-QRN etc..., details

(Sometimes : UTC1,UTC2 : no intermediate check)

Tips in time order, except when linked with a "|" in the spacing line.

Letter after kHz : a=approx. (or bit of wandering), u=USB, L=LSB, v=bit of drift, V=real drift

mx=music, tk=talk, D=Dutch, E=English, G=German, F=French, it.=Italian, sp.=Spanish, rpt=report, v.=very,
e.=extremely w.=with, '=..ing, c'/d=closing down, M/W=man/woman, g'=greeting, ut=utility
ID+@=ID+e-mail address, J=jingle, PLC=PowerLineComm'(noise), \=but, %=guess, hl=hotline, accn=accordion
> =becoming/then, bb=boom-boom mx, bpm=beat per min, [ between sq. brackets : best fit ID, thanks quick logs ]
Please note that c'/d is a period from a few seconds to well more than an hour before the real switch off !
"Strength" notes (from e.weak to V.strong) are rather S/N notes by ear, not S-meter levels. Most of the noise is local, but seldom identified as such.

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