LOGS : 28 MAR. - 03 APR. 2016

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Ray Lalleu
Hardcore Gold Piratear
Hardcore Gold Piratear
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LOGS : 28 MAR. - 03 APR. 2016

Post by Ray Lalleu »


Many stations on that week after Easter. A few puzzling tips :
- Central R. on Monday aft. : 'stereo' with what ?
- Paul Walker (from Alaska) relayed several times by LHH
- On Saturday, Casanova IDed as R. Mario
- Caroline Flashback was in NBFM on Saturday morning
- Premier Radio on Sunday : no other report, so ...
- R. Melodia heard on Sun. morning and aft', said to be from Kiev (and not drifting)

* * * * * MON. 28 MAR. 2016 * * * * *Easter Monday

5835,0 0724-0728 LASER HOT HITS, weak-v.weak\some splash5830; mx, W and M duo tk, ID, *not* //

4029,0 0728-0730 LASER HOT HITS, weak\traffic; pops, DJ. (*not* //)

6279,9 0732-0804* BLACK ARROW, weak>e.weak \traffic>PLC>noise; Queen of hearts, g's, ID, pop, rpt, ID, Popcorn

6399,0 0745-0756 R. GSV, weak-v.weak\occ.traffic; pops, "99 luft ballons", IDs+@, "Video killed..."

6289,8 0805-0832 NEW R. CAROLINE, v.weak; mx, IDs, also with "legal", loving awareness", g's DrTim [cf RAINBOW ]
6289,95 0923-0932 UNID, 0923 blank?, 0928 v.weak; pops, 0932 blank ?
6289,8 0957-1000 NEW R. CAROLINE, e.weak;mx, "Caroline" song, ID over that, 1000 lost

1368,0 0817-0830 MANX R., fair, clear \fading; mx, ads, 0828 ID, mx (nothing special this morning)

6305,0 0832-0956 R. TELSTAR INT, Vodka An., D song+g's to DrTim, 0851 ID, 0916 Lola, 0934 Little shoemaker(in D)

6310,0 0852-0854 UNID, v.weak; mx, This is Radio - - Int'l, mx. (0908 gone)

6239,7 0843-1038 R. WAVES INT, e.weak; ID+contacts, Yves Duteil"Prendre un enfant dans ses bras", etc
6239,7 1243-1249 R. WAVES INT, weak; rock, C&W, ID, quiet jazz, ID in E

6280,05 0849-1028 R. MERLIN INT, ID by Jimmy of GSV, pops, IDs, 1001 v.weak; Walking on sunshine, ID

6320,0 0910-1046 UNID, e.weak\PLC,noisy; tk in E about other stns, pops and tk in E, 0939 "Hello little girl", 1021 "Pirate radio", "Heart of glass", then more and more deep fades. (1200 still a trace)

6875,1 0945-0955 UNID, v.e.weak\PLC; modern jazz, tk, ID ?, mx. - - - - - - [ cf R. EUROPE ]

6270,55 1029-1042 BLACK PANTHER, e.weak; 1033 tk, 1034 ID, mx.

6399,0 1046-1052 UNID, e.weak\PLC; pops, tk, Light my fire, - - - - - - - - -[ cf GSV ]

6310,0 1205-1311* UNID, trace-v.weak\PLC; mx, tk in E, 1222 "- - - Radio", etc - - - [ cf R. CENTRAL ]

6299,85 1231-1239 DELTA R., weak\traffic; mx, JIDs, rock

6229,95 1250-1255 UNID, high mod level; D songs. - - - - - - - - - [ cf FLYING DUTCHMAN ]

6070,0 1255-1305 CHANNEL 292 %, weak\PLC; "Ring my bell", 60s pops
6070,0 1458-1500* BROADSPECTRUM, s/off in E, relays over CH292 and WBCQ
6070,0 *1500-1501 R. D-A-R-C, signing on
6070,0 1839-1856 CHANNEL 292 %, good \fades with beatings; mx, 1843 messing with mx
6070,0 *1900-1900 R. D-A-R-C, signing on in G+E. (At 2000 : only IS and QRM)
6070,0 *2001-2008 R. NORTHERN IRELAND, 2001 ID, strange rock, 2006 ID, mx
6070,0 2058-2100 CHANNEL 292 %, "No woman no cry", more mx. (2131 gone)

6329,95 1317-1335* UNID, e.weak\PLC; Do wah diddy, ID+@ (no copy), pop, 1335 ID "RMT TIME" ? [cf ORION 2000]

6310,0 1337-1354 UNID, trace - e.weak\noisy; tk, mx
6310,0 1506-1516 CHANNEL 42 ?, e.weak\atmos; mx, tk, 1514 ID as CHANNEL 42 ??
6310,0 1535-1620 CENTRAL R., stereo UNID ?, e.weak/PLC; mx, 1542 MEDLY SW ??, gmail, Rasputin, 1550 Singing in the rain (Sheila?), 1554 in stereo? : ...1328@gmail.com, merseyradio@yahoo.com("Midnight shadow" background), 1557 again ...1328@gmail.com, 1559 - - Radio Int'l, mx, 1610 'stereo' mix
6310,0 1644-1733 UNID, \traffic QRM; mx, tk, 1647 Nena "99 red balloons", tk, pips, mx, 1733 Santana?
6310,0 1828-2113 CENTRAL R., v.weak; mx, tk, IDs, good IDs at 1917, 1954(comedy), 2019 hello UKdxer, etc

6295,0 1355-2016 Z. AKENZO, fair\PLC; mainly D songs, 1520 ID, g's, 1940 g's, NE part of NL, yodl, D songs

6320,0 1501-1534 BOGUSMAN, 1502 long tk, ID
6320,0 1618-1735 GHOUL %, M+W duo tk, mx

6281,1 1526-1527 UNID, e.weak; mx, lost. - - - - - - [ cf R. DR-TIM ]

6269,95 1529-1531 UNID, blues, lost

6307,1 1558-1732 R. GOOFY, mx, 1602 bitchy(UN)ID, barkings, 1653 ID (just OK), mx, 1732 hip-hop

6875,1 1627-1635 UNID, v.weak\noisy, atmos, bad sounding; mx, tk in It. - - - - - - [ cf EUROPE ]

6396,0 1636-1642 HITMIX, ID and fqy in E, typical tk, mx

6280,05 1655-1936 R. MERLIN INT, wide passband; mx, 1657 RMI, "Camouflage", 1702 Caroline 52 years ago, etc

6220,0 1705-1721 UNID, e.weak\noisy,atmos; Loco-motion, Free electric band, tk, 1716 gd ev', D song?[cf RONALISA ]

6255 u 1722-1936 MIKE R., good; 1723 ID, mx parts, 1837, 1912 uninspiring mx, 1935 Popcorn

6262,0 1725-1731 UNID, e.weak\splash6255,PLC; mx, 1726 Big Ben intro, quiet singer

6399,0 1735-1735 UNID, v.weak\noisy; D singer. - - - - - - [ cf HITMIX ]

4029,0 1846-2303 LHH, weak > fair; 1847 ads for FSN and OEM, DJ Mike Andrews, R.Whittaker"Mammy Blue", etc

5835,0 1852-2133 LASER HOT HITS, weak\fading; mx, IDs, 2133 J.Hendrix

6964,9 1859-2309 QBC / QBC INT, e.-v.weak \noisy,occ.RTTY,OTH bursts; mx, short IDs

6236,45 1902-1912 R. UNDERGROUND, \stanag6238; hip-hop, 1-2-1-2 (known voice), 1911 tronic sounds

6480,0 1923-2024 UNID, e.weak\stanag6478; greek/oriental mx, some tk at 2033

* * * * * TUES. 29 MAR. 2016 * * * * *

6070,0 0619-0920 CHANNEL 292 %, weak; pops, \0621 QRM tk' in E (Canada?)
6070,0 1428-1532 CHANNEL 292 %, weak-fairfading,PLC; pops
6070,0 1642-1652 ARR, AUTHENTIC ROCK R., fair-good; rock, ID+@, tk in G, rock
6070,0 1833-1836 CHANNEL 292 %,, "Fernando", more pops. (1849 under R. Vatican)

5835,0 0624-0735 LASER HOT HITS, \RTTY 5833,2 then QRM 5830; mx, DJ 7 years on LHH

4029,0 0631-0632 LASER HOT HITS, fair\fading,noisy; tk about 6285, ID+@, mx (*not* // )

6230,05 1419-1425* UNID, weak-fair\PLC; 60s pops, Janis Joplin, end

6220,0 1539-1603 HITMIX, e.weak\bad PLC; mx, tk, Mink DeVille?, 1601 ID (not quite OK), then usual IS

6310,1 1545-1605* UNID, v.weak\PLC; D brass-yodl, "Barracuda", 1604 c'/d, tnx Marco [ cf ZWARTE RUITER ]

6320,05 1606-1608 UNID, mx, singer in E. (1611 gone) - - - - - - - - - [ cf VOTN ]

6325,05 1611-1614* UNID, blank, 1612'30" hip-hop, 1614 end - - - - - - - - - [ cf VOTN ]

6321,5 1836-1847 UNID, v.weak; mx, QRM? (1-2-3 above), 1843 \blank 6321,4 wobbling, QRM ?

6305,0 1841-1852 R. PYTHON, alt. pop, 1848 Bzn"Mon amour", 1851 ID in E, mx

6289,9 1844-1846 NORTON, song in G, song in D?, ID for c'/d (1848 gone)

6210 u 2052-2101 UNID, weak\PLC; only songs in It. (2107 gone)

5835,0 2055-2135 LASER HOT HITS, weak-fair, clear; Steely Dan "Do it again", ID+@, Caroline 319, etc

4029,0 2101-2225 LASER HOT HITS, mx, 2220 ID+@, tk, "Rewind" : back to 1992, etc

6964,9 2103-2214 QBC, e.weak\noisy, occ.var.ut.; mx, short IDs

6290,1 2110-2113 UNID, e.weak, drift to 6289,9; mx, song in G?, 2113 f'/out

* * * * * WED. 30 MAR. 2016 * * * * *

5085,0 0225-0240 WTWW, weak\fading; ID, ad for CR1a (rx) with coupon, Kinks, more pops, IDs

5835,0 0624-0725 PAUL WALKER, weak\RTTY 5833; ID,POB in Alaska, Wooly Bully, What a night

6230,0 1246-1251 R. CASANOVA, weak-v.weak; D mx, G's to marco, known voice, 1250 ID, D mx parts

6070,0 1252-1305 R. CHANNEL 292, pop-rock, 1300 ID-ad for relays
6070,0 1433-1719 CH. 292 %, 1433 50 ways to leave your lover, 1559 "C'est la vie", etc rock-pop-folk
6070,0 1851-1851 R. D-A-R-C, under stronger R. Vatican.

6005,0 1253-1300* R. MI AMIGO INT, rock, tk in G about R.Nordsee, ID, "Tiger feet", end

6280,05 1430-2107* R. MERLIN INT, fair>good; pops, IDs, pops from the 60s

6230,0 1445-1448 UNID, e.weak; trad. jazz, tk in G, mx, lost. - - - - - - [ cf PANDA ]

6224,95 1449-1456* Voice of NL, v.weak \bad audio,overmod.; tk over mx, tiki, 1455 ID.

6229,95 1504-1520 UNID, mx, blank, Dylan?, tk over mx, bpm - - - - - - - - - [ cf VOTN ]

6324,0 1516-1720 HITMIX, mx, 1517 ID, 1550 Papa um mow mow, 1720 ID+@. (Also 1828,1845 end?)

6295,0 1534-1624* R. TELSTAR INT, fair-good\fading; OK Marco, var. pops, 1557 ID, 1618 techno, then end

6254,8 1537-1554 UNID, weak-v.weak; Soul man, blues, No woman no cry. - - - [ cf BATAVIA ]
6254,8 1611-1626* UNID, Riders on the storm, tk: Caroline, Monique, "Venus"(reprise), 1625 c'/d

6219,8 1606-1825 R. CAROLINE INT, e.-v.weak\fading,noisy; mx, IDs, JIDs

6289,9 1618-1620 UNID, weak\QRM6295; D songs. - - - - - - (1625 gone) - - - - - - [ cf NORTON ]

6005,0 1700-1727 R. MI AMIGO INT, IDs,pops,tk in G, 1701 Mungo J."Summertime", (1705 // 3985 weak)

4029,0 1834-2155 LASER HOT HITS, fair\fading,noisy; ID, DJ, rock, ID+web site, mx

6964,7v 1834-2155 QBC, drift to 6265,0, e.weak\v.noisy; mx, 2101 faint ID

6310,0 2033-2054 UNID, v.weak\occ.fade, noisy; rock, pop, Romeo &Juliet, Wind of change, etc

* * * * * THURS. 31 MAR. 2016 * * * * *

5835,0 0624-0749 LASER HOT HITS, v.weak\QRM5800; mx, tk, ann' 1476 and 4026, 0633 JIDs

4029,0 0634-0714 PAUL WALKER's Classic experience, fair\fading,atmos; (other relays via WRMI, WBCQ and CH.292, POB in Gallena, Alaska), A.Franklin"Natural woman", "Barbaran", "Stand by me", story: KIYU-AM, "Eleanor Rigby"

6220,0 1338-1345 UNID, e.weak; mx. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [ cf UNID ]

6070,0 1540,1712 CH.292 %, 1540 folk singer (Don McLean ?), 1712 "Romeo & Juliet"

6260,0 1715-1716* UNID, mx, end. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [ cf WEGPIRAAT ]

6396,0 1717-1723 R. GSV, weak-fair\fading,noisy; mx, 1721 ID+@ by Jimmy, bye-bye, Doors"Light my fire"

6964,8 1724-2215 QBC, e.weak\noisy, often hard to hear, drift to 6964,9; mx, short IDs.

6400,0 1835-1845 S. HITMIX, weak-v.weak\fading,noise...; g's to Franco, ID, "Tina Tina" song, D mx

6305,0 1845-1852 RADIO 42, weak-fair\fading,noise; mx, IDs, Fox on the run, Polnareff instrum, "Tu t'en vas"

5835,0 1856-1910 LASER HOT HITS, fair\fading; ID, ads:FSN,OEM, Monkees, rock, tk, JID

6210 u 1939-2035 UNID, fair-good; it. pops, 1949 messing, more pops, it. jazzy mx, Batman theme [cf BARRACUDA ]

* * * * * FRI. 01 APR. 2016 * * * * *

6070,0 0720-0856 CHANNEL 292, good; pops, soul, islands' mx, 0736 ID (Also 1017, 1025 ID, 1137, 1553, 1837-QRM)

5835,0 0724-0727 LASER HOT HITS, v.weak+peaks; mx, IDs, ann' 4026, 1494 MW

4029,0 0727-0732* LHH %, v.weak\loc.noise; mx, tk, mx, sudden s/off

6304,7 1140-1152 R. MARABU %, v.>e.weak\PLC ; mx, tk in G

6304,8 1535-2048 R. MARABU, fair-good, to 6304,7; mx, rock, IDs, tk in G. (2120 trace only)

6220,0 1535-1544 R. FLYING DUTCHMAN, pops, D song, ID, Rocking all over the world, allo-een-twee..

6322,0 1658-1719 NMD, weak\noisy; mx, R&R, pops, 1717 good ID (spelled Nov. Mike Delta), "Maggie's farm"

6295,0 1705-1836 HITMIX %, e.weak; "Marina Marina", 1720 typ. tk, 1817 accn, 1821 breton-like mx

6282,0 1709-1721 R. PYTHON, mx, g's in E, 1714 ID, pops

6330,0 1716-1726 BBR %, good; D song, retro D song, etc, 1725 messing

6964,9 1831-2204 QBC, e.weak\noise; mx, short IDs, better at 2200 longer ID

5835,0 1840-2125 LHH %, PAUL WALKER, 1840-1955 mx, 2123 Paul Walker "Classic Experience", POB in Alaska

4029,0 2009-2127 LASER HOT HITS, fair-good; mx, tk by W+M, IDs, 2014 Dylan, 2127 Dave Simpson

6300,0 2029-2215 TRX, weak\QRM Marabu; C&W, 2033 row of IDs, C&W, 2114 good; songs by B.Bardot, 2205 e.weak

6290,05 2041-2110 UNID, weak-v.weak\noisy,traffic6292u; Dragonslayer, pops, 2110 end? [ cf FLYING D.MAN ]

* * * * * SAT. 02 APR. 2016 * * * * *

6304,7 0710-2038 R. MARABU, 0906 fair-good\mushy carrier; non-stop mx, slow drift to 6304,95 at 1300 then back to 6304,7 at 1745. 1444 first ID heard, phone call, mx, 2037 IDs, tk in G. (2138 trace only)

6205,1 0712,0904 UNID, mx on 6205a, under a stronger carrier on 6205,1 \hum; - - -[ cf KING SW ]

6070,0 0714,0848 LASER 558, 0714 mx, 0846 ID, 'laser' sounds, Supremes

6005,0 0848-0947 MI AMIGO INT %, weak-fair \PLC; pop-rock, tk in G. (after 0900: // 9560)
9560,0 0901,0946 MI AMIGO INT %, 0901 e.weak\almost swamped; // 6005; 0946 good; pops

9510,0 0853-0900* R. CITY, good +strong peak\nonetheless noisy! ; pops, tk (known voice)

6875,1 0910-1034 UNID, weak\noisy,PLC; mx, pops, some tk at 1010. - - - - - - [ cf EUROPE ]

6234,9 0948-0953* UNID, e.weak; JM.Jarre, c'/d, "station - - -", bye-bye, dot-com, D mx... [ cf RONALISA ]

6294,95 1013-1021* UNID, e.weak\stanag,PLC; mx+tk, "Spirit in the sky", tk. - - - [ cf WHISKY-TANGO ]

6270 A 1038-1047 UNID, v.bad mod (better in FM), 6260-6280 wide; Heart of gold, tk in E(no copy). [cf FLASHBACK ]

6230,0 1257-1305 R. MARIO, weak\loc.noise; mx, voice of Casanova?, IDs as Mario Int'l, 1304 c'/d

6260,5 1306-1452 CAROLINE FLASHBACK, fair-good\loc.noise, down to 6260,4; mx, rock, ID
6260,4 1606-2119 CAROLINE FLASHBACK, down to 6260,3 at 1717, back; pops, tkin E, 1909 ID, 2023 ID+@, Stones

7265,0 1313-1319 HLR %, in AM-USB; programme in sp., M+w tk, mx from S.E. Europe

6301,5 1323-1346 UNID, e.weak \drift to 6301,7; mx, 1330 Nena "99...", 1345 tk(muffled) [cf NACHTRIJDER ]

6295,0 1348-1348 UNID, weak\loc.noise; mx. - - - - - -[ cf JOEY ]

6285,0 1403-1406* UNID, mx, end. - - - - - - - - - [ cf PIONEER ]

6300,8 1413-1441 UNID, v.weak \QRM upperside; mx, IDs no copy, 1440 tk on 6300,9 (1446 gone) [cf NACHTRIJDER ]

6210,0 1436-1437 UNID, e.weak; tk,mx, lost. - - - - - - [ cf AC-DC ]

6295,0 1456-1502* UNID, (after warm up on 6290), mx, at 1500 QRM from stronger stn (beatings), 1502 pip, QSY
6285,0 1502-1503* UNID, mx - - - - - - - - - [ cf PIONEER ]
6285,0 1506-1617 UNID, mx, folk, rock - - - - - - - - - [ cf PIONEER ]
6285,0 1705-1717 UNID, D mx, C&W - - - - - - - - - [ cf PIONEER ]
6285,0 1744,1902 UNID, mx, 1858-1902 parts of tronic mx and pops - - - - - - [ cf PIONEER ]

6295,0 *1500-1709* UNID, fair; var. mx parts, 1619 mushy carrier; 1704 break, 1707 back, messing, off [ cf JOEY ]

6318,75 1529-1849 R. CAROLINE INT, weak-v.weak\fading,noisy; mx, tk IDs not quite OK, 1627 JID quite clear

6380,0 1533-1546 UNID, e.weak\hard; pops, 1536 H.of the Rising Sun, 1546 soul from the 60s

6965,0 1552-2321 QBC, e.weak\noisy,var.ut; mx, short IDs

6854,7 1601-1604 UNID, e.weak, mx, (shouting over: jamming ?) (trace alr.1548, still at 1641)

6485,0 1630-1658 UNID, e.weak\noisy; mx, 1649 I only want to be with you, then I&T.Turner, 60s mx

6210,0 1722-1737 UNID, v.weak\beatings; pops, 1730 accn+tk in D, ID(no copy), ..reakties.., 1737 D song [ cf KBC ]

6215,0 1738-1740 UNID, parts of hip-hop mx

6238,0 1740,1914 SLUWE VOS R., fair-good; 1740 mx, tnx rpt, ID. 1911 R&R in D, tk, mx

6400,05 1746,1843 WEEKEND MUSIC R., 1746 pop. 1838 fair+peaks, rock, ID, ment' GSV, excerpt from Westside R.

6295,7 1853-1858 R. UNDERGROUND, good; mx, tk, ID+@+hl, looking for what to say

6268,0 1903-1908* UNID, v.weak; mx, sudden s/off.

6225,1 1915-2137 R. SUNFLOWER, "Mony Mony", pops, 1954 Baker Street, 2006 ID, 2113 Major Tom, 2137 end?

6212,0 1919-2010 FELIX, weak-v.weak; Blue monday, mx, 1940..low power, 1956 ID, Beach Boys, 2010 ID

6215,0 1925-1955 UNID, mx, 1930 KUNG FU R. ??, mx, 1944 MP Radio ??, reggae. (1958 gone)

6239,9 1948-2200 R. MAZDA, Crunchy granola, tk in D+E, Camouflage, 2016 ZZ Top, 2115 "..back to Arizona", 2134 ID

6285,0 2028-2030 R. FLYING DUTCHMAN, mx, g's, ID, "Year of the cat"

6294,95 2030-2037 RADIO 42, Sandie Shaw"Always sth...', 2036 ID in D, accn

6375,0 2039-2058* ANTHONY ? R., e.weak\fading; mx, 2057 canned ID+@gmail, name not OK

6740,0 2102-2153 UNID, mx, 2104 Baker Street, mx, mx. (2157 trace ?) - - - [ cf KEY CHANNEL ]

6285,0 2120-2122 UNID, mx, "Maybe tomorrow"

4029,0 2123-2205 LASER HOT HITS, fair-good; mx, 2126 ad: OEM, 2202 tk by W, ID, rock

5835,0 2142-2152 LASER HOT HITS, v.-e.weak; mx, "Laser", mx, tk

* * * * * SUN. 03 APR. 2016 * * * * *

6070,0 0700-0724 SUPERCLAN, 0721 Heart of gold, ID, Jimmy Max
6070,0 0818-0859 GOLDRAUSCH, fair-good\some noise; mx, 0821 JID, mx, tk in G, song in G
6070,0 0900,0941 R. D-A-R-C, strong; s/on, 0941 tk in G

6005,0 0724-0901 R. MI AMIGO INT, pops, 0726 IDs, tk in D, G.Benson, 0802 not // ??,..golden era.., 0805 //
9560,0 0801-1008 R. MI AMIGO INT, good; 0801 Paul Newman, not // ?, 0805 // 6005, 1008 // 7310
7310,0 1009-1009 R. MI AMIGO INT, fair\fading; pop, // 9560

6205,1 0731,0758 UNID, v.weak stn with mx, under stronger carrier \beatings; [ cf KING SW ]

6260,5 0732-1158 R. CAROLINE FLASBACK, v.weak; mx, 0759 ID, 0856 Mi Amigo story, 0937 CCR, 1158 on 6260,3
6260,2 1554-2018 R. CAROLINE FLASBACK, e.weak at first; 1638 Ticket to ride, 1906 ID1932 Wooly Bully, etc

6295,0 0737-0810 MIKE R., good; ID+@, g's, Crunchy granola, ID, messing, Abba, 0810 weak-fair\PLC; pop

6304,7 0741-1201 R. MARABU, e.weak\deep fades; mx, tk in G, 0826 blues
6304,9 1630-1637 R. MARABU, \QRM 6305,1, hard; mx, 1637 ID, no QRM now

6964,9 0748-0755 QBC %, e.weak; mx, but f'/out

6318,75 0811-0828 UNID, e.weak\PLC; mx. - - - - - - - - - [ cf GOOFY ]

6250,5 0938-1021 NORTH POLE INT, e.weak\noisy; D mx, IDs (at last, not Norton), 1019 c'/d

6185,0 0941,1013 UNID, v.weak\fading,noisy; 0941 Hotel California, 1011 mx, 1013 end ? [ cf MELODIA - Kiev ]

6300,3 0944-0952* R. RONALISA, e.weak\PLC, drift to 6300,6; mx, IDs, tk to Nightrider.
6299,7 *0952-0954 UNID, e.weak; mx, QSO ?

6396,0 1532-1535 R. GSV, v.weak\noisy; tk,ID, mx

6380,0 1536-1622* PREMIER R. INT, e.weak\noisy, v.hard; mx, 1615 Sweet dreams, pop, 1622 ID, end

6325,0 1542-1629 UNID, euro-pops, 1627 g's Aldo, Going back to Arizona, 1628 Radetski's march [ cf AKENZO ]

6285,0 1546-1552 R. MELODIA, mx, 1548 ID (in ?), "Don't worry be happy", 1552 ID, mx

6210 u 1559-1903 R. BARRAQUDA %, e.weak\noisy > fair\soso audio; Guitar man, 1901 "Barracuda" part, mx

6964,9 1608-2245 QBC, e.weak\v.noisy > v.weak\noisy; mx, 2245 ID

6305,1 1630-1636 UNID, \QRM Marabu; mx, 1636 lost - - - - - - - - -[ cf ZW. RUITER ]

6230,0 1641-1645 UNID, \QRM from far away; 140 bpm-girl singer. - - - [ cf BLACKBEARD ]

6284,4 1826-1827* UNID, mx, end. - - - [ alr. Underground ?? ]
6284,4 1903-1905 R. UNDERGROUND INT, good; mx, ID+hl, D song

6289,4 1827-1835* Z. DIGITAL, guitar tracks, Shadows, 1833 ID, g's Blueman, end

6320,0 1836-1950 R. JOEY, good\some fading; 1838 ID (also R. Ribentro ???), bpm

6310,0 1951-1951 UNID, weak; mx, end?

6282,0 1953-1956 UNID, good; D v. of Down by the river, D song. (2001 gone) - - - [ cf BBR ]

6070,0 1957-2001 FLYING CIRCUS %, good\fading; "Tina Tina" , pop

6972,95 2019-2032 R. SIN FRONTERAS INT, song in sp., ID in sp. and E, mx and radio recordings from Cuba

5835,0 2034-2042 LASER HOT HITS, weak-v.weak\noisy; pops, DJ Mike Andrews, ID+@, ann' MW 1476

4029,0 2038-2044 LASER HOT HITS, fair; pops, tk, ID

6255,0 2047-2112 UNID, e.weak-trace; tk, mx, tk

kHz UTC1-UTC2 Station-ID, signal \QRM-QRN etc..., details

(Sometimes : UTC1,UTC2 : no intermediate check)

Tips in time order, except when linked with a "|" in the spacing line.

Letter after kHz : a=approx., u=USB, L=LSB, v=bit of drift, V=real drift, w/W=drifting both ways, wandering

mx=music, tk=talk, D=Dutch, E=English, G=German, F=French, it.=Italian, sp.=Spanish, rpt=report, v.=very,
e.=extremely w.=with, '=..ing, c'/d=closing down, M/W=man/woman, g'=greeting, ut=utility, SM=summer meeting ad
ID+@=ID+e-mail address, J=jingle, PLC=PowerLineComm'(noise), \=but, %=guess, hl=hotline, accn=accordion
> =becoming/then, bb=boom-boom mx, bpm=beat per min, [ between sq. brackets : best fit ID, thanks quick logs ]
Please note that c'/d is a period from a few seconds to well more than an hour before the real switch off !
"Strength" notes (from e.weak to V.strong) are rather S/N notes by ear, not S-meter levels.

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