Lots of stations on the air, not so much time for listening. Also had to be "portable" in my own home at times.
Long checking with the logs from Achim, Terry, ULX2, Lowland, Franja, Rick, UKdxer, Iann, Toutatis, Irish Paul, Ihor, NFLdxer. Thanks to all, and also to Doctor Tim, back in my list (with a long jump from week 20 to week 52 !).
All stations IDs (just after kHz and UTC-UTC) are mine, heard on the air, except a few 'tentative' ones with a "%" after the name, % meaning a bet. The IDs only found in other logs are at ends of lines between [square brackets] and probably good at 95% or better. In the holiday season are heard more joke and fancy IDs, such as PRUTSER, SNELLE SJAAK, MEBO 2, (also Mumbo/bingo ??), etc... and a lot of seldom heard stations, just while the short skip is 'on' only on top of the very limited daylight hours, so their echo/report yield can't be very good.
* * * * * MON. 21 DEC. 2015 * * * * *
6005,0 1303-1335 R. MI AMIGO INT, fair\some noise; 60s R&B, Lion or Bruno?, 1334 JID, ID
6290,0 1456-1529 UNID, fair-good\some loc.noise; D/pop/Xmas mx, "Stand by me"+beatbox, Rixibi, Popcorn [cf PRUTSER ]
6306,0 1500-1543 R. HEI - -, v.weak; Xmas mx, "Oh Tanenbaum" in G, many IDs (+@gmx.net) no copy [cf HEINTJE ]
6300,0 1534-1550 RADIO 42, mx, ID+@, C.Jérôme, polka, Mickey Mouse polka, ID+@
6209,9 1540-1606 R. UNDERGROUND, fair; 40s jazz, US mx, 1551 ID (now 6210,0), etc (1621 gone)
6317,5 1606-1647 UNID, mx, mx, 1618 crazy guitarist, 1627 Miracle of love, more quiet mx. [idea: ROCK R. NETWORK]
6290,0 1621-1626* UNID, mx, It's a heartache, Man of action, end
6070,0 1630-1635 R. D-A-R-C, fair; in G about Xmas and road traffic, JID in E, mx
3985,0 1813-1858 R. MI AMIGO INT, e.weak\noisy; mx, rpt, ID, tk, R&B
3905,0 1901-1938* SLUWE VOS R., weak>e.weak\noisy; mx, IDs+@, some techno, 1938 "I'll be back"
4026,0 1913-2337 LASER HOT HITS, bad mod? > fair-good\deep fades; mx, tk, IDs
6985,3 1923-1951 QBC %, barely heard mx > trace
* * * * * TUES. 22 DEC. 2015 * * * * *
> strong loc.noise at 1508(dusk), tnx Xmas lights ?
6306,0 1426-1518 UNID, e.-v.weak\PLC; mx, schlager. (1508 bad loc.noise) - - - [ cf ALTREX ]
6285,0 1434-1443 UNID, e.weak\PLC; mx. (1449 gone, 1510 trace\bad loc.noise) - - - - - - [ cf HITMIX ]
6299,9 1439-1440 UNID, v.weak\PLC; mx. (1447 gone)
6288,0 1448-1505 UNID, e.weak\PLC; mx, 1503 This is R. - - Int'l, mx. - - - [ cf HITMIX ]
1602,0 1523-1532 UNID, \spanish QRM; pops, tk in D, jingle, " - - - Radio"
6985,3 1818-1821 QBC %, e.weak\noisy; mx, soon swamped.
3985,0 1823-1827 R. MI AMIGO INT, weak-fair\noisy; tk in E, Xmas program, ID
3905,0 2006-2056* SLUWE VOS, e.weak > weak; mx, g's, IDs, 2037 Cocaine, 2044 Lust for life
4026 : no signal at 2013 (maybe a trace at 2100)
* * * * * WED. 23 DEC. 2015 * * * * *
6180,0 0921-1015 UNID, good; pops, 0924 She's not there, 1001 Radar love. - - - [ cf SNELLE SJAAK ]
6290,0 1324-1332 UNID, v.weak\noisy; Kraftwerk"Radioactivity", pops, Pump up the volume, Nena? [cf TELSTAR ]
6304,85 1332-1735 R. MARABU, v.weak\noisy; tk in G, Xmas prog., mx, 1644 now good-clear; techno. (1745 trace of mx)
6285,0 1344-1351 UNID, weak\noisy; D and G songs, 1351 Beach Boys"Silence is golden". - - -[ cf TELSTAR ]
6329,9 1356-1421 trace of audio
6285,0 1403-1409 UNID, e.weak\noisy; mx, 1404 lost, 1406 back, 80s club mx, tk (no copy). [ cf PYTHON ]
6280 u 1412-1419 UNID, good-strong; mx, g's in D and E to stns (mess of names). - - - [ cf PYTHON ]
6284,9 1454-1458 FOCUS INT, e.weak\noisy; mx, tk, 'laser' effects, 1456 ID, 1458 blank(undermod??)
6325,45 1459-1503 UNID, v.weak\noisy; mx, then 1502 \undermod; - - - - - - [ cf ZWARTE PANTER ]
6286,6 1645-1735 FOCUS INT, Xmas progr. with trad. and Xmas songs, wishes, 1709 ID. (1746 trace)
3909,9 1655-1715 FOCUS INT, weak-fair\some het3912; 1655 D.Straits"Sultans..", 1659 ID, etc (not //)
6266,05 1736-1749 UNID, f' in & out; mx
6264,0 1739-1749 UNID, e.weak\het; Greek mx (or from S.E. Europe)
3910,0 2108-2116 UNID, v.hard to hear\het 3912; mx, latino mx ? - - - - - - - - -[ cf FOCUS ]
4026 : no signal at 2122
* * * * * THURS. 24 DEC. 2015 * * * * *
** 24 dec. : at times on portable Sony + - 2 kHz (telescopic antenna)
6305 0840-0926 R. MARABU, mx, X mas mx, "non stop Marabu"
6286 0843-0938 FOCUS %, good\deep fades; fancy Xmas mx from England, wishes, 0927 "London calling"
6396 0845-0923 R. GSV, v.weak; mx, ID+@, 0901 SSTV, tk
6210 0853-0930 R. MERLIN INT, weak+peaks; pop-rock, Beach Boys?, IDs, tk
6325 1034-1034 BLACK PANTHER, mx, ID
** 24 dec. : usual shack, freq. reading better than 0,05 kHz, doublet antenna
6210,4 0952-1133 R. MERLIN INT, v.weak\PLC +peaks; 0955 "You allways find me in the kitchen...", 1117 Beach B.
6304,9 0958-1132 R. MARABU, "Marabu" song(on "Stille nacht" tune), IDs, Xmas mx patchwork, tk in G
6286,5 1015-1138 FOCUS INT, ID, season's mx
6395,8 1001-1003 R. GSV %, v.weak\loc.noise; mx, "Imagine". (1014 gone)
6939,4 1005-1013 UNID, v.weak\noisy; mx, maybe Xmas mx, but almost swamped. [ cf ENTERPRISE ]
9560,0 1016-1130 R. MARABU, strong; Garry Glitter, ID, tk in G, pops, Xmas mx. (not //)
7310,0 1020-1128 R. MI AMIGO INT, good>fair; // 6005, DJ tk, mx, IDs, g's
6005,0 1021-1134 R. MI AMIGO INT, weak +peaks; // 6005, mx,
6290,0 1025-1028 UNID, e.weak\much loc.noise; mx, then swamped. - - -[ cf DEUTSCHLAND WELLE ]
6325,55 1119-1120 BLACK PANTHER %, weak\noisy; mx, D instrum mx. (1132 gone)
6286,55 1502-1733 FOCUS INT, pops, 1641 "Magic", 1728 f'/down. (1743 no signal)
6324,8 1514-1527 UNID, mx, mx, f'/down - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [ cf MEBO 2 ]
6315,0 1528-1710 COSMIC R., v.weak; mx, 1529 ID, 1633 \ut.QRM u-side; 1707 JID (not quite OK)
6324 a 1622-1622* UNID, mx, end. - - - - - - - - - - - - [ cf PYTHON ]
6384,2 1623-1629 UNID, pop medley, pops. - - -(1704 gone)
6325,05 1630-1632 UNID, \het6327; pops
6304,8 1635,1710 R. MARABU, 1635 ID. 1710 duo tk. (1727 e.weak)
6299,95 1637-1639* UNID, v.weak\splash; D mx (barrel organ), end
6254,8 1641-1717 R. RAINBOW INT, mx, IDs, g's, tk: Xmas spirit, refugees, 1647 bit of QSY, 1715 v.weak\noisy; c'/d
6210,4 1649-1717 R. MERLIN INT, e.weak \var. ut.QRM; Carribean mx, ID, pop-rock
6989,95 1655-1721 KOMINTERN %, "Slow whisky four"?, then W tk (in Ru~), etc, 1719 mx \motorboating QRM;
6395,05 1658-1704 LITTLE FEAT R., fair-good; g's to lisnrs if France, ID, jazz-50's R&R, ID, wishes
6327,25 1704-1726 UNID, mx, D song, Daddy Cool, Kids in America, tk E+D, Judy in disguise [ cf PYTHON ]
6265,0 1712-1742 UNID, D rock-pops, rock - - - - - - - - - - - - [ cf MIKE R. ]
3910,0 1743-1837 FOCUS INT, weak\noisy; mx, Xmas wishes, ID, mx
4026,0 1820-1838 LHH %, fair\loc.noise - good; mx. (Also 2322,2329 : fair-good, mx)
3985,0 1820-1838 R. MI AMIGO INT, fair-good; silly Xmas mx, tk in D, mx, 1829 hello, ID
3910,0 2323,2328 FOCUS INT %, mx, tk, mx
3905,0 2324-2349 UNID, D mx, mx, 2331 remix from "Hair" - - - - - - - - - - - - [ cf SKYLINE ]
* * * * * FRI. 25 DEC. 2015 * * * * *
** 25 dec. : at first on portable Sony + - 2 kHz (telescopic antenna)
6210 0849-0859 R. MERLIN, weak +odd peak; mx, tk, jr tk, 0854 ID, Xmas time mx
6286 0855-0903 FOCUS, mx, tk in E, R&B, ID, jingle "Do you remember"
6295 0856-0857 UNID, v.weak; tk, mx. (0903 trace). - - - - - - - - - [ cf CWR ]
6305 0857-0907 UNID, good; mx. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -[ cf MARABU ]
9560 0906-0908 R. MARABU, strong; ID in G, mx (not //)
** 25 dec., later : usual shack, freq. reading better than 0,05 kHz, doublet antenna
6304,9 1034-1034 UNID, mx; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -[ cf MARABU ]
6299,9 1036-1045 UNID, e.weak\loc.noise; mx. - - - - - -[ cf DUBBEL X ]
6293,0 1038,1044 UNID, 1038 Xmas song. 1044 was tk', 'piraten' song. - - - [ cf ABU DHABI ]
6286,5 1039-1044 FOCUS %, mx
6230,0 1040,1044 UNID, v.weak\loc?noise; 1040 "Feliz Navidad", mx. 1044 "Jingle bells" tune [ cf MONTFERLAND ]
6070,0 1041-1041 UNID, "Man of action". (1043 gone)
6005,0 1042-1127 UNID, v.weak\loc.noise; "Close to you", tk, mx, 1046 //7310, 1127 [ cf MI AMIGO INT ]
7310,0 1046,1126 UNID, v.weak; both times // 6005, pops - - - [ cf MI AMIGO INT ]
6210,05 1129-1131 UNID, tk, mx. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [ cf BOGUSMAN ]
6280,0 1801-1806 Z. VERONA ?, fair-good\2nd carrier; D mix of mx, 1803 tk in D, ID(or g's?) "Auf wiedersehen" song
6280,0 1815-1821* UNID, C&W, 1821 c'/d, ID(?) as DREW R. ONE (??), end
6286,5 1806-1815 FOCUS, fair; R&R, ID+@+hl, R&R. (1822,1846 : trace)
6304,9 1809-1813 R. MARABU, mx, tk in G, IDs
3910,0 1823-1915 FOCUS INT, ID+stream+hl, charity ad, Xmas song, pops, 1915 \het3912; (2100 trace)
3985,0 1826-1834 R. MI AMIGO INT, mx, ID, wishes, mx, JID, Xmas mx
4026,0 1828-1919 LASER HOT HITS, mx, IDs, tk, ID+@. - - - (2100 trace)
6765,0 1838-1845 UNID, IS, tk, v. quiet mx or IS ??
6295 v 1848-1910 LLR, e.weak\noisy, some drift(much less than usual), ID by music box tune, tk ID not OK.
6280,0 1902-1903 *UNID, D instrum mx, sudden s/off at 1903'40"
3904,9 2100-2105 UNID, mx (Moody Blues alike). (2114 gone) - - - - - - [ cf CUPID ]
* * * * * SAT. 26 DEC. 2015 * * * * *
** 26 dec. : at first on portable Sony + - 2 kHz (telescopic antenna)
6205 0841-0910 UNID, trace, 0910 some mx \PLC; - - - - - - - - - [ cf KING SW ]
6210 0841-0855 R. MERLIN INT, mx, 0854 ID
6286 0842-0859 FOCUS %, tk with kid, "Jingle bombs" (war version of Jingle bells), rock
6380 0844-0848 UNID, e.weak\PLC; mx. - - - - - - - - - - - - [ cf UNIVERSE ]
** 26 dec. later : usual shack, freq. reading better than 0,05 kHz, doublet antenna
6379,9 0904-0907 R. UNIVERSE, C&W, ID noted as "R. JENIFER(?)"
6210,4 0911-1102 R. MERLIN %, mx, tk
6286,5 0912-1017 FOCUS INT, Xmas wishes with kid, ID, mx
6304,9 day long blank carrier (instead of R.Marabu)
6379,9 0920,1019 Radio Mumbo(??) @hotmail.com (ou Bingo??, not Universe alike)
6295,0 0900-1107 Z. VERONA, weak; mx, IDs, g's, D songs
6395,85 0903-0924 R. GSV, IDs, SSTV, pops
6395,85 1020,1106 UNID, e.weak\PLC; rock, mx. - - - - - - - - - - - - [ cf WMR ]
6005,0 0924-1023 R. MI AMIGO, v.weak\PLC; mx, afew seconds late after // 9560, 1023 ID
9560,0 0925-1107 R. MI AMIGO, fair-good; // 6005, 1021 rock, 1107 "Sultans of swing"
9510,0 0926-0926 UNID, pop-rock. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [ cf R. CITY ]
6246,3 1014-1102 only a trace here \PLC, stanag; - - - - - - - - - [ cf STUDIO RENALDO ]
6255,0 1015-1108 UNID, v.weak\PLC,stanag; E humour about Kwai river?, tk and mx - - - [ cf GHOUL ]
6250,6 1056-1110 UNID, v.weak\PLC,stanag > v.hard to hear; mx, Xmas mx - - - [ cf NORTH POLE ]
6240,2 1057-1102 RWI %, weak-fair\PLC; pop song, 1058 jammed (strong moving carrier)
6240,0 1110-1112 RWI %, mx, 1112 tk in E, mx
6199,95 1103-1103 UNID, weak\PLC; Xmas mx. (Also 1440-1442, mx, tk). - - - [cf BORDERHUNTER ]
6239,9v 1436-1504 UNID, v.weak\PLC; mx, 1438 ID" - - -Int'l", etc. - - - - - - [ cf RWI ]
6240,0 1601-1605 UNID, \stanag on L-side; tk: www..., mx
6210,4 1439-1613 R. MERLIN, mx, IDs, 1612 "Because the night".
6260,0 1449-1501 UNID, fair-good; pops, 1501 "American woman" - - - - - - - - - [ cf UNID ]
6281,1 1457-1459 UNID, mx, ID (no copy) @gmx.net - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [ cf BZN ]
6292,0 1509-1527 UNID, good; mx, blanks, 1516 movie sounds ?, 1525 a few words. [ cf BANDITO NEGRO ?]
6286,5 1519-1735 FOCUS INT, weak; R&R, ID, 1559,1616 already e.weak, 1735 weak; ID+@, charity ad
6975 L 1530-1541 BALTIC SEA R., v.weak\v.noisy,mod. problem, no bass tones; R&R, IDs with seagull noise
6400,0 1545-1550 R. BLACKBEARD, v.weak\noisy; pops, IDs, hl, said "on SW and MW"
6384,3 1551-1556 UNID, mx, IDs no copy "from Holland", c'/d, g's to Xat - - - - - -[ cf WITTE REUS ]
3910,0 1611,1736 UNID, 1611 e.weak; mx. 1736 weak-fair \het; mx - - - - - - - - -[ cf FOCUS ]
6317,5 1617-1630 UNID, weak>fair; pop-rock, folk. - - - - - - - - - - - - [ cf ROCK R. NETWORK ]
4026,0 1737,2142 LHH %, 1737 tk, "We can work it out" (reprise?). 2142 trace
3904,95 2141-2142 R. STATION ALICE, good; D mx, ID in E
* * * * * SUN. 27 DEC. 2015 * * * * *
** 27 dec. : at first on portable Sony + - 2 kHz (telescopic antenna)
6210 0757-0915 R. MERLIN INT %, mx, tk, hl, 0912 "Black magic woman", "Because the night"
4026 0758-0853 LHH, strong; mx, tk, "Laser"
6305 0807 and later, strong carrier again
6005 0759-0901 R. MI AMIGO INT, ID, annt for Leon Keezer show, 0800 welcome..., pops, 0900 ID, pop
6286 0806-0809 FOCUS %, f'/on, pops, tk
6205 0811-0812 UNID, long announcement, no copy except "kilohertz" - - - - - - - - - [ cf KING SW ]
** 27 dec., later : usual shack, freq. reading better than 0,05 kHz, doublet antenna
7265,0 0854-0857 R. GLORIA INT, in AM-USB, weak; mx, ID
9560,0 0859-0942 R. MI AMIGO INT, good; 0859 Kall IS, pips, *0900 Welcome, 20" late on //6005, 0931 Bruno, g's, ID
9299,9 0902-0930 FRS HOLLAND, fair\fading; mx, IDs, 0907 "Effort"
7699,9 0902-0909 FRS HOLLAND, weak-fair\PLC, mx, //9300, 0908 "happy new year". (0930 swamped)
9485,0 0905-0906 R. GLORIA INT, fair; ID in E+G, mx
6205,3 0910-0920 UNID, \mod. problem?, QRM6210,ut.QRM,PLC; mx. - - - - - -[ cf KING SW ]
6170,0 0916-0936 MIKE R., fair\noisy; accn, ID, mx, g's
6095,0 0918-1003 KBC, 0918 Turn turn turn, 0934 KBC ad in D, Wolfman Jack, 1000 Ca plane pour moi
6070,0 0918-0920 UNID, mx, tk (voice not very clear) - - - - - - - - -[ cf SUPERCLAN ]
6210,4 0921-1009 R. MERLIN INT, ID, mx, tk, 0937 "Stuck in the middle with you"
6240,0 0922-0927 UNID, v.weak\stanag L-side, fades under PLC2 blocks; mx, tk in E. - - - [ cf RWI ]
6265,0 0927-1007 UNID, v.weak; "The day the music died", pops. - - - - - - [ cf DIGITAL ]
6286,5 0938-1007 FOCUS INT, IDs+@, ad for charity, mx
7310,0 1009-1009 UNID, W singer in E. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [ cf GLORIA ]
6395,0 1734-2001 LASER HOT HITS, weak+peaks; mx, IDs, FSN, 1750 ann' 6395, 1758 good ID+@ at last
6286,5 1739-2156 FOCUS INT, mx, IDs, 2003 "Imagine", 2153 Eddie Floyd"Knock on wood", ID
6210,0 1742-1847 UNID, strong \QRM underneath; D mx, accn - - - - - - - - - [ cf TECH MAN ]
6209,9 1742-1847 UNID, under 6210,0 with b.b. mx (in a loop?), 1847 b.b. version of "Hava nagila" [cf BARRAQUDA ]
3910,0 1759-1840 FOCUS %, NOT // (or time shifted?), mx, 1800 ad for charity, mx, 1840 \het3912;
3910,0 2005,2145 FOCUS INT, \het; mx, 2006 ID, "Living in the past", 2145 v.weak
3985,0 1801,1841 UNID, songs in G ?
4026,0 1841-2205 LHH %, mx, 2146 v.weak, "We can work it out" (just like yesterday, small crowd in studio), Xmas mx
6295,0 1845-1850 UNID, \2nd carrier; D or G songs with accn. (2000 trace) [ cf VERONA ? \QRM Refl.Eur. ]
6305,0 2136-2136 UNID, \OTH bursts; undermod. mx, 2nd station or splash??. (2143 gone)
6290,05 2156-2218 UNID, e.weak at bests times \splash from 6286; mx
kHz UTC1-UTC2 Station-ID, signal \QRM-QRN etc..., details
(Sometimes : UTC1,UTC2 : no intermediate check)
Tips in time order, except when linked with a "|" in the spacing line.
Letter after kHz : a=approx., u=USB, L=LSB, v=bit of drift, V=real drift, w/W=drifting both ways, wandering
mx=music, tk=talk, D=Dutch, E=English, G=German, F=French, it.=Italian, sp.=Spanish, rpt=report, v.=very,
e.=extremely w.=with, '=..ing, c'/d=closing down, M/W=man/woman, g'=greeting, ut=utility, SM=summer meeting ad
ID+@=ID+e-mail address, J=jingle, PLC=PowerLineComm'(noise), \=but, %=guess, hl=hotline, accn=accordion
> =becoming/then, bb=boom-boom mx, bpm=beat per min, [ between sq. brackets : best fit ID, thanks quick logs ]
Please note that c'/d is a period from a few seconds to well more than an hour before the real switch off !
"Strength" notes (from e.weak to V.strong) are rather S/N notes by ear, not S-meter levels.
LOGS : 21 - 27 DEC. 2015
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- Hardcore Gold Piratear
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