Still low activity on week days and many stations on Saturday-Sunday, uneasy to untangle the Dutch crowd. Also a very good week for DXing N.American pirates, sometimes early around 2100.
* * * * * MON. 26 JAN. 2015 * * * * *
6070,0 0745-0750 CHANNEL 292 %, strong \other station underneath; "Radar love"
6095,0 1034-1040 TRANSPORT R., v.weak\fading,noisy; 1040 ID
6295,0 1618-1707 HITMIX, v.weak\PLC > weak\bad PLC,splash; D songs, IDs, permanent c'/d, Demis Roussos ?
6240,0 1620-1624 UNID, v.weak\spur from Iran6175; mx. - - - - - - - - -[ cf EXPERIENCE ]
6287,0 1633-1644* UNID, good\PLC; D waltz tracks, accn, D "Marilou", 1644'50"*. [ cf BLACK BANDIT % ]
6205,0 1638-1645 UNID, techno, bpm, pop, "Bang bang". (1659 gone) - - - [ cf EXPERIENCE ]
6287,0 1650-2136 R. EXPERIENCE, fair > strong; bpm medley (including "Hava naguila" speed trapped at 180 bpm !), more techno mx and "drums", 1804 ID in E+D, ann' "Wunderbach", g's, 2037 Peter Gunn, IDs, mx, g's
6220,0 1659-1819 MAVERICK ?, e.weak\PLC,traffic 6218u; mx, tk (hard to copy), 1715 allo .. OK.., "I got you babe", 1719 Go your own way (?), 1733 "I got you babe" again and again, 1738 gd ev' to Alexander, www (radio maverick?)- - .nl (no copy at that time), 1749 mid 60s pops, 1757 Fox on the run, 1811 Station Maverick (?), .. part of NL, CCR, c'/d, now f'/down. (Later: blank or trace on 6219,9 till 1929*)
4026,0 1917-2138 LASER HOT HITS, strong\fading,Morse, ut,occ.traffic4020u ; mx, funky, pops, 2010 ID+@, tk
6300,0 1940-1950 ENTERPRISE R., \bad PLC; I want to break free, pops 1948 ID *under* the music ! (1952 gone)
6940,0 1954-1957 ENTERPRISE R., rock, 70s pops, no ID, 1957'45" sudden QSY to 6300
6300,0 1959-2021 ENTERPRISE R., fair>good \PLC; same record going on, 2002 ID+@, mx, IDs, 2012 B.Springsteen
6940,0 2042-2133 ENTERPRISE R., mx, IDs+@, R.Stones "Start me up", Final coutdown, etc
6949,8v 2347-2402 UNID, v.weak \fading, drift to 6950,2; blues, 2354 the Doors, a few words, then f'/out. [ cf WOLVERINE R., reported on HFU site at 0027 to 0051 UTC (2015-01-27 UTC), on 6950 with 'storm' theme ]
* * * * * TUES. 27 JAN. 2015 * * * * *
6070,0 0748,1412 CHANNEL 292 %, 0748 strong\fadong; mx. 1412-1416 weak-fair\loc.noise; "The day the music died"
6290,0 1418-1508 UNID, trace > e.weak\PLC; mx, 1443 www - - .de, 1457 polkas, brass mx. (1544 gone) ( cf HITMIX ]
6210,1 1420,1440 trace, \PLC, not sure if any modulation.
6989,9 1426-1455 R. KOMINTERN %, e.weak \ut.noise at times; rap, harsh tk in russian, 1447 "no passaran" in rap, then song in sp. ? \ut. bursts on 6958; 1455 patrriotic song ? (1502 gone)
6263,5 1545-1554 OZNRH %, vibraphone jazz, ut.(?) crossing the channel, tk(no copy), more jazz. (1625 gone)
6385,0 1630-1649* UNID, fair-good\ut.noise6380; mx, 1640 Hang on Sloopy, 1649 QSY to 6320 (same mx) ?
6294,9 1636-1646* UNID, weak-fair\fading; D songs, 1645 ole !, 1646 ID+info@ - -.nl, in D, no copy [ cf TOP ]
6320,0 1650-1725a LITTLE FEAT R., ex-6320? same mx, blank, "Save the last dance for me", 1711 ID+@, Call me
6295,0 1830-1831* UNID, tk, J.M.Jarre mx, end.
6295,1 1832-1833 UNID, tk in D, ment' Sallandse Boer, bye-bye
6294,9 *1833-1843* UNID, strong, blank, 1834 D instrum mx, singer in E (...), bit of updrift, Camouflage
6219,9 1839-1846 UNID, blank or very undermod, 1843 bit of mx
4026,0 1849-2104 LASER HOT HITS, strong \fading, RTTY4020;mx, IDs, tk : Atlantic 252, pops. 2202 \ut.noise 4024
6295,2 1921-1930* BLACK BANDIT %, strong,clear; "Silence is golden"part, messing with C&W or D mx.
6246,2 2054-2240 UNID, e.weak\mill burst; mx, tk after each record, 2235 ..on free radio.., 2238 jingle: Music!, no way to get it better (2252 gone). [ cf CHANNEL Z, reported at 2150-2249* on HFU site ]
6924,7 2104-2146* PIRATE R. BOSTON, e.weak \traffic6925L, fading; Psycho killer, 2105 ID, pops, tk, 2142 ID+gmail
* * * * * WED. 28 JAN. 2015 * * * * *
6070,0 0738,0847 CHANNEL 292 %, good-strong; 0738: "My Lady d'Arbanville", 0847: pop
7265,0 0850,1311 HLR %, 0850: fair\fading; jazz and song in G. 1311: v.weak\fading; tk: Ricardo Muti
6305,1 1314-1752 R. MERLIN INT, e.weak>weak\loc. noise; light jazz, D(?) instrum, 1317 ID, 1320 Walk don't run, ID, Veronica jingle, medley, 1342 ID, offshore story: Laser 558, ann' 6280, more Laser 558 story, 1508 "challenge the law", offshore stories, 1555 H.California, later rock, Highway to hell, but \strong ut.QRM. (1814 gone)
6660 L 1328-1338 UNID, hammer mx with hammering overmod! then still bad mod, even tape wow!
6263,5 1513-1602 OZNRH %, trace > e.weak\sticky PLC; mx, 1529 ..short wave.., 1559 light jazz, tk, end ?
6710 L 1537-1551 UNID, bits of mx and blanks, sounds like a bad contact, on:off every few seconds
6300,0 1749-1751* UNID, \ut.6303a,PLC; mx, allo-test-een-twe, rock, s/off at 1751'30"
6300,0 1757-1812 UNID, \badPLC; mx, instrum, "Angie", polka, QSY to 6297 [cf BLAUWE PANTER ]
6297,0 1812-1814 UNID, ex-6300, D mx. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [cf BLAUWE PANTER ]
6235,9 1815-1820 UNID, e.weak\PLC; mx
4026,0 1916-1921 LHH %, fair\fading,RTTY4020; mx, g's. (At 2049: only a trace).
* * * * * THURS. 29 JAN. 2015 * * * * *
6070,0 0745-1020 R. CHANNEL 292, good\noisy(ut?), QRM(Canada?); pop-rock, 1015 ID, D or G song
6070,0 1425-1438 CHANNEL 292 %, weak \scratching ut.QRM; folk, pops
6304,9 1413-1442 UNID, e.weak\noise on U-side; mx, "- - Radio", Man of action, D? pop, Tutti fruti, 1426 JM.Jarre, "- - Radio", gd aft', transe mx, 1437 it. style song, tehn D mx. (1458 gone) - - - ( cf R. ROSETTA ? ]
6989,9 1429-1458 R. KOMINTERN %, v.weak > weak; rap by M in russian, Govorit ..., W voice, rap, tk, rap in sp.
6305,1 1837-1923* R. MERLIN INT, fair \badPLC,stanag bursts; pops, tk by W, ID, etc, 1922 ad Dr Tim news
4026,0 1842-2342 LASER HOT HITS, strong\noisy, carrier(?) QRM; mx, tk, 1849 Cat Stevens "I'm gonna get me a gun", N. Sinatra"These boots..", 1853 ID+Internet. 2002 good \Morse? on 4026 just a few Hz away; mx, IDs, etc
* * * ** * FRI. 30 JAN. 2015 * * * * *
6305,0 0801-0802* UNID, v.weak; C&W (J.Cash ?), end
6304,9 0953-1003 UNID(s), e.weak \PLC, hum from 6305,0 at times(or the reverse?), tk, 0957 Scatman (no hum), 0959 JM.Jarre, and hum on/off/on... 1003 instrum mx (all gone at 1003'45")
6209,5 1004-1006 v.-e.weak; rock, 1006 "OK..", mx, 1006'30" lost - - - - - - [ cf STUDIO 64 ]
6305,05 1007-1012 UNID, v.weak \PLC; Speedy Gonzalez, D instrum mx. - - - - - - [ cf RONNIE AM ]
6285,0 1343-1427 UNID, v.weak \loc.noise; mx, reggae, "I heard it..", 1402 tk (in D?), .. kHz, mx. (1433 gone)
6310,0 1400-1401 UNID, e.weak; tk, quickly lost.
6295,05 1409-1421 UNID, e.>v.weak \noisy; mx, 1414 It's raining men, JM.Jarre, g's, .. NL.. (1433 gone) [cf RONALISA]
6325,1 1428-1527 UNID, e.>v.weak\loc.noise; mx, a few words, mx, 1520 operetta ?, some D song. [cf OLDTIMER ]
6240,0 1434-1438 UNID, e.weak\loc.noise; mx - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [ cf ZWARTE PANTER ]
6238,4 1449-1516 UNID, e.weak\loc.noise; D mx. Drifting to 6238,1 - - - [ cf ZWARTE PANTER ]
6209,0 1438-1448 UNID, e.>v.weak\loc.noise; mx, tk in D, ID(=?), kHz, kcs, ..Dr Tim.., "Listen music" pop [cf EXP ]
6290,1 1453-1530 UNID, 60s mx (guitars, Shadows, instrum..), 1527 Crunchy granola, 1530 tiki. [ cf ODYNN ]
6305,0 1455-1455 UNID, e.weak \swamped; mx (1504 gone)
6290,1 1905-1905 UNID, mx. (1910 gone)
6746,9 1921-1922 UNID, weak\PLC; mx, polka: Mickey Mouse. - - - - - - [ cf PIONEER ]
4026,0 1923-2341 LASER HOT HITS, strong \fading; 2023 Born to be wild, ID+@, DJ, 2127 Doors.
3905,0 1923-2234 SKYLINE INT R., good-strong; 1923 g's, instrum mx, 1958 Still loving you, 2128, 2130 IDs, "Venus", Comment ça va, 2217 ment' Armadillo, "Ring my bell".
6263,5 2006-2009 OZNRH %, e.weak \PLC, hard to hear; some mx.
6289,9 2027-2035 UNID, e.weak \sticky PLC! ; mx, 2035 tk ?, mx
6950,0 2043-2107 UNID, good \overmodulated > e.weak; pops, 2059 Blue moon - - -[ cf ENTERPRISE ]
3930,0 2200-2232* R. BATAVIA, v.weak\bad ut.QRM; euro-mx, 2208 ID+contacts, tk, mx, 2214 ID, California dreaming
* * * * * SAT. 31 JAN. 2015 * * * * *
6205,0 0808-0901 UNID, weak-v.weak\some atmos > e.weak\PLC; mx, 0811 two words, jingle(no copy), mx [cf KING]
6070,0 0812-0952 R. MI AMIGO, strong\fading; 1963 news in G, JID, 0904 Lady Marmelade
6070,0 1513,1624 UNID, 1513 soul mx. 1624 mx, somewhat squeezed. (1702 strong China in ru)
7265,0 0817-0823 HLR %, in AM-USB; M+W in G tk about "eisenbahn museum"
6190,0 0902-,0952 HLR %, in AM-USB, weak\QRM6195; M tk in G. 0952 mx
6095,0 0905-0950 KBC, strong; Rosko with "Global coast-to-coast", latino mx, C&W, rock...
6095,0 1511-1513 KBC, v.strong; pops in "R&R Saturday" show.
6305,1 0950-0955 UNID, weak\PLC; mx: pop-opera ?, instrum mx. - - - [ cf MERLIN ]
6306,05 1333-1341 UNID, v.weak\PLC; mx, instrum(synthe).. (1342, 1351 trace, 1354 gone)
6300,1 1336-1355 UNID, e.weak \PLC,ut.noise; mx, 1339 tk, mx, mx, f'/down [ cf ZW. PANTER ]
6285,05 1341-1707 BOGUSMAN, weak-fair\fading; ID in mailbox programme, mx, tk, 1615 M.Faithfull?, tk, ID
6210,0 1344-1346 UNID, accn +excited singer, 2 words (Joey ??), some D song.
6265,7 1407-1420 UNID, trace-e.weak peaks\PLC; tk over mx, ..all Europe .. nobody .., QSY [cf SRG ]
6265,2 1421-1533 UNID, e.weak\PLC; mx, tk, 1522 same tk, + SW music.. in the NL.. 1527 tk+guitars [cf SRG ]
6320,0 1424-1458 UNID, e.weak\PLC; synthe mx, bb bridges, 1429 short break, 1456 Knock on wood (1501 gone)
6320,0 1516-1517 UNID, e.weak\PLC; instrum mx, then synthe berk (
6382,9 1433-1501 NMD R., v.weak\PLC; pops, 60s pops, 1434 ID+@, 1500 \Morse 6384, het (QSO break?)
6382,9 1628-1334* UNID, in D, tkover mx, ment' stns (incl' NMD), "modulatie", Doors, s/off at 16.34'33" [ cf NMD ]
6802,8 1439-1654 UNID, v.weak\PLC; D mx, pops, 1453 Rain & tears, 1643 Hey Jude in accn medley. [cf PINK P.]
6989,9 1445-1450 R. KOMINTERN %, v.weak; raps in ru. and sp.
6305,05 1501-1509 UNID, accn playing jazz - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -[ cf BLAUWEPANTER ]
6065,0 1514-1713 R. NORD REVIVAL %, fair-good\fading; 78 rpm, 1622 C&W, 1659 in sw., AM-LSB mode?
3950,0 1713-1713 R. NORD REVIVAL %, v. weak, //6065 with Ronnie show in E
6327,0 1533-1540 UNID, fair+peaks\ut.underneath; R&R, 50s mx, accn-waltz, blanks. [ cf BLACK BANDIT ]
6263,5 1542,1553 OZNRH %, trace, faint mx at 1553
6239,95 1543-1552 UNID, DX bulletin with SW pirates logs - - - [ cf HOBART via CUPID ]
6305,0 1554-1615 UNID, v.weak\PLC; Dragonslayer, 1612 instrum mx [ cf JOEY ]
6325,0 1613-1615 UNID, strong, mx, theater with noises, retro 78rpm singer. [ cf ABU DHABI, BABY SITTER ]
6255,5 1617-1707 R. TANGO ITALIA, weak; Hymne à la joie, IDs, tango
6255,5 2259-2417* R. TANGO ITALIA, stronger, tango, 2414 c'/d with Marconi, Morse, Hymne à la joie...
6325,1 1627-1705 UNID, 1627 muffled mx, 1657 mx, 1705 tronic mx
6400,0 1635-1642 UNID, fair-good; mx, hip-hop, pops. - - - [ cf MONTFERLAND ]
6383,0 1639-1642 R. ZEEWOLF in QSO, tech. rpt for Baken 16, NMD, Sallandse Boer
6384,0 1708-1708* SALLANDSE BOER, same QSO, bye-bye
6950,0 1646-1654 ENTERPRISE R., fair \fading,hush noise, some atmos, so-so audio; mx, 1653 ID
6320,0 1654-1705* UNID, strong\bit PLC; accn, old C&W, D song... - - - - - -[ cf ABU DHABI ]
6305 a 1709-1713 R. UNDERGROUND INT, good; mx, g's, 1712 ID
4026,0 2157-2237 LHH, good\fading; (alr.1717) 2209 tk about BBC R1, R2 and FM, 2234 ID, rpt, FSN, OEM
3905,0 2158-2241 UNID, strong \odd fades; anorak, pops, club, 160 bpm. 2214 tk, more fiesta mx. Also 2432. [cf ALICE]
3939,9 2200-2202 UNID, mx, tk: ..w.e. fo us on the 48 mb.. 6265 kcs.., mx. - - - [ cf CUPID ]
3932,0 2215-2225 UNID, e.weak, v. hard to hear, mx.
6305,0 2242-2325* UNID, e.weak\fades > fair+peaks \bad fading; blues, R&B. - - - [ cf TRX ]
6264,9 2253-2520 CUPID R., e.weak\PLC > fair\bad fading; pops, tk, IDs+@, 2359 You really got me
6240,0 2300-2518 UNID, e.weak\PLC; mx, IDs(no copy), studio .. gmail, fiesta, 2429 Shocking Blue [cf PREMIER ]
6285,1 2327-2330 UNID, e.weak; mx
6290,1 2336-2338 UNID, mx, some C&W (2349 gone)
6925,1 2343-2348 UNID, traces of mx, \stronger traffic 6925L
6245,0 2355-2416* BLACK BANDIT(ex), easy; mx, tk (known voice), 2404 ..humpy dumpy.., 2413 g's, fancy ID
6925 u 2522-2531 WOLVERINE R., fair-good \some atmos; mx, ID, unknown mx.
* * * * * SUN. 01 FEB. 2015 * * * * *
6290,2 0804-0818 R. LOWLAND, fair\fading,noisy; IDs, g's, polka, anorak, mx (0823 gone)
6204,9 0807-0849* UNID, weak\fading,PLC,some atmos; mx, 0825 some "Witch Doctor" unknown. [ cf KING SW ]
6150,0 0812,0901 EUROPA 24, 0812 mx, 0902 weak-v.weak\noisy; ID, news in G
6070,0 0814-0815 CH. 292 %, strong\weak stn QRM; Happy Jack, I can see for miles. [ cf COOL AM ]
6070,0 0905-0910 CH. 292 %, fair +peaks \bit QRM; C&W, In the ghetto?, tk in G, ann' CCR. [ cf GOLDRAUSCH ]
6070,0 1129-1132 BLUESTAR R., in D+E+G, known hl 0031..., " - - Radio', g's, D song
6070,0 1351-1354 8 RADIO, weak\PLC; mx, ID, via Channel 292, mx
6285,0 0850-1124 LASER HOT HITS, fair > e.weak\loc.noise; 0850 ID, mx, mx..
6285,0 1418-2435 LASER HOT HITS, e.weak > 1620 good\PLC,het; 1704 ID, 1720 fair, 2131 e.weak
6250,0 0854-0911 R. AC-DC, fair\fading; pop-rock, 0858 Rawhide, ID+@, g's, rock, Highway to hell
6095,0 0903-0905 TRUCKER R., v.strong; rock, JID, mx
6950,0 0911-0914 UNID (Italy), v.weak\fading,noisy,traffic6955U in E; mx, tk in it., mx
7265,0 0917-0924 MVBR, in AM-USB, fair\much fading,noisy; rock, tk in G, mx, ID in E, jingle, rock
6304,9 0928-1027 UNID, e. weak mx, then trace, trace of audio. - - - [ cf KANIBAAL ]
6260,0 0935-1033 R. CASANOVA, week-fair; synthe, 0949 ID, 1002 "Goldfinger",1033 D mx [comb./QSO N.POLE ? ]
6240,05 0937-1002 PREMIER R. INT, e.weak\noisy L-side; FR DX progr.(Hobart ?, incl' R. Ice Cream), 0946 ID
6209,8 0957-1005 UNID, trace-e.weak, 0958 tk: 48 mb(?) - - - - - - - - - [ cf LAGUNA ]
6290,0 1001,1031 UNID, trace (with audio ??). - - - - - - - - - [ cf QUADZILLA ]
6255,0 1037-1044 R. NORA, R. NORTH POLE, R. CASANOVA, said ex-6260, 6255 more clear, R. Nora for R.North Pole, Wir sind die casanovas, 1040 R. Casanova, g's, 1042 Casanova ID and OK N.Pole, "Casanova" song again
6246,7v 1044-1128* "PIRATE R. SPECIAL", week\loc.noise + odd fair peak, drift to 6247,0; clips from European SW pirates, also American pirates (incl' R. Ice Cream). - - - [ cf R. HOBART, via CUPID R. ]
6290,0 1122-1124* UNID, v.weak, Bzn ?, tk, c'/d, mx, end - - - [ cf MONTFERLAND ]
7620,1 1114-1514 R. WAVES INT, fair>weak \PLC; pops, tk in E (F accent), ID +BP in Rueil, C&W. Also at 1514.
6305,0 1354-1633* TELSTAR R. / R. TELSTAR INT, fair>strong \PLC; rock, R&R, g's to stns, Red River rock, IDs, 1401 "Meine kleine boutique, R&R, IDs, 1455 "Vietnam", later more D mx and instrum mx.
6380,1 1403,1456 BAKEN 16, e.weak\loc.noise, 1403 UNID, mx, tk. 1456 mx on 6308,0 Baken 16 JID, blank.
6380,0 1457-1501* UNID, v.weak\PLC; mx, tk, QSO round, low power.
6989,9 1405-1407 R. KOMINTERN %, e.weak \much noise; v.hard to hear mx.
6260,0 1418-1446 R. FOX - -, v.weak\PLC, mx, ID part copy, "Baby come back", mx, ID no copy, D mx ? [cf FOXFIRE ]
6240,0 1423-1628 UNID, v.weak\PLC; "Radio - - -" over "Pirea's Children", 1438 Staying alive", mx, mx [cf EXP ]
6401,5 1501-1810 R. JOEY, weak-v.weak\PLC; Dragonslayer, ID, Play that funky music, 1640 Popcorn, 1658 IDs, etc
6319,9 1633-1635 UNID, weak\PLC; tk, mx. (1653 gone)
6320 a 1721-1722* UNID, D song, end. - - - - - - - - - - - -[ cf PLUTO ]
6392,0 1635-1638* UNID, fair\PLC; mx. - - - - - - - - - [ cf MONTFERLAND ]
6385,0 1653-1722 LITTLE FEAT R., "All by myself" (reprise), ID+@, 1659 g's to Mirabelle in F, 1700 ID+@, mx
6207,0 1707-1714* UNID, e.weak> weak; mx, f'/up, sudden s/off - - - [ cf UNID ]
6222 u 1716-1718 UNID, \stanag 6220a; mx in USB, sudden off.
6949,9 1725-1736* LHH, e.weak\loc.noise, plus sudden f/up & down; mx, tk, quick ID, ads: FSN, OEM, sudden off
6950,0 1741-1741* UNID, mx, off.
6374,9 1744-1751* UNID, weak\PLC; Popcorn (reprise), tk, 1750 "- - - Radio, - -@ - -.nl", end.
6385,0 1745-1806 R. ABU DHABI, strong; tk, mx, g's, "Simon from Abu Dhabi", 1806 D retro singer (1810 gone)
4026,0 1820-2154 LASER HOT HITS, good\some traffic 4020u; Laser Int'l, mx,
6319,3 1858-1907* UNID, weak\bad PLC; techno, tk with reverb (or record?), 1904 Fox on the run [ cf UNID ]
6325,0 1904-1946 ALEX [WARNER] SHOW, v.weak\PLC; mx,tk, 1920 Moonlight shadow, 1927 g's to stns, 1934 "Keep on rocking in the free world", 1940 ID (part copy), Paranoid, "broadcasting from somewhere in nowhere", CCR "Proud Mary"
6305,1 1931-1939 UNID, (after blank), e.weak\PLC,noise; mx, fading down to a trace. [ cf UNDERGROUND ]
6315,0 1948-1950 UNID, e.weak\PLC,noise; mx, tk in E, mx.
6263,5 2133-2143 OZNRH %, e.<v.weak\noisy,PLC; mx, tk, - @- -.com, jazz W singer
kHz UTC1-UTC2 Station-ID, signal \QRM-QRN etc..., details
(Sometimes : UTC1,UTC2 : no intermediate check)
Tips are in time order, except when linked with a "|" in the spacing line.
mx=music, tk=talk, D=Dutch, E=English, G=German, F=French, it.=Italian, sp.=Spanish, rpt=report, v.=very,
e.=extremely w.=with, '=..ing, c'/d=closing down, M/W=man/woman, g'=greeting, ut=utility, SM=summer meeting ad
ID+@=ID+e-mail address, J=jingle, PLC=PowerLineComm'(noise), \=but, %=guess, hl=hotline, accn=accordion
> =becoming/then, bb=boom-boom mx, bpm=beat per min, [ between sq. brackets : best fit ID, thanks quick logs ]
Please note that c'/d is a period from a few seconds to well more than an hour before the real switch off !
"Strength" notes (from e.weak to V.strong) are rather S/N notes by ear, not S-meter levels.
LOGS : 26 JAN. - 01 FEB.
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- Hardcore Gold Piratear
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