That week saw the real beginning of Channel 292 with increased power, although the signal level seems always somewhat low in regard of the announced power. Also much activity on the other SW relaying services, with R. Mi Amigo (Spain) and R. Gloria Int'l trusting many hours on the air. I missed all the R. Barracuda transmissions on unusual frequencies.
* * * * * MON. 19 JAN. 2015 * * * * *
6070,0 0738-0956 CHANNEL 292 %, v.strong\beating QRM > weak-fair\PLC. mx, pops. (Also 1635 good-strong)
6209,4 0957,1021 UNID, v.>e.weak\PLC; mx, 1021 "Mighty Quinn" [ cf STUDIO 64 ]
6290,0 1622-1655* HITMIX, v.weak\strongPLC; 1623 "Viva Espa~na", 1628 tk in D+G, c'/d, ID+@, 1648-1655 mx
6150,0 1643-1702 EUROPA 24, mx, 1646 ID+news in G, 1657 Friday on my mind, 1702 ID, Stop in the name of love
4026,0 1850,2147 LASER HOT HITS, 1855 ment' Martin Scott, 2147 good\fading; mx, 2157 ID, 2205
1350,0 2210-2234 "I AM RADIO", tchac-boom mx, 2218 ID, mx, mx
* * * * * TUES. 20 JAN. 2015 * * * * *
6295,0 1608-1637* BLACK BANDIT %, strong\fading,PLC; blank, then C&W, parts of D tracks,etc (no annt)
6070,0 1643-1650 CHANNEL 292, strong\fading; pop, rock, 1648 ID. (Around 1700: China in ru.)
6299,9 1847-1856 R. NORTON, fair>good \fading; D songs, 1856 ID
4026,0 1851,2144 LASER HOT HITS, 1851: weak-fair\faing; mx. 2144-2216: good\loc.noise; 2202 ID+@, Silver machine
3905,0 2145-2217 SKYLINE R., fair+peaks; 2145 ID as Skyline Junior, mx, 2149 ID as R. Skyline, pops
* * * * * WED. 21 JAN. 2015 * * * * *
6070,0 0730,1607 CHANNEL 292 %, 0730: strong; Beatles special, 1607: good\PLC; rock
7265,0 0738-0740 HLR %, in AM-USB; World of radio (Glenn Hauser, in E)
6290,0 1608-1658 HITMIX, v.weak\PLC; D song, c'/d all along, studio1A, ID, D/G songs, pops. (1707 gone)
6209,5 1619-1633* UNID, good\fading,PLC; early 60s pops, sudden s/off [ cf STUDIO 64 ]
6746,9 1636-1651 UNID, good\fading,PLC; "Una paloma blanca" bpm!, C&W, D mx parts (1710 gone) [cf PIONEER ]
6940,1 1649-1650* UNID, mx, end.
6380,1 1652-1652* UNID, instrum. mx, cut, end.
6300,0 1655-1712* R. VERONA ?, weak-fair\bad mod problem; mx, tk, "R. - - Int'l" IDs, from NL, QSY ?
6289,9 1714-1823 R. VERONA, now good\PLC, still bad mod problem; mx, 1820 ID+@, c'/d
4026,0 1949-2030 LASER HOT HITS, good-strong; 1951 FSN, OEM ads, ID, Martin Scott, 1957 tchac-boomed "Fever"
6263,4 2110-2119 OZNRH %, e.weak\much PLC; quiet mx, 2112 tk (no copy)
* * * * * THURS. 22 JAN. 2015 * * * * *
6209,4 0758-0909 UNID, weak+peaks; 60s pops, Limbo, Reveil rock, 0901 ID+@ no copy, Yaketi yak [ cf STUDIO 64 ]
6304,9 1415,1421 trace only (1432 gone). [ cf ZWARTE NON ]
6290,0 1419-1502 HITMIX %, trace > e.weak, sounds like Hitmix, D mx, tk(no copy)
3905,0 1956,2116 R. ALICE, 1956: weak\atmos; yodl, retro. 2116-2123* strong; pops, IDs, c'/d
4025,9 2125-2155 LASER HOT HITS, good+peaks \fading; pop-rock, IDs, ann' 4026 and 1476 (old programme)
* * * ** * FRI. 23 JAN. 2015 * * * * *
6209,5 0925-0936* UNID, e.weak\bllzzard-like ut. noise; 60s pops
6295,0 1443-1557 R. PYTHON, weak\noisy,PLC; mx, 1447 ID, 1541 g's, 1557 ID, c'/d. (1608 gone)
6306,1 1444-1446 UNID, v.-e.weak, mx. (1453 gone). [ cf TRANSATLANTIC BROADCAST ]
6285,1 1453-1520* R. NORA, v.weak\noisy, later\PLC; rock, g's, IDs, 1509 Jethro Tull, 1512 Little red rooster
6284,8 *1520-1524* UNID, v.weak\PLC; tk to Nora, ment' Pluto. [ cf BLACK ARROW ]
6285,1 *1524-1529* R. NORA, instrum mx, tk in D, ment' Black Arrow, ID and end.
5940,0 1530-1635 UNID, (alr. mx at 1441), v.weak\fading; mx, rock, 1600 in E, ".com" (no copy), mx, occ. tk
6980 L 1609-1611* UNID, mx, sudden s/off.
6746,9 1615-1727 UNID, fair\PLC; D mx and pops, non stop. [ cf PIONEER ]
6290,2 1652-1656* UNID, \mushy carrier, bad mod; mx, tk (ID?? \BAD mod) [ cf VERONA ? ]
6290,0 1658-1659 UNID, e.weak \hets; Madness mx, then lost, Madness found again on 6300, but flattened
6300,0 1700-1714* UNID, strong, accn, D songs, 1705 "Yummi yummi...", 1714 pops. [ cf MONTFERLAND ]
6290,0 1706-1713 SQL ?, XQL?, canned IDs, R.Stones"Under my thumb". (1715 gone)
6295,5 1728-1745* R. UNDERGROUND, good-strong; mx, IDs,g's, Crunchy Granola, cartoon, JM.Jarre, c'/d
4026,0 1747-2251 LASER HOT HITS, strong\beating carrier, later \noisy,fading; mx, IDs
3905,1 2132-2210* UNID, good\occ.loc.noise; R&R, 50s mx, rockabilly, 2208 blank, blues part, end.
* * * * * SAT. 24 JAN. 2015 * * * * *
6205,0 0745-0904 UNID, weak\fading,noisy,het6207 > e.weak\PLC; mx, "... all Europe radio" [ cf KING SW ]
6070,0 0752-0938 R. CHANNEL 292 %, mx, 0909 weak\PLC; "rewind.. rewind.." [ cf MI AMIGO ]
6070,0 1339-1525 R. CHANNEL 292, offshore memories: R.City, R.270, "new R.Caroline 389 & 259", Atlantis, RNI
7265,0 0753-0756 HLR %, relaying World of Radio (Glenn Hauser)
6190,0 0906-0912 HLR %, v.weak\PLC,hets+-5kHz; "Sixteen tons" in German ?, tk in G.
6095,0 0910-1407 MIGHTY KBC, strong; C&W-rock with Rosko. 1307 R&R with Dave Mason
6305,1 1312-1717 R. MERLIN, weak\deep fades; On the road again, My friend Jack, 1333 ID, 1512 Silver machine
6285,1 1314-1336 R. ODYNN, e.weak\PLCpops, Walking on the moon, 1330 ID
6210,0 1314-1359 UNID, v.weak>weak\PLC; rap, hiphop, Arabic-like, bpm. [ cf ROZ ]
6035,0 1345-1415 R. REVIVAL, e.weak\PLC at first; mx, pops, tk no copy, 1411 ID+@, more pops
6035,0 1518-1521 R. CITY, ID (known voice usually on IRRS), mx
6035,0 1559-1701* R. REVIVAL, \soon QRM6040v.strong; tk in Sw.%, Link Wray, 4 Tops, Kinks, 1656: about R. Syd, ID
6320,8 1356-1420 UNID, trace > e.weak\sticky PLC; mx on peaks. [ cf ZWARTE PANTER ]
6290,0 1425-1440 HITMIX %, e.weak\noisy; mx, 1438 sounds like Hitmix. [ or SUPERSOUND ? ]
6320,0 1436,1510 UNID, trace-e.weak\PLC,ut.QRM; 1510 \noisy, bad mod; tk, mx. [ cf UNID ]
6285,15 1440-1442 UNID, e.weak\noisy; pop-soul, "allo", then QSY to 6284,15
6284,15 1442-1718 UNID, e.weak\noisy; mx, D mx, occ. audio problems, 1628 Delilah \audio level up & down, 1639 now fair-good, non-stop D mx.
6300,0 1451-1513 UNID, e.weak; 1453 long blank, brass mx, D synthe mx. (1546 gone) [ cf POWER AM ]
6295,0 1454-1515 HITMIX, e.weak\PLC; tk, mx, hard to hear, 1515 ..studio 1A.., ID, said c'/d
6290,0 1516-1637* R. RONALISA, e.>v.weak; mx, IDs no copy, 1627 ZZ Top, 1633 IDs+@ OK now, 1637 cartoon mx
6263,5 1517,1554 OZNRH %, 1517: trace. 1554: e.weak; tk, mx: quiet jazz
6802,8 1525-1711 PINK PANTHER, v.weak\noisy > weak-fair; mx, 1530 ID
6940,0 1531-1616 R. ENTERPRISE, v.weak>weak; D.Straits"Sultans...", 1535 ID+@, Love is blue, 1614 Because the night
6320,1 1537-1545 R. KLABAUTERMAN, weak, IDs, pops, g's over Monkees"I'm a believer"
6268,0 1553-1559 UNID, e.weak\PLC; "Love shack", DJ ??, mx.
6295,5 1626-1717 R. TANGO ITALIA %, non stop tango
6295,5 2100-2332 R. TANGO ITALIA, tango, 2215 ID
6264,9 1640-1704 UNID, e.weak; tk, "Popcorn", tk, fading down to a trace [ cf LAGUNA ]
6250,5 1648-1708 MAGIC AM, \het on 6250,0; rock, ID as "Magic ... from the NL"
6218,0 1651-1652 UNID, strong; accn. (1706 gone). [ cf BORDERHUNTER ]
6325,0 1702-1717 R. PREMIER (Ireland), \fading; pops, tk in E, 1709 ID+@, "Leroy Brown"
4026,0 2105-2332 LASER HOT HITS, ID+@, chilly cold wave version of "Fever" (, mx, tk, 2214 ID
3905,0 2108-2330 R. ALICE, good+occ.peakºcc.traffic3910u; mx, ID, "Ring of fire" in sp., D mx, mx from S. USA.
3900,15 2108-2330 R. WILSKRACHT, v.weak\hard to hear,vocoder traffic > fair; pops, Who do you love, 2130 J.Joplin?, 2133 tk in D+E, IDs, N. of NL, 2209 "My baby love".
3920,0 2139-2330 TECHNICAL MAN, strong; tronic mx, allo, ID, 2204 break, soon back with mx, mx...
6746,9 2218-2228 trace, some trace of mx.
6720,2 2229-2233 trace of mx, then long tk.
* * * * * SUN. 25 JAN. 2015 * * * * *
6305,1 0735-1126 R. MERLIN INT, weak\ut.noise,F fishers6307,5u > e.weak; pops, 0839 Silver machine, rock
6305,1 1600-1731 R. MERLIN INT, v.weak < good; mx, IDs+contacts, 1724 Jackie Frost. (1744 gone)
6204,9 0736-0747 UNID, 0736 gospel-like, mx, 0747 a few words (no copy) [ cf KING SW ]
6070,0 0737-0751 CHANNEL 292, strong; pop,rock "Music Special" by Andy, "sponsored by Cool AM", ad CH292
9485,0 0739-0756 R. GLORIA INT, in AM-USB, strong-good; tk in E+G, ID+POB+@, mx. (0801 gone)
4026,0 0753-0755 LHH %, fair \fading, loc.noise; mx.
7265,0 0801-0900* R. GLORIA INT, in AM-USB, fair-good\fading,some noise; ID, tk in G+mx, > v.weak at end
7300,0 0805-0837 UNID, v.>e.weak\traffic 7300u; pops, 0837 Santana? "Oye como va". [ cf U-BOAT ]
6260,3 0841-0844 UNID, e.weak\noisy; mx, anorak mx, then swamped (still a trace at 0911) [cf THUNDERBIRD ]
6235,4 0845-0848 TECHNICAL MAN, fair\PLC,Stanag6230; mx, een-twee, ID, mx. (0915 gone)
6200,9 0848-0931 R. SUNFLOWER ?, e.weak\loc.noise, hard to hear; mx, 0855 ID over mx (not quite OK), mx, tk.
9485,0 0900-0942 R. GLORIA INT, fair\fading; ID (+all relays), G.L.O.R.I.A., special Pye Records, also Jefferson
6205,0 0922-0931 LASER HOT HITS, e.weak; mx, OEM ad, ID. (1023,1031 : swamped)
6095,0 0928-1036 KBC, only e.weak +weak peaks! Blaupunkt ad, tk, mx. (1128, 1320 : trace only !!!)
6095,0 1555-1600* KBC, strong, R&R show by Ron O'Quinn, ID, end.
6940,0 0933-0936 UNID, e.weak\loc.noise > trace; mx. [ cf ENTERPRISE ]
6290,0 1016-1022 UNID, v.weak; bpm mx [ cf TOP ]
6290,0 1027-1034 CUPID R., bpm mx, ID+g's+@, soon fading out.
7310,0 1038-1043 R. GLORIA INT,v.weak\noisy; mx, tk, ID+POB in E+G, mx.
7310,0 1120-1120 UNID, song
7240,0 1121-1142 UNID, v.weak \bit of ut; pop, tk in E (muffled), 1138 " - - Radio", mx.
7310,0 1323-1335 R. MI AMIGO INT, v.weak\noisy; pop-rock, tk in E, ID, 1334 e.weak, jingle, tk in D
9865,0 1336-1405 R. SPACESHUTTLE INT, in AM-USB, v.weak\noisy; Leader of the pack, 1343 ment' R.Revival, ID, Troggs, Monkees, more 60s pops and IDs. Then \PLC, echo; 1402 "Sheila", 1405 Hippy hippy shake
6290,0 1605-1646 R. EXPERIENCE, on/off start, v.weak\muffled, QRM ?; 1628 transe 170 bpm, ID, then good\PLC
6205,0 1611-1716 LHH, e.weak \muffled,noisy; mx, tk, IDs, ann' 6205.
6263,5 1616-1646 OZNRH %, e.weak\e.weak; barely heard mx
6285,5 1632-1930 R. TANGO ITALIA, fair \PLC at first; non stop tango
6320,6 1638-1645 UNID, J.S.Bach ?, then reggae, mx. [ cf WIZARD ]
6376,5v 1647-1742 R. UNDERGROUND, good\PLC, drift to 6377,8; "Radioactivity", ID, JID, pops, g's, going to 76m ?
6385,0 1658-1703* UNID, \PLC, Morse; S song, instrum mx. [ cf HITMIX ]
6401,4 1702-1711* UNID, fair+peaks\some PLC; Let's all chant, transe mx, Kraftwerk-like, sudden s/off. [ cf JOEY ]
6265,0 1713-1730 UNID, bits of mx, 180 bpm transe, 1726 \PLC,noise,ut. song in sp. (1743 gone) [ cf EXP ]
6240,0 1744-1804 R. EXPERIENCE, v.weak\PLC; messing with mx/audio; 1754 ID
4026,0 1747-2220 LHH %, Xmas programme, later about fat and sport, 1932 OEM ad, more Xmas tk.
3899,6 1805-1813* UNID, e.weak\noisy, hard to hear; mx, 1811 "Paint it black" barely heard, sudden s/off.
kHz UTC1-UTC2 Station-ID, signal \QRM-QRN etc..., details
(Sometimes : UTC1,UTC2 : no intermediate check)
Tips are in time order, except when linked with a "|" in the spacing line.
mx=music, tk=talk, D=Dutch, E=English, G=German, F=French, it.=Italian, sp.=Spanish, rpt=report, v.=very,
e.=extremely w.=with, '=..ing, c'/d=closing down, M/W=man/woman, g'=greeting, ut=utility, SM=summer meeting ad
ID+@=ID+e-mail address, J=jingle, PLC=PowerLineComm'(noise), \=but, %=guess, hl=hotline, accn=accordion
> =becoming/then, bb=boom-boom mx, bpm=beat per min, [ between sq. brackets : best fit ID, thanks quick logs ]
Please note that c'/d is a period from a few seconds to well more than an hour before the real switch off !
"Strength" notes (from e.weak to V.strong) are rather S/N notes by ear, not S-meter levels.
LOGS : 19 - 25 JAN. 2015
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- Hardcore Gold Piratear
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