That was a week with very low activity on weekdays, then a so-so Saturday, then a Sunday with QSO shuffle...
* * * * * MON. 17 NOV. 2014 * * * * *
6150,0 0720,1009 EUROPA 24, 0720: fair\PLC, mx, ID. 1009: v.weak\PLC, mx
6280,0 1512-1518 UNID, v.weak\stanag6275; mx, JM.Jarre?, pop, gd aft', ..Radio .., 6-2-8-zero (in E), end ?
6280,0 1629-1709 COSMIC R., squeezed; mx, 1636 ID,1644 rock-blues, 1700 ID, 35 W, 1703 test, c'/d, mx (1713 gone)
6290,0 1630-1648 BLACK BANDIT %, strong; mx and blank, typical messing. (1652 gone)
6299,8 1633-1704 R. NORTON, fair-good\fading > good\some atmos; D or G songs and alike, 1649 ID. (1706 gone)
6268,1 1637-1638 UNID, fair \fading, ut.splash; "Red red wine". (1653 gone) [cf EXP ]
6240,1 1653-1720 UNID, \strong ut.QRM+spur; Moonlight shadow, pops, 1711 ID (no copy), 1712 180bpm [cf EXP ]
6290,1 1716-1720 R. ODYNN, rock, 1718 ID+hl+@, long tk in D (kind of chinese mx background)
6263,4 2249-2257 OZNRH %, e.weak \PLC,atmos, hard to hear; mx, quiet mx, slow f/up (2307 gone)
6299,9 2259-2304 UNID, e.weak\PLC,atmos; mx, 2304 tk over mx, then lost.
* * * * * TUES. 18 NOV. 2014 * * * * *
6301,6 1519-1600 UNID, trace>weak\PLC; mx, 1548 It's a heartache, \traffic,stanag, SSTV [cf TRANSATLANTIC ]
6290,5 1550-1618 R. RAINBOW, e.weak\RTTY6284,PLC; mx, long tk, 1603 c'/d, 1604 ID, 1617 She's a rainbow, end?
6302,0 1605-1638 UNID, v.weak; "Mon amour", more Bzn, D songs, 1613traffic6300u, 1632 \ut.QRM [cf COOL AM ]
6380,1 1622-1651 UNID, pops, 1624,1628 ...s Radio@hotmail.co, 1651 Let's all chant. [cf POLARIS ]
6290,4 1639-1640 UNID, e.weak; end ?
6395,8 1642-1648 GSV, fair\stanag splash; anorak mx, ID, Love desire, Owner of a lonely heart.
6295,0 1652-1735 COOL AM, via Hitmix, v.weak \PLC; mx, IDs+@, 1718 Love is blue
6295,0 1735-1758 HITMIX, in G, mx parts, IDs, gmx.de, bye-bye, 1749 Eine cigarette, 1752 blank, 1754 ID, mx
6325,0 1701-1745* LITTLE FEAT R., good; ska, mellow pops, IDs, 1742 Crunchy granola, motorcycle-ID, end
6286,0 1801-1820 R. TELSTAR INT, good+peaks\fading; D songs, 1806 ID, Voyage voyage, g's, 1819 ID, f'/down
6263,4 2106-2140 OZNRH %, e.weak \PLC,noisy; typ. quiet mx, 2126 fair, 2132 ID no copy, f'/down
* * * * * WED. 19 NOV. 2014 * * * * *
6150,0 0726,1934 EUROPA 24, 0726: fair-clear, ID, pop, 1926-1940: good\QRMstrong6155; 60s pops
6295,0 1659-1710* BLACK BANDIT %, strong, messing with pops, D songs, comedy, R&R, blanks...
6295,0 1714-1724* BLACK BANDIT %, strong, "Marylou" polka, blank, C&W, movie theme?
1350,0 2129-2306 "I AM RADIO", mx, IDs as that short E sentence "I am radio"
* * * * * THURS. 20 NOV. 2014 * * * * *
6150,0 0749,1437 EUROPA 24 %, 0749: fair+peaks; pop. 1437: good peak; pop
6295,0 1413-1450 UNID, e.weak\noisy,PLC; "By the juke-box"(title?), mx, D mx. [cf TELSTAR ]
6263,5 2122-2145 OZNRH %, v.weak\PLC,fading; light jazz, 2144 IDs no copy
6070,0 2125-2138 UNID, v.weak\PLC,RTTY on 6069 (not an image !), 2137 Obladi oblada, 2138 killed by Vaticano
* * * ** * FRI. 21 NOV. 2014 * * * * *
6150,0 0752,1727 EUROPA 24 %, 0752: fair; pop. 1727: Beatles "I feel fine" (1743 killed by China?)
6070,0 1635-1639 CHANNEL 292 %, \QRM6075, ut.6069; Man of action, mx. (1743 killed by China in ru)
6290,1 1639-1710 ODYNN R., fair\noisy,ut. L-side; Nina Hagen,ID, g's, "Crazy horses" , 1708 IDs, Pump up...
6747,0 1652-1704 R. PIONEER, good +peaks\fading; D songs, D instrum, 1703 ID+@ (1725 gone)
6280,0 1647-1805 COSMIC R., weak\stanag6275,splash6290; mx, 1706 ID, 1714 clear, Monty Pythons comedy (French castle), 1724 ID, mx, rock, retro...
6305 L 1807-1834 UNID, v.weak\PLC; blues, ID+@ no copy, "Soul man", IDs no copy, blues. [cf OVER 60° ]
* * * * * SAT. 22 NOV. 2014 * * * * *
6205,1 0659-0929 UNID, v.weak; long movie themes?, pops [ cf KING SW ]
6267,0 0742-1005 COSMIC R., v.weak\ut. squeezed; long tk about FM pirate in GB, 0801 In a gadda davida, from 0830 many JIDs, 0842 clip from V. of Peace 1540, later mx, JIDs. (1431: same station ?)
7265,0 0835-0838 HLR %, in AM-USB, retro songs.
6095,0 0930,1446 MIGHTY KBC, v.strong, 0930-1000 C&W, KBC ad., 1435-1446 Fats Domino, R&R
6395,05 1002-1003* UNID, tchacs pop mx, 1003'30" s/off
6239,9 1433-1433 UNID, more beatbox
6150,0 1434,1650 EUROPE 24, 1434 mx, 1650-1658 soul, ID+@ in E, "Classics on Saturday", etc..
6294,9 1446-1451* R. NMD, mx, ID, testing antenna, ID, bye bye
6285,0 1451-1453* BAKEN 16 ?, e. weak; tk, rpt, mx, s/off
6294,0 *1453-1714 COSMIC R., v.weak-fair peaks\PLC; See you later alligator, pops, tk, 1504 ID, 1520 ID no copy, 1528 Love shack, 1532 short JID, 1608 Kraftwerk"radioactivity", 1706 Doors"Light my fire", 1708 ID.
6263,4 1505-1541 OZNRH %, e.weak-trace \gurgle, 1533 typical mx
6235,15 1512-1515* UNID, fair\stanag6230; Dragonslayer, maybe annts?, s/off
6282,15 1542,1956 trace, maybe with audio \chinese QRM
6285,1 1544-1835 BOGUSMAN, fair-good\fading; mx, tk, 1550 ID "The Bogusman is here", 1636 DifferentRadio (at) yahoo.com, has too many new programmes 1714 birds, after 1800 trace \PLC
6380,0 1553-1646* UNID, v.weak\noisy,PLC, mx, live IDs "from the NL", can't catch the name [cf CARRIER WAVE ]
6322,8 1700-1713 UNID, \PLC,ut.burst; var. mx, 1701 Son of a preacher man, D song, hiphop... [cf UNDERGROUND ]
6205,0 1716-1719 UNID, song in sp (Janette?), pop, 1719 killed by Iran [ cf ROZ ]
6235,0 1740-2018 UNID, v.weak\PLC,squeezed stanag6230,het6238; mx, 1750 "Call me", blank, "Captain said wot", then f' to e.weak\still squeezed; mx, 1933 Bowie, 2018 killed by spur [cf MINI RADIO ]
6300 L 1807-1816 OVER 60° R., e.weak \stronger it.traffic6300u; mx, IDs, spelling, 1811 "Andy", 1814 ID (1828 gone)
6322 a 1834-1834 something, not clarified
6290,0 1920-1937 UNID, v.weak\PLC,ut.; D version of Benny Hill?, blanks, 1934 g's>Marco, D song, QSY ?
6295,0 1937-1955 UNID, e.weak-trace; D song ?, some tk, mx, 1955 some tk and end ?
3905,0 2019-2350 R. ALICE, strong, Sat.night mix D way, non stop, 2214 ID (ment' Skyline)
3917,8 2020,2029 UNID, e.weak-trace.
6949,1 2055-2114 UNID, e.weak\occ.traffic; "Sunny", mx, 2106 "Sunny" again, mx. 2114 end ?
3919,8 2118-2225 R. LIKEDEELER, rock, retro G song, 2127 ID, hl, 2138 ment' Skyline3905, mx, IDs, 2219 All right now
6305,9 2352-2400* R. TOWER, v.weak\PLC; mx, tk, Supertramp, 2357 c'/d ID+@
* * * * * SUN. 23 NOV. 2014 * * * * *
6205,0 0719-0919 UNID, fair>v.weak \light mod.; quiet mx, 0727 ID ? "non stop music", 0806 Heat of gold [cf KING SW]
6205,0 1024-1024 UNID, mx [ cf PYTHON ]
6150,0 0728-1028 EUROPA 24, good\fading; California dreaming, 0747 news in G, ID, I got you babe, 1025 Gloria, ID
6070,0 0732,0750 UNID, 0732 mx beating with other mx stn, 0750 v.strong stn in it. (Vaticano ?)
9485,0 0735-0759* R. GLORIA INT, in AM-USB, good\ut.noise,fading; mx, known voice in G(about Chrix Isaac)
6235,4 0742-1024 TECHNICAL MAN, strong\squeezed stanags; mx, ID, Teenage queenie, Wind of change.. > v.weak
6379,9 0750-0754* UNID, weak; mx, s/off at 0754'35"
7265,0 *0800-0804 R. GLORIA INT, strong \noisy,fading; JID, "Gloria" rock, ID, tk, "via MV Baltic R.", pop
6395,6 0841-0945 R. WMR, (0807 blank), weak\fading,noisy; mx, ID, soul, ID+contacts, etc
6289,4 0849-0917 R. GERONIMO SW, good+strong peaks \fading, wide band, pops, 0916 ID+POB Eisenach+@
6289,6 1004-1356 R. GERONIMO SW, strong \noisy; rock, pops, 1354 live ID+@
6260,05 0852-0917 THUNDERBIRD R., \deep fading; anorak, pops, 0900 in G+E, IDs, slogans, mx, 0917 ID
6319,2 0904-1035 MAGIC AM, \ut.noise L-side,PLC; mx (soul, rock), IDs, "Oh lala" many times
6300,0 0910-1036 UNID, \RTTY6302,splashGeronimo; I heard it through the grapevine, mx, 0920 P.Sarsted"Where..my locely", 0953 ID from Casanova (short QSO ?), 1003 Santana, 1014 Jefferson Airplane.. [ cf NORTH POLE ? ]
6379,9 0925-0930 UNID, "Ruby Tuesday" by W; M singer in E. [cf MONTFERLAND ]
6380,0 0946-0950 UNID, mx, "Popcorn", pop. [ QSO ]
6379,7 1038-1043 R. ZEEWOLF, \het from 6380,1 (qso mess?); mx, tk in D, ID+@, "in qso with R.Scotland", mx
6380,1 1052-1052 UNID, trace, still on (no other stn on the channel)
9485,0 0931-0934 R. GLORIA INT, in AM-USB, good\fading,noisy; "way of life...", ID+@, in G about Stonehenge, mx
7310,0 0938-0943 UNID, good-strong; mx, tk in G about Aha(?), mx
7310,0 1100-1116 R. MI AMIGO, fair-good\noisy; 1100 time pips, ID in G, pop, 1101 short big overmod, 1102 mx
6310,0 0952-0952 UNID, e.weak; mx [ cf ZWARTE NON ]
6280,0 1005-1121 COSMIC R., v.weak\noisy; JID, blank, mx, 1121 ID, "on SW and FM"
6280,0 1337-1448 COSMIC R., fair\splash,ut.noise; Carry that weight, pos, jazz, IDs not OK, 1425 JID, Yes"Owner.."
6265,1 1008-1121 BOGUSMAN EXPERIENCE, long chat, rock"I need you", ID.. 1121 mx, humour part, mx
6245,0 1013-1022 R.AC-DC, weak\PLC,short ut.burst; pop, 1018 ID in D+E, "Rawhide", tnx rpt..., mx
6095,0 1028-1030 MIGHTY KBC, trio chat about trucks, ad for auctions
6325,0 1030-1030 UNID, e.weak\splash,PLC,ut.6327a; b.b. mx (1034 gone or lost). [ cf Scotland ?]
6385,05 1044-1051* R. SCOTLAND, e.weak, Dragonslayer background, ment' D stns and 'stereo', ID in D, c'/d
6423,05 1054-1057 UNID, v.weak; pop, blank. [ cf ALTREX ]
6238,9 1122-1125* UNID, e.weak\noisy, rock, tk (ment' Condor ??), rpt in D [cf DR BUIS ]
6240,0 *1125-1127 R. NOR..[TH POLE], instrum accn, tk in D, ID not OK, ment' R. Condor, rpt
6220,0 1127-1129 R. TELSTAR INT, weak\ut.noise; pop-rock, synthe, gd aft' to WireUK, tnx rpt, ID.
6206,0 1303-1311 UNID, e.weak\PLC,het6205; mx, mx, 1308 accn, 1311 tk. [ cf BUMBELSTOCK ]
6205,0 1305-1336 UNID, e.weak\PLC,ut.; 1305 blank, *1312 mx, tk, 1314 Pretty woman, 1317 ID?, mx, 1335 hotmail
6305,1 1357-1434* UNID, e.weak\noisy,PLC; If I had the girl's coconut, tk in E, mx, 1401 - - Int'l (not Merlin-like), mx, IDs no copy, 1407 Stone & Charden "L'aventura", 1411 tk in fast E, 1417 deep fade, 1430 J.Cash, 1433 tk, end
6260,8 1435-1445 UNID, \het 6260,0; mx, 1439 This is free radio on the airwaves..., mx. (1447 gone) [cf UNKNOWN ]
6374,4 1450-1514 R. PANDORA, v.weak\noisy, fax 6371a; robot voice IDs+@, mx, ad for(.. dot.tk), 1502 hl, mx, then stories of stations, incl' F.R. Valentine, mx, 1513 "Mustang Sally". (1527 gone)
6380,1 1515-1526* BAKEN 16, weak\noisy; mx, JID, live ID, tk over mx, JID, end. (then v.short call, then a trace)
6395,7 1528-1628 R. GSV, fair +odd peak \fading,PLC,noise; pops, IDs, 1627 "Mellow yellow" (1653 gone)
6379,9 1537-1538* UNID, "allo" over a 'piraten' song, sudden s/off at 1538'27" [ QSO ]
6379,9 1543-1545* UNID, accn D songs, tk ..amateur .. "- - Radio"(muffled), sudden s/off at 1545'45" [ QSO ]
6325,2 1546-1608 R. ELDORADO (NL), good-strong\PLC; g's, many IDs, OK Foxfire, 1605 ID+@, D mx
6306,4 1556-1605* R. JOEY, good\PLC; mx, tk-known voice, mx, cartoon mx, end
6380,0 1616-1654* UNID, good; tk in D, D song, ment' Pluto?, 1628 ..this is Rodin Roland(??) w. new TX, instrum, g's...1635 tk w. reverb, \big PLC, Dragonslayer, g's, g's, g's, 1653 bye-bye. [ cf WITTE REUS ]
6306,3 1657-1750* R. JOEY, mx, 1702 ID, non stop mx.
3905,0 1937-1956 SKYLINE INT R., strong \interm.het3903, later clear; songs in G, E, sp... 1948 ID, tnx, etc
3900,0 2223,2338 trace, \het,atmos,loc.noise,ut.; trace of mx, still a trace at 2338
6300,0 2233-2336 BLACK BANDIT, e.weak\Morse QRM, loc.noise; mx, tk, known voice just above noise.
6263,5 2241-2254 OZNRH %, e.weak +peak; quiet jazz
6940,0 2300-2315* UNID, e.weak +peaks; mx, 2306 Radio - - bc' live .. bye-bye, bell, Daydream
6928 L 2302-2335 UNID, hard to hear mx, 2316 rock, f' up slowly, rock, 2335 end ?
kHz UTC1-UTC2 Station-ID, signal \QRM-QRN etc..., details
(Sometimes : UTC1,UTC2 : no intermediate check)
Tips are in time order, except when linked with a "|" in the spacing line.
mx=music, tk=talk, D=Dutch, E=English, G=German, F=French, it.=Italian, sp.=Spanish, rpt=report, v.=very,
e.=extremely w.=with, '=..ing, c'/d=closing down, M/W=man/woman, g'=greeting, ut=utility, SM=summer meeting ad
ID+@=ID+e-mail address, J=jingle, PLC=PowerLineComm'(noise), \=but, %=guess, hl=hotline, accn=accordion
> =becoming/then, bb=boom-boom mx, bpm=beat per min, [ between sq. brackets : best fit ID, thanks quick logs ]
Please note that c'/d is a period from a few seconds to well more than an hour before the real switch off !
"Strength" notes (from e.weak to V.strong) are rather S/N notes by ear, not S-meter levels.
LOGS : 17 - 24 NOV. 2014
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- Hardcore Gold Piratear
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