I'm still 3 months late to type my logs, and at mid december, the long logs of september look from another era, specially on the week days. Maybe the silent stations are waiting Christmas and will be on the air all at the same time between 8 and 17 UTC on the 25th of December! Not a dream on the listening side, and where I'm going to, I should once again go outdoor in a windy place to get a small chunk of the crowdy waves.
* * * * * MON. 15 SEP. 2014 * * * * *
6205,9 1653-1704 UNID, v>e.weak \PLC,atmos; quiet mx. - - - - - - - - [ cf BUMBELSTOCK ]
6320,1 1810-1851 R. ALTREX, v.weak \PLC,atmos; mx, ID only by moo sounds, 1843 yodl
6290,0 1811-1852 RODE ADELAAR, v.weak \PLC,atmos; mx, 1823 Popcorn, "If you can't give me love", Tiger feet, 1843 Popcorn (again), 1844 ID@, mx
6238,0 1815-1819 UNID, weak-v.weak \atmos, ut.bursts; in E and D or G?, 1815 c'/d now, mx. - -[cf DSS ]
6306 a 1821,1824 UNID, \atmos,PLC,wobbling; mx, tk
6380,0 1833-1835 UNID, v.weak \atmos,PLC; mx, mx. (1841 gone) - - - - [ cf JAMAICA ]
6397,0 1835-2035 R. GSV, jazz, g's, many IDs+@, tk: WMR, jazz in Cold War, etc. 2035 rock, \squeezed.
6325,2 1956-2012 R. CAROLINE INT, \hum till 2000; mx, 2012 JID, mx.
6263,5 2002-2130 OZNRH %, e.weak, hard to hear mx
3929,9 2005-2011 R. BATAVIA, weak\noisy,traffic; mx, 2008 ID (with origin of name)
6613,0 2014-2024* UNID, strong \fading; polka, retro song, D "Rosemarie" song, C&W... [ cf POLKAMAN ? ]
6955 L 2025-2033 BALTIC SEA R., fair\atmos; mx, ID+@, mx, seagulls...
6320,0 2036-2126 R. MONTFERLAND, fair>good \atmos; instrum mx, 2056 many IDs and g's now
6290,3 2046-2130 R. BILA DIRA, v.-e.weak \atmos,splash; hip-hop, IDs+@(spelling), 2115 also g's now.
6305,0 2059-2120* UNID, IS+a few words in a short loop, then mx (jazz, retro..), 2117 tk in E (G accent?) [cf LLR ]
6318,8 2248-2253 R. CAROLINE INT, v.weak\atmos; pops, 2252 JID, short duo tk, mx.
4026,0 LHH % : carrier only at 2004, 2011, 2249
* * * * * TUES. 16 SEP. 2014 * * * * *
6150,0 0651-0653 EUROPA 24, v.weak \PLC,fading; instrum mx, multi ID
6150,0 1634,2125 EUROPA 24 %, 1634 v.weak\QRM6145; mx. 2125 mx
6290,0 1635-1658 UNID, v.weak\PLC,atmos; mx, tk, mx...1640 Bzn - - - - - -[ cf HITMIX ]
6205,9 1642-1645 UNID, e.weak\atmos, PLC; mx. - -(1657 gone). - - [cf BUMBELSTOCK ]
6294,9 1816-1831* UNID, weak\atmos, PLC; pops, tk in D (and E?), no copy, bye bye. [ cf PYTHON ]
6285,2 1818-1833 trace, bit of drift, could be ........ - - - - - - [ cf LLR ]
6300,0 1957-2033 BLAUWE PANTER, fair\atmos; pops, D mx, 2022 IDs
6290,0 1958,2001 UNID, fair+peaks \atmos; mx, tk, hello. (2025 gone) [cf CUPID or RODE ADELAAR ? ]
6263,5 2000-2123 OZNRH %, e.weak\atmos,PLC,stanag; some mx heard on peaks, 2118 v.weak; jazz
6524,9 2004-2051 BLACK BANDIT %, good +strong peaks; mix of mx, parts, ru(?) polka and R&R, typ. messing
6320,0 2052-2125 LITTLE FEAT R., fair\fading,PLC,atmos; rock, 2059 ID, Witch queen of N.Orleans, 2151 Crunchy G.
6955 L 2102-2139 BALTIC SEA R., fair \so so sound; rock, IDs, Stray Cats, Steppenwolf, ZZ Top...
6940,0 2307-2318 PREMIER R. INT, v.weak\stanag 6937; pops, IDs, 2312 Born to be wild
4026,0 1835, 1956 (LASER HOT HITS %), blank carrier
* * * * * WED. 17 SEP. 2014 * * * * *
6150,0 0615-0906 EUROPA 24 %, v. >e.weak\atmos, later PLC; instrum mx. (also at 1432)
6070,0 0617-0622 UNID, e.weak \PLC,atmos; soft rock.
6190,0 0901-0904 HAMBURG LOKAL R. %, in AM-USB, v.weak\PLC; mx, tk (W+M)
6305,1 1432-1439 R. MERLIN INT, v.weak \PLC,atmos; many IDs, ID+@, JID, and tk, mx
6244,9 1701-1704 UNID, v.>e.weak \PLC,blipping ut., some atmos; D mx. (1708 gone) [cf TWENTANA ]
6205,9 1704-1714 UNID, e.weak \PLC,atmos; barely heard mx and tk. (1804 gone)
6200,0 1714-1714 UNID, e.weak \splash from 6195; mx
6289,9 1804-1809 UNID, e.weak+peaks \PLC,atmos; tk and mx, g's to Terry/UK, D song. [cf RONALISA ]
6380,0 1809-2137 UNID, v.weak\atmos, PLC; mx, g's to D stns. 1819 ID no copy (dull), Sugar sugar, 1852 San Francisco, Mr Cannibale, 1933 Adamo "Vous permettez Monsieur", more pops and D songs. [cf JAMAICA ]
6744,2 1821-1852 OLD TIME R., weak-v.weak\ATMOS,PLC; song from (?) then pops, 1849 ID+@yandex. (1947 mx)
6945,0 1825-1825 UNID, mx. (1830 gone)
6955 L 1826-1833 BALTIC SEA R., rock+IDs, Jungle rock, Brand new Cadillac, La bamba, Hippy shake (1948 gone)
6955 L 2015,2329 BALTIC SEA R., 2015: rock+IDs, Jungle rock,etc, back on with repeat. 2329: again
6749,6 1833-1835 UNID, v.weak\PLC,atmos; tk in E, parts of mx
6315,7 1855-1857 UNID, e.weak \PLC,atmos; mx, then mx for FM stn (bad choice). (1911 gone). [cf R. 078 ]
6254,9 1858-1930* UNID, v.weak\PLC,atmos,ut.; C&W, Comment ca va, 1900 ID Radio ....(crash!), in D, Yellow sun of Ecuador , more D mx, 1929 tk (no copy), 1930 end. - - - - [ cf TWENTANA ]
6205,9 1903-1911 UNID, e.weak \PLC,atmos; mx, g's in E. - - - - [cf BUMBELSTOCK ]
6320,0 1912-1914 UNID, mx, long blank, tchac-tchac mx. - - (1927 gone) - -[cf LITTLE FEAT ]
6320,0 1949-2108* LITTLE FEAT R., R&R, ID, more mx and IDs, 2104 ID+@, gd night, Crunchy Granola, 2108 ID, off
6305,0 1914-1919 UNID, old IS loop from Moscow : "Govorit Moskva , radiostantsiya...", 1918 het, 1919 lost
6304,6v 1918-2031 UNID, e.weak \atmos,het with 6305,0 at first, then D mx, tk, ment' Flying Dutchman, 1923 Que sera sera, mx, some tk at times, drift to 6304,8 puis 6304,7. (2048 gone). - - - - [ cf KLEINE Z. ]
6397,0 1936-2013 R. GSV, tk, ID, pops.
4026,0 1954-1954 LHH %, blank carrier once again.
6310,0 2022-2027* UNID, weak \atmos; quiet mx, 2023 "are you sitting comfortably? etc...", mx
6294,9 2029-2046 UNID, weak-v.weak \PLC,atmos; bpm mx, tk, 2046 lost (gone to 6300 ?)
6299,9 2047-2049* UNID, ex-6294,9 ?, mx, almost like "Woundered Knee", s/off at 2049'38"(to 6289,9 ?)
6263,5 2030-2155 OZNRH %, e.weak > v.weak\atmos, very quiet mx
6305,0 2048-2057* UNID, movie/cartoon ? mx, "You're tuned to the British Broadcasting Corporation".
6289,9 2058-2157 UNID, v.weak \stronger traffic 6288,5u; mx, tk in D ? ..low power, mx, 2124 now \atmos(local storm), D mx, tk, Barracuda, Led Zeppelin, etc. - - - - - - - - - - [ cf DOKKUM DX ]
* * * * * THURS. 18 SEP. 2014 * * * * *
6290,0 0627-0653 RODE ADELAAR, fair\fading,atmos; pop, rock, IDs, 0633 Sing a lalala, Summer of love, D songs
6150,0 0635-0652 EUROPE 24, weak\atmos, mx, 0638 ID. (Also 0917-0929 and 1448)
6070,0 0636-0652 UNID, e.weak\PLC,atmos,occ.ut; mx, Abba ? (afternoon: trace)
6221,1 1415-1424 UNID, \stanag 6220a; mx, audio with sudden on/off, long blanks. (1447 gone)
6744,3 1429-1506 OLD TIME R., v.weak \PLC,atmos; Michaela, Fire brigade, pops, 1441 ID+@, mx...
7310,0 1449-1459* V. OF MONGOLIA (v. R.700), foreign programme in E
6005,0 1500-1500 R. SLOVAKIA INT, via R. 700
6385,1 1501-1504 UNID, 1501 blank, 1503 mx (messing with level), lost at 1504'40"
6424,9 1645-1714 UNID, trace with mod - e.weak \atmos,PLC; mx(barely heard). [cf STARLIGHT R. ]
6955,0 1659-1712 LITTLE FEAT R., e.weak \atmos, loc.noise,hard to hear; mx, Born to be wild, IDs, in a loop ?
6300,0 1715-1715* UNID, D version of "Papa l'Americano", s/off.
6290,0 1716-1833 RODE ADELAAR, fair\atmos; Armstrong"Wonderful world", 1721 ID, R&R, rock, pop
6240,0 1724-1728 UNID, e.weak\atmos,PLC; mx
6205,0 1834-1932 UNID, weak\atmos,later PLC; mx, also tk by M+W (in G ??). (1945 gone)
6316,0v 1843-1928 UNID, weak\atmos,PLC,muffled; mx, 1849 Radio - - - , drift to 6315,75. [ cf R. 078 ]
6299,7 1844-1858 MIKE R., good\fading,atmos; mx, IDs+@, c'/d, Peter Gunn, Telstar, g's, Crunchy G., rpts, 1857 blank
6300,0 1911-2018 BLACK BANDIT %, strong \atmos, accn, 1915 g's(known voice), retro, D mx, 2017 booming
6285,1 1912-1927* R. NORA, 'train' mx, 1921 ID, c'/d, rock-blues, ID, c'/d, ID+@, 1927 blank, 1927'55" off
6380,0 1933-1933 UNID, mx (1943 gone).
6955 L 1935-1940 BALTIC SEA R., fair \atmos; mx, IDs+@ (in Finnish ?)
4026,0 1946,2036 LASER HOT HITS %, good\noisy,atmos; mx, tk.
6291,5 1954-2007 UNID, fair-good\atmos; mx, tk, song with "paradise" word, mx. (2018 off, 2028-2029* mx)
6850,0 2008-2013 UNID, weak\PLC,atmos; 2009 W jazz singer, then cool jazz. - - - -[cf ARCADIA ]
6284,8 2018-2105* CUPID R., strong\atmos; mx, 2020 ID+@+POB, more mx, tk, IDs, incl' rock, 2104 c'/d
6263,5 2026-2155 OZNRH %, e.weak\atmos,PLC,occ.fades,occ.traffic; cool jazz
6296,2 2029-2041 UNID, (ex-6291,5 ?), good>strong, synthe, pop mx. (2048 gone)
6324,7 2127-2154 TEST PIRAAT, \strong RTTY 6328; R&R "...alligator", 2151 ID, g's, 2154 Bzn, bye-bye (2157 gone)
6065,0 2423-2557 LASER HOT HITS, good\small het from 6060; mx, IDs, *not* //4026.
* * * ** * FRI. 19 SEP. 2014 * * * * *
6150,0 0912,1243 EUROPA 24 %, 0912 v.weak\atmos, instrum mx. 1243 e.weak, mx. 1547 e.weak\atmos.
6305,1 1238-1246 UNID, e.weak \PLC; mx, Tequila, tk (no copy), My baby love, lost. [cf MERLIN ]
6304,8 1544-1634 R. MERLIN INT, \atmos,PLC; ID as RMI, "What is love", pops, 1634 ID
6245,0 1545-1545 UNID, \v.hard under PLC,atmos,ut.QRM; "Highway to hell". - - [cf AC-DC ]
6747,3 1548-1600* UNID, weak\PLC,atmos; "Red River rock" after each D song, sudden s/off. [ cf PIONEER ]
6295,1 1625-1635 UNID, e.weak\PLC,atmos; Kids in America, ID no copy, mx. - - [cf HITMIX ]
6306,0 1817-2255 TOWER R., good >strong; D songs, D v. of "La montagne" (from Jean Ferrat), Fox on the run, rock, 1919 ID, Peter Gunn (alt version), pops, IDs, 2010 D.I.S.C.O., 2057 My old piano, etc
6397,1 1819-1935 R. GSV, weak\PLC,atmos,ut. L-side; pops, 1911 comments about 'NO' win ?, 1913 ID, mx
6699,8 1823-1842 UNID, e.weak\PLC,atmos; D? accn, D? song, D? tk. - - - - [cf RONALISA ]
6735,2 1829-1838* UNID, e.weak\PLC,atmos,traffic 6730L in it.; mx, sudden s/off. - - - - [cf PANDA R. ]
6315,8 1843-1855 UNID, e.-v.weak \atmos,PLC; bpm, bpm, synthe mx. (1910 gone)
6295,0 1855-1909 UNID, strong\atmos,fading; Eurovision(?) W singer, D waltz, euro W singer. (1924 gone) [cf NMD ? ]
6235,0 1858-1930 R. COLUMBIA, e.weak\atmos, squeezed by ut.; accn, Red River rock, mx, 1928 ID+@, keyboard
6380,0 1910-1943 UNID, strong; pops, hip-hop, techno, bpm. - - - - [ cf MUSTANG ]
6240,0 1945-1952 UNID, e.weak \atmos,ut.; mx, 1950 - - Radio. It's Radio - - (ID no copy) [ cf COLUMBIA ]
4026,0 1953-2056 LASER HOT HITS, good\noisy,traffic4020u it.; mx, tk, 2005 Ozzy Osbourne, IDs, ...
3929,9 1956-2054 R. BATAVIA, e.>v.weak\noisy; mx, ID, Hair mx, 1959 short break, more Hair, ID+@, 2054 DISCO
6318,9 2007-2056 R. CAROLINE INT, mx, JID. (Also 2203 : mx, distorted tk, no ID heard)
6263,5 2011-2041 OZNRH %, e.>v.weak \PLC,atmos; mx, 2028 jazz, 2030 annts: ..SW.., ..hotmail.., mx
6239,9 2015-2027 UNID, v.weak \atmos; mx, 2019 in E, ID sth like R. Plucassi ??, mx
6239,9 2042-2052 PLUTO R., v.weak +fair peak \atmos; mx, 2048 tk: QSL card, hotmail, ID, 2050 deep fade
6295,0 2058-2210 UNID, trace-e.weak\atmos,PLC; some ms and tk. 2256 still a trace. [cf UK 44 ? ]
6300,0 2207-2242 BLACK BANDIT %, good > strong, D v.of "L'Americano", few words, Que sera sera, typ.messing
6239,9 2213-2218* UNID, e.weak \ut.QRM; mx, tk mx, off.
6290,4 2225-2344 UNID, e.weak \PLC,atmos,China6280; mx, 2233 ID+@ by W (no copy), mx, 2344 lost (CAR. INT??)
6258,0 2243-2251 R. ODYNN, fair+good peaks \PLC,atmos; pops, 2248 ID+hl+@, mx
6305,0 2339-2430 UNID, mx, long blanks, 2410 now nonstop pops.
1476,3 2353-2356 UNID, v.weak \atmos,arabic QRM; mx
* * * * * SAT. 20 SEP. 2014 * * * * *
6150,0 0649-0804 EUROPE 24, fair; mx, 0652 ID, 0730 instrum mx, rock...
6075,0 0650-0830 LASER HOT HITS, good+peaks > weak-fair; Light my fire, 0655 ID (* not //4026 *), 0737 ID+@, mx
6397,2 0739-0803 WEEKEND MUSIC R., weak-v.weak \PLC,some atmos; "from way up the North" , tk: LHH on 49m
9510,0 0806-0824 R. CITY, super-power BOOMING, mx, ID,JID, different voice about blues from the 1920s
6294,9 0824-0828 CONDOR R., v.weak \PLC,atmos; mx, @(no copy) +ID (not quite OK), mx parts.
6095,0 0829-0839 KBC, Rosko with C&W. Also 1238-1423 : 50-60s R&B, pops, blues, usual ads
6205,0 1242-1500 UNID, trace with mod > e.weak\much atmos; no audio here at first, then mx *under* noise
6260,0 1326-1433 UNID, v.weak\atmos(+PLC at first); D songs, 1343 tk, rock, mx, D songs. [ cf ODYNN ]
6802,7 1336-1457 UNID, e.>v.weak\atmos(+PLC at first); non stop mx
6802,7 2000-2105 PINK PANTHER R., weak\atmos; mx, mx, 2047 Riders on the storm, 2104 ID+@
6245,0 1433-1435 R. CASANOVA %, weak\atmos; D song, tk (known voice), g's, Mickey Mouse polka (1452 gone)
6955,0 1443-1450 UNID, weak-fair; pops. (1457 gone). - - - - - - [ cf TRANS EUROPE ]
6290,3 1909-1933 R. CAROLINE INT, v.weak \atmos; mx, 1920 JID+@, mx
6299,9 1911-2042 CRAZY WAVE R., good \much atmos; mx, tk, "Peter Gunn", tk in G, 1917 ID, 1932 ID
6265,4 1921-2120 R. TANGO ITALIA %, good \atmos; mx from Argentina, tango
6205,0 1923-1932 UNID, weak\atmos; rock
6399,9 1934-2009 UNID, v.>e.weak\atmos; mx, fading down, 2009 lost - - - - [cf CARRIERWAVE ]
6960,0 1944-2101 PREMIER R. INT, good \atmos; pops, 1947 tk, ID, 2059 Man of action, ID, c'/d, 2101 end?
6869,6 1950-2104 WMR, fair\much atmos; mx, tk, IDs. "from the North .. bloody Scotland ! "
6850,1 1957-1958 R. ARCADIA %, cool jazz
6325,0 2011-2031 UNID, fair-good|atmos,F fishers 6322u; "Radio gaga", more rock, \RTTY6328; QSY at 2030'55"
6320,0 2031-2042 UNID, ex-6325, mx,mx. (same? on 6325 at 2107, QSY to 6320 at 2108, end at 2110*)
6290,0 2035-2120 BLACK BANDIT, strong \half-time hum; retro song, tk, typ. manners, ment' Caroline-CZ, D v. of L'Americano, accn, soft rock, waltz (no ID heard)
6925,0 2121-2226 UNID, good\occ.traffic(Brazil?), pops, soul(almost gospel) - - - - [ cf TRX ]
6300,0 2228-2238 UNID, pops. - - - - - - - - [ cf BLAUWE PANTER ]
1476,0 2232-2232 UNID, tk in E, v.hard to hear.
4026,0 2234-2238 LASER HOT HITS, mx, slogan, 2238 ID, mx
* * * * * SUN. 21 SEP. 2014 * * * * *
6304,7 0554-0600 R. MERLIN INT, (0550 trace), fair; mx, tk, IDs. 0559 deep fade
6304,7 0623-1038 R. MERLIN INT, e.weak; mx, 0645 ID, Dylan"Hurricane", 0700 short weak peaks, later e.weak
6075,0 0603-0820 LASER HOT HITS, good peaks \hets+ -5, deep fades; mx, IDs+@, duo tk (0836-0946 v.weak\PLC)
4026,0 0615-0645 LASER HOT HITS, v.weak-fair +peaks; rec' of R.Gemini: "48 crash", RNI story with clips
6150,0 0624-1033 UNID, weak > e.weak\PLC; nonstop instrum. mx - - - - [ cf EUROPA 24 ]
6255,0 0654-0702 UNID, e.weak\PLC; 0654 \ut.burst; accn waltz, D song, 0701 'piraten' song. [cf TWENTANA ]
7265,0 0703-0759* EUROPEAN MUSIC R., in AM-USB \fading; IDs, mx, "More than a feeling", 0759 good bye
7300,1 0730-0807 U-BOAT R. %, mx, 0734 ID not quite OK+gmail, g's, 0806 g's in F for Marcel.
6397,0 0746-0838 WMR, weak > e.weak, mx, tk, 0754 ID, date, ID.
6325,0 0749-1031 UNID, v. > e.weak \PLC; D-G mx, 0813 tk in D, 0824 waltzes, 0929 \F fishers6322u; [ cf G.V. ]
9485,0 *0800-0856 EUROPEAN MUSIC R., in AM-USB, v. MV Baltic R., mx, 0851 Bon Jovi, ID, final record
6095,0 0815-1034 MIGHTY KBC, v.strong\so-so audio; Trucker R. show, 0946 ad:truck auctions
7310,0 0821-0822 UNID, in G. - - - - - - - - [ cf OSTFRIESLAND ]
6300,0 0830-0835 R. MONTFERLAND, weak\PLC; mx, tk and IDs in D+E, g's
6960,0 0840-0849 PREMIER R. INT, v.weak\hiss noise; "Little sister", IDs, tk, Sweet home Alabama
6240,0 0931-0945 R. NOR...., v.weak\PLC; pops, tk in D, ID ('Norton' on my notepad), mx. [ cf NORTHPOLE ]
6255,0 0932-0945 R. CASANOVA, v.weak\PLC; Red River rock, D song, mx, ID
6284,9 0954-1038 TELSTAR ? R., pop, 1001 accn, ID (not sure with Delta), yodl, anorak mx, g's, guitars
6965,0 1726-1732 UNID, v.weak\much atmos; mx, then long tk (in D ?) by duo.
6802,7 1733-1922* PINK PANTHER R., squeezed by ut.; D songs, tk in D, gd ev' Alex, 1917 ID, bye-bye, mx
6744,2 1738-1747 OLD TIME R. %, weak\PLC,atmos; pops, Petula Clark"Downtown"
6744,2 1913-2101* OLD TIME R., weak\noisy,atmos; mx, 1916 D.Ross, 2043 g's,ID, 2059 IDs, bye-bye
6399,0 1749-1755 UNID, \QRM6400, PLC,atmos; mx. (1912 not heard)
6399,0 1947-1953* UNID, e.weak; medley:Rasputin, I want to go home. 1951 "Caroline".
6318,8 1755-1833 UNID, e.weak\PLC,atmos,bad fading; mx, 1832 M+W tk (in D ?), mx. [cf CAROLINE-RAINBOW ]
6304,7v 1833-1912 UNID, e.weak\atmos; , drift to 6304,9. 1903 Do wah diddy diddy; some rock
6289,9 1834-1857 RODE ADELAAR, \occ.traffic; D mx, 1855 ID in E(not OK), +@(OK!), 1856 ID+@, accn (1902 gone)
6280,1 1835-1901* GERONIMO SW, \6275stanag splash, atmos; rock, tk, 1859 IDs+@, JID, end
6205,9 1836-1849 UNID, e.weak\PLC,atmos; accn, tk ..free radio.., accn. (1911 gone). - - [cf BUMBELSTOCK ]
6284,9 1907-2005* ODYNN R., mx, 2000 Pump up the volume, ID, g's, ID+@, bye bye, nat.anthem, end
6869,5 1925-2018 R. GSV, mx from India?, 1926 IDs, g's for germany, etc... 2014 jazz (2050 gone)
6950,0 1929-2025 LITTLE FEAT, v.weak\dropouts at first, atmos; mx, IDs (2050 gone)
6299,9 1956-2000 UNID, D drinking song (Tri Yann style, part only), then blank carrier
6302,0 2006-2009 UNID, strong; song (in ?), 2009 waltz
6957 L 2021-2025 BALTIC SEA R., "Route 66", ID+@, "Twist again", ID+@ (2050 gone)
4026,0 2026-2033 LASER HOT HITS, strong\fading, traffic 4022,5u; mx, tk, IDs, Gary Drew, ads:FSN,OEM
6070,0 2103-2216 UNID, v.weak\atmos, mx, annts: ..gmail.. (no copy)
kHz UTC1-UTC2 Station-ID, signal \QRM-QRN etc..., details
(Sometimes : UTC1,UTC2 : no intermediate check)
Tips are in time order, except when linked with a "|" in the spacing line.
mx=music, tk=talk, D=Dutch, E=English, G=German, F=French, it.=Italian, sp.=Spanish, rpt=report, v.=very,
e.=extremely w.=with, '=..ing, c'/d=closing down, M/W=man/woman, g'=greeting, ut=utility, SM=summer meeting ad
ID+@=ID+e-mail address, J=jingle, PLC=PowerLineComm'(noise), \=but, %=guess, hl=hotline, accn=accordion
> =becoming/then, bb=boom-boom mx, bpm=beat per min, [ between sq. brackets : best fit ID, thanks quick logs ]
Please note that c'/d is a period from a few seconds to well more than an hour before the real switch off !
"Strength" notes (from e.weak to V.strong) are rather S/N notes by ear, not S-meter levels.
LOGS : 15 - 21 SEP. 2014
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