Look for OZNRH testing on 6263,4 with very weak signals (much work to do). Almost all other loggings not already published on Internet are for very short transmissions, except : maybe Pluto(?) on Thursday evening, Unid on Saturday at 1228-1246*, and some signals under strong QRM. Note a lot of SSB signals, and UNID blues stations (not allways the same ones!). One shots : R. Starlight, R. Egerland. Quite a good week when remembered 3 months later.
* * * * * MON. 01 SEP. 2014 * * * * *
6285,0 1557-1655 R. TELSTAR INT, weak\PLC; pop,polka, D songs, tk in D, ID? in the middle of g's to D stns
6920,0 1615-1628* MUSTANG R., weak-fair \messing; tchacs, synthe, 1625 allo een twee Pony.. ID, 1628 blank
6952,0 2107-2109* UNID, singer in D (quiet), s/off at 2109'45" [cf LITTLE FEAT ]
4026,0 2115-2120 LASER HOT HITS, fair\RTTY4020; ID, tk, Wake me up before you go go, Dragonslayer, tk
* * * * * TUES. 02 SEP. 2014 * * * * *
6150,0 0735-0739 EUROPA 24, weak\PLC; mx, triple ID
6285,0 1341-1355 R. ODYNN, e.>v.weak \PLC; Mx, D song, 1353 ID, tk, mx
6290,1 1630-1646* UNID, v.weak \noisy,hum; Yellow sun of E. , KISS, stn underneath?, noname c'/d [cf SILVERBACK]
6306,5 1837-1839* R. ROB 007, \F fishers 6307,5u; mx, ID+@ (zero zero seven), repeated
6306,5 *1840-1840* UNID, voice rpt for Rob
6397,0 1842-2017 R. GSV, \occ.stanag burst; mx, tk, IDs. 1844 Walk like an Egyptian
6299,9 1852-1909* UNID, fair\PLC; Bad case of loving you, tk, 1900 Satisfaction (with on/off audio). [cf ROZ ]
6290,0 1909-1948 R. MONTFERLAND, rockabilly, guitars, movies, 1938 ID, g's
6305,9 1941-1947* UNID, (1909 alr. blank), singer in E, sudden s/off. [cf KLEINE Z. ]
6205,0 1948-2053* WITTE REUS, v.weak, alt IDs at first (Malaka??), JM.Jarre, Eagles, Yes, from 2014 IDs, mx
6263,4 1958-2145 trace, no audio heard, maybe OZNRH testing
6850,0 2005-2040 ARCADIA R., jazz, 2031 ID, ..on MW & SW ..dedicated to jazz and..
6950,0 2018-2018 UNID, mx. [cf LITTLE FEAT ]
6305 L 2054-2109 UNID, in LSB, weak-v.weak\PLC,atmos; blues, mx, 2109 some tk in E, then end ?
4025,9 2114-2150 LASER HOT HITS, good \noisy; mx, ID, tk: 1991, gale in July, mx
3929,9 2115-2153 R. BATAVIA, e.weak \traffic 3927u, hard to hear; mx, "Poupée de cire", "Open up...", 2130 ID+web
* * * * * WED. 03 SEP. 2014 * * * * *
6305,1 1718-2116 R. MERLIN INT, v.weak>fair \F fishers 6307,5u; mx, 1742 ID, mx, 2006 ID+hl+@, 2036 multi ID
6300,0 1718-1737* UNID, nonstop mx, \hum all along (from a mushy carrier still there after 1737)
6292,0 1730-1734* UNID, e.weak\noisy,PLC; mx, 1734 noname c'/d, end [cf HITMIX ]
6290,0 1738-1810 R. PYTHON, mx, mx, 1800 ID, 1801 ID+@, mx (1823 gone)
6380,0 1744-2021 R. JAMAICA, v.weak\loc.noise;mx, 1803-1808 mx, IDs+hl (+ various @ ?), later mx \stanag bursts
6849,1 1811-1821 R. GSV, e.weak, mx, ID, rock.
4026,0 1827,2002 LASER HOT HITS, (not there at 1824), 1827: weak\hissy noise; mx, tk, Laser, 2002: mx
6802,7 1920-1943 UNID, reggae \strong RTTY 6802,0; 1922 clear, mx, 1928 Rose garden [cf PINK PANTHER ]
6853,1 1929-1929* UNID, last seconds of mx.
6952,8 1931-2135 R. GSV, rock, blues, 1941 v.muffled tk, ID by W, 2010 blues, 2018 ID
6239,8 1948-2036 UNID, v.weak\ut.bursts; Ferré Grignard"Ring ring I have to sing", 2000 La Bamba [cf G.STER ]
6295,0 2022-2032 R. ETHERFREAK, weak+peaks; mx, 2026 clear ID+@ by W, Israelites, 2030 ID by M, c'/d
6263,25 2111-2115 trace or blank carrier (not the exact spot of OZNRH)
6925,0 2118-2137 UNID, fair \atmos, Morse, traffic(Brasil?); R&R, Elvis, early 60s pops, 2135 Lucille [cf TRX ? ]
* * * * * THURS. 04 SEP. 2014 * * * * *
6305,1 0712-0713* UNID, mx.
6305,1 1630-1635 R. MERLIN INT, \traffic6300u,noisy ut.6307a; mx, IDs, "Jean genie"
6290,7 1718-1719 UNID, e.weak\bad fading, mx, quickly lost
6284,0 1720-1727 UNID, v.-e.weak \PLC; mx, pop [cf HITMIX ]
6952,8 1844-1953 R. GSV, weak +peaks \some atmos, ut; piano jazz, 1851 IDs, blues, later rock, 1953 ID
6945 L 1853-1901 UNID, mx (not clear) 1859: 40" off between tracks
3905,1 1902-2013 UNID, e.-v.weak\loc.noise,atmos; blues, 50s R&R, 1908 "Stupid cupid"
4026,0 1906-2142 LASER HOT HITS, fair\loc.noise,RTTY4020a; mx, 2002 Laser Int, 2142 Caroline story
6290,1 1912-1924 UNID, fair\noisy, soso mod; Yellow sun.. , 1920-1924 \het6290,3; accn, song in sp. [cf SILVERBACK ]
6380,0 1913-2019 LITTLE FEAT R., fair\atmos, dropouts; jazz, tchacs, Mungo J;, 1929 ID, "That's the way I like it", 2015 Get it on, IDs, apologizes for dropouts, She'd rather be with me. (still mx at 2151, fair-good).
6321,9 1936-2014 NMD R., good peaks; "I got you babe", more 60s pops, tk above, g's, ID+@, 2013 c'/d
6289,8 1940-2001* UNID, e/weak \atmos; mx, D? song, mx, 1957 tnx, bye-bye, new antenna [cf RONALISA ]
6207,0 2020-2046 UNID, v.weak\atmos,PLC; ".. all Europe radio on SW", mx, tk (far from mike) [cf BNA ]
6295,1 2028-2148 UNID, weak\noisy,atmos; mx mix, Whiter shade..., 2122 What is love, ..Love shack, g's [cf VAT 69]
6318,8 2118-2149 R. PLUTO ?, weak-v.weak\atmos,PLC; mx, IDs no copy except at 2124 almost OK
6305,1 2119-2149 R. UNDERGROUND, good; mx, Asian song, bugles, 2148 ID, yodl
3929,8 2135-2151 R. BATAVIA, v.weak\noisy,atmos; Bzn, California dreaming, Downtown, 2150 ID+@ (.tk?)
* * * ** * FRI. 05 SEP. 2014 * * * * *
6284,7 1302-1711 FOCUS INT, v.weak>weak \PLC; mx, pop, rock, IDs, website, @
6284,7 1819-2205 FOCUS INT, good; "Taxman", 1923 Supremes, Plastic Bertrand, 2052 "London calling"
6240,0 1627-1641 UNID, e.weak\PLC, slight het on 6239,5; mx, mx. (1711 gone). [ cf HITMIX ]
6300 a 1638-1654 UNID, bad TX, self jamming. mx under noise, hard rock, Beatles "Get back" [ cf POWER AM ]
6291,9 1650-1654* Z. ODYNN, accn then barrel organ, g's, ID in D, end at 1653'50".
6424,8 1655-1714 UNID, e.weak\bit PLC; mx and tk, much too weak. [cf STARLIGHT ]
6747,1 1702-1834* PIONEER R., v.weak\PLC; mx, Beatles"A day in the life", 1829 Hurricanes, 1833 ID, 1834 blank
6324,85 1707-1716 UNID, weak-v.weak \bad scratching ut.QRM on 6330; D song with accn [cf NORTON ]
6294,9 1813-1818* UNID, parts of rock, tk above mx. 1817 Hendrix"..watch tower", 1818 sudden s/off [ cf ODYNN ]
6209,9 1820-1826* UNID, e.weak, mx, tk in D by M+W, mx, end at 1826'40" [ cf STARLIGHT ]
6849,0 1836-2001 R. GSV, v.weak\PLC; blues, 1842 ID, rock, jazz, 1939 ID+@, 1957 rock
6300,05 1846-1848* UNID, v.weak +peaks \PLC; mx, sudden s/off at 1847'50"
6205,5 1849-2213 R. TANGO ITALIA, non stop tango, 2003 ID
6215,0 1911-1917 UNID, e.-v.weak \PLC; mx, 1916 instrum techno. [ cf WITTE REUS ]
4025,9 1918-2137 LASER HOT HITS, fair-good \fading; jazzy, tk, mx. 2007 \traffic 4022,5; 2012 ID, 2137 Dragonslayer
6380,0 1927-2156 LITTLE FEAT R. mx, tk, IDs. 1947 first clear ID (in E+F), F singer(JJ Goldman), g's, 2126 Stones
6399,9 2041-2157 UNID, v.weak\PLC; some blues mx, 2045 killed by 6400 carrier+1000Hz test tone
6300,0 2106-2108 UNID, v.weak\PLC; mx, gd ev', ... SW, 2108 ID by W (no copy), instrum mx. [cf BLAUWE PANTER]
6290,0 2110-2114 BLAUWE PANTER %, House of the Rising Sun, next track, but QSY
6300,0 2114-2217 BLAUWE PANTER R., \ut.QRM6302a; 2115 Angie, test-1-2, 2119 ID, 2135 messing, 2213 ZZ Top
6264,8 2205-2319 ODYNN R., good\fading; mx, 2211 hello, ID in D+E, g's to chat, ID...
* * * * * SAT. 06 SEP. 2014 * * * * *
6284,7 0654-0841 FOCUS INT, v.weak\PLC; pops, duo tk, IDs, contacts, 0807 "Fire brigade"
6284,8 1214-1614 FOCUS INT, v.>e.weak>weak, \PLC; pops, 1354 ID+hl,1406 Linda Ronstadt "It's so easy"
6284,8 1846-2111 FOCUS INT, easy; pop, rock, IDs, 2040 tk: WishboneAsh-R.Caroline-Led Zeppelin
6150,0 0655-0758 UNID, weak; instrum mx (incl' rock)
7265,0 0755-0757 HAMBURG LOKAL R. %, weak-v.weak; jazz
6095,0 *0800-0802 MIGHTY KBC, v.strong\fading; "time to warm up the tubes" with Rosko, C&W
6200,0 0809-0816 UNID, e.weak > trace \PLC; instrum mx, then a trace, 0816 s/off ?
6300,0 1215-1339 UNID, e.weak\PLC, fades; mx, tk, D mx, polka, end on 6299,9. [cf GROTE VERSIEDER ]
6325,1 1228-1246* UNID, e.weak-trace \PLC; mx.
6290,0 1236-1238 RODE ADELAAR, trace-e.weak\PLC; mx, 1238 ID.
6925,0 1302-1306 UNID, v.weak; 1302 mx, 1304 long blank
6199,8 1407-1515 UNID, (was a trace), e.weak\fading,strange ut.QRM,PLC; mx, 1419 San Francisco [cf GROENTE B. ]
6300,0 1449-1457 UNID, e.weak\noisy,PLC; mx, tk. [cf WITTE REUS ]
6397,0 1457-1503 UNID, e.weak+v.weak peaks \PLC; Man of action, ..final .. R.Northsea Int .., mx, tk
6747,1 1504-1510 PIONEER R., polka, ID+@, D song
6255,0 1610-1624 UNID, \scratching ut.noise 6254a; accn, C&W, D instrum mx. [cf NORTH POLE ]
6320,0 1821-1857 R. ALTREX, \occ. traffic; Meuh!, tk in D, Dank U, Merci beaucoup, Ici R. Altrex, gd ev', mx
6305,1 1826-2211 R. MERLIN INT, fair-good\fading,PLC,etc; Caroline: Flashback-story-jingles-songs..., 1902 ID
6290,0 1839-1918 RODE ADELAAR, D song "Papa.. Mama...", 1903 tk, ID, ID+@, mx
6210,0 1848-1918 UNID, e.weak\undermod,noisy, atmos; mk, tk, 1854 \bad PLC too [cf SKYLINE R G ]
6380,0 1919-1922 MUSTANG ?, strong; mx, tk in D, mx.
6405,0 1920-2057* UNID, e.-v.weak\PLC; mx, 2025 "Tonight"
6425,2 1937-2120 STUDIO 52, \ut.noise(u-side),atmos,PLC; mx, rock, polka, 2027 IDs, g's, 2120 killed by ut.
6940,0 1945-1957 UNID, \stanag on 6938; mx, mx. (2029 gone) [cf PREMIER ]
4026,0 2001-2042 LASER HOT HITS, fair\noisy,atmos; mx, tk, ID
6324,9 2003-2036 UNID, fair-good \PLC,ut.QRM; D songs. [ cf NORTON ]
6263,5 2008-2154 OZNRH %, trace \audio under noise, 2111 het 6265(see below)
6290,0 2006-2110 UNID, e.weak; C&W, mx. [cf RNW ]
6238,9 2012,2041 R. UNDERGROUND, good\fading; ID, JID, g's, 2041: on 6239,15 tk, g's, JID, mx
6300,0 2036-2109 R. POWERLINER INT, fair; rock, 2051 Hendrix"..watch tower", 2059 ID, test, 2109 Shaft
6265,0 2111-2117 UNID, v.weak \het 6263,5; mx, some tk, "test", bpm, "test" (2153 gone) [cf CARRIERWAVE ]
6925,0 2121-2145 R. TRX, \it. traffic; H.of RisingSun, Twist again, Good day sun shines, Suzy Q, 2133 IDs, f/down
6295,2 2148-2214 ARTEM, strong peaks; "Sin Fronteras" (IDs, mx), 2156 ment' Pirana, 2157 Alan Stivell "Tri martolod" live in Lorient, \deep fading, 2212 "O Coracao do Brasil", 2214 rock. (also 2326 : D? song in E) [via BORDERHUNTER ]
* * * * * SUN. 07 SEP. 2014 * * * * *
6305,1 0745-1036 R. MERLIN INT, v.-e.weak \PLC, occ. ut(u-side); mx, 0747 JID, mx, 0902 ID
6284,8 0748-1235 FOCUS INT, fair>e.weak, pop, rock, 0751 ID. (Also 1455 "Chanson d'amour", 1530 mx)
6284,7 1658-2146 FOCUS INT, weak>fair, mx, 1942 "7 nations army", ID+@
6250,0 0752-0756 UNID, e.weak \PLC, ut.; mx. (0823 gone) [cf PLUTO ]
6150,0 0756-0948 UNID, v.weak\PLC > e. weak; instrum mx. (1504: trace) [ cf EUROPA 24 ]
6140,0 *0759-0900* MV BALTIC R., strong; Man of action, ID+@, mx, 0813 Caroline, mx, IDs, 0858 tchuss
6095,0 0801-0948 KBC (Trucker R.) %, v.strong, C&W, duo tk.
6260,0 0804-0853 UNID, v.weak \PLC,traffic; mx, contacts?, 0808 ID no copy, 0830 \big PLC now; [cf THUNDERBIRD ]
6290,1 0845-0905 UNID, e.weak; mx, pop-rock, 0851 ID no copy, 0903 Man of action. (+ 0944: trace) [cf RONALISA]
6205,1 0855,0912 UNID, e.weak\PLC,ut.; mx. 0912: f'/down to a trace. [cf KING SW ]
9485,0 *0900-0934 MV BALTIC R., in AM-USB. Man of action, ID in E +web site, mx, 0930 ID in G, Man of action
6250,0 0906-1041 UNID, e.weak\PLC; yodl, ID no copy, g's, 0944"Caroline", D songs. [cf CASANOVA ]
7327,0 0935-0941 SALLANDSE BOER ??, e.weak; mx, ID not OK, 0938 ID (seemed OK), 0939 thank you Klaus, then "Ghostbusters". [ DrTim Logged RMGP ]
6295,0 1037-1040 BORDERHUNTER R., weak-v.weak\PLC; mx, ID in E, Righeira?
6200,0 1041-1050 UNID, e.weak \fading,PLC; mx, 1044 some tk, mx, 1048 "I got the power" alike [cf TECH MAN]
6290,0 1236-1241 UNID, trace-e.weak\PLC; mx [cf GROTE VERSIEDER ]
6305,8 1439-1530 UNID, e.weak > v.weak\PLC; C&W? then many D songs. [cf R. JOEY ]
6280,0 1456-1531 UNID, v.weak \squeezed ut.-Focus, bad fading; mx, pop, 1531 tk
6950,0 1513-1709 LASER HOT HITS, \fading; mx, ann' 6950 and 4026, hl, D.Norris, Laser Int, later \traffic QRM
6380,0 1636-1637* UNID, on/off mx, then s/off.
6265,8v 1641-1657 trace, drifting to 6267,2 kHz. No audio heard here. [ cf ZEEWOLF ]
6255,4 1642-1948 R. TANGO ITALIA %, v.weak \PLC; tango. (Also at 2147)
6199,9 1643-1655 TECHNICAL/TECHNISCHE MAN, strong peaks; D song, IDs, bpm, IDs, "for short moments"
6199,9 1713-1715 TECHNICAL/TECHNISCHE MAN, Doors?, then trapped at 180bpm, ID in D, rep? to the Voice
6199,8 1720-1722 THE VOICE ?, in E, \hum; mx, bye-bye, s/off. (then China ? on 6200)
4026,0 1717,1954,2148 LHH %, mx, 1719 Bzn, 1954: tk, ..on 4026.., mx, 2148 mx.
6240,0 1826-1838 UNID, v.weak\much atmos,F traffic on 6238,5u: v.hard to hear; mx, D? mx, tk. [cf HITMIX ]
6265,0 1839-2027 BOGUSMAN, good \much atmos; tk about Led Zeppelin, rock, more tk, 1948 "IDing"
6304,9 1852-1908 UNID, v.weak\much atmos; D.Summer"Hot stuff", mx, 1904 tk, ID no copy. [cf PYTHON ]
6319,9 1857-2036 R. EGERLAND, weak +peaks \much atmos; G/D brass mx, G/D polka &waltz, 1910 ID (in G?)
6299,95 1903-1903 UNID, v.e.weak\much atmos; mx. (not heard at 1908)
6396,9 1927-1952 WEEKEND MUSIC R., fair\PLC, much atmos; ID+@, duo tk (replies: Scottish accent!)
6240,0 2009-2012 UNID, e.weak\much atmos, ut.QRM. Beatles "8 days a week", more mx, but lost.
6950,0 2028-2035 LITTLE FEAT R., weak\atmos; R&R, ID, mx, ID+@, rock
6315,0 2036-2044 "-- -- MUSIC R.", weak\atmos; D.Straits, Sugar baby love, I got you babe, 2043 ID not OK, mx
6848,9 2138-2200 R. GSV, weak\PLC,atmos; mx, tk, IDs. 2143 g's to Jari, 2154 Riders on the storm
6990 L 2302-2304 UNID, mx, on/off audio (and no carrier)
kHz UTC1-UTC2 Station-ID, signal \QRM-QRN etc...; details
(Sometimes : UTC1,UTC2 : no intermediate check)
Tips are in time order, except when linked with a "|" in the spacing line.
mx=music, tk=talk, D=Dutch, E=English, G=German, F=French, it.=Italian, sp.=Spanish, rpt=report, v.=very,
e.=extremely w.=with, '=..ing, c'/d=closing down, M/W=man/woman, g'=greeting, ut=utility, SM=summer meeting ad
ID+@=ID+e-mail address, J=jingle, PLC=PowerLineComm'(noise), \=but, %=guess, hl=hotline, accn=accordion
> =becoming/then, bb=boom-boom mx, bpm=beat per min, [ between sq. brackets : best fit ID, thanks quick logs ]
Please note that c'/d is a period from a few seconds to well more than an hour before the real switch off !
"Strength" notes (from e.weak to V.strong) are rather S/N notes by ear, not S-meter levels.
LOGS : 01 - 07 SEP. 2014
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- Hardcore Gold Piratear
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