Many stations everyday, all of the week about the 31st of August anniversary. Checked with all the logs found on Internet, but many tips remained 'UNID'. Look specially at 1842 on Friday, then at 1943 (both with useful details), also at 0744 on Sunday, any ideas? Also look for Channel 292 on Saturday, still alive! And a Danish station, OZNRH, testing on 6263,5 almost every night after 2000 UTC, but a far better antenna was needed.
* * * * * MON. 25 AUG. 2014 * * * * *
6323,5 1440-1603* UNID, e.weak+v.weak peaks \PLC; mx, tk, IDs?, native? E, 1602 ID under traffic, end [cf XTC ]
6289,9 1444-1506 UNID, e.weak \squeezed:ut,traffic,PLC; instrum mx, polka, later a trace only. [cf RODE ADELAAR ]
6210,0 1448-1506 trace, maybe with audio
6150,0 1552-1626 EUROPA 24, v.weak \PLC; instrum mx, 1553 triple ID
6240,0 1605-1605 trace (included only because better heard elsewhere) - - [cf HITMIX ]
6295,0 1610-1615* UNID, blank at first, then slow increase of mx level, s/off at end of track. [cf R-ADELAAR ?]
6295,0 1618-1629* UNID, weak\fading,PLC; weak audio at first, mx, Bzn, s/off at 1629'43"
6300,0 1652-1730 TELSTAR R., weak-fair\PLC; D songs, 1655 Man of action, 1659 ID, 1726 "Telstar" song
6290,0 1700-1705 UNID, v.weak\PLC, mx, D song, pop, D song - - - - [cf R-ADELAAR ]
6290,0 1719-1730 R. CONDOR, v.weak\PLC, D song, ID+@ in E, D song...
6295,0 1810-2002 RODE ADELAAR, fair>good, D mx, 1832 \beating, C&W"Take your diamond", 1835 ID, Peggy Sue, Una paloma blanca, 1900 still beating, D pop, 1930 Daddy cool, 2002 accn, ID \traffic 6290u. (2020 gone)
6255,0 1814-1843 R. TELSTAR SOUTH, fair\fading; long clips from R.Caroline w. W.Germany topic, stn underneath (maybe from on air recording), 1840 at last typical sound of Golden Boys: Ross revenge, "All right now".
6305,0 1828-2136 PAARDENKRACHT, mx, D song, Get down, 1909 R.Stones, Byrds, 1924 spelling ID, IDs, mx, 2019 Show me the way, 2108 QRM?, 2128 ID, salsa, 2136 g's
6243,6 1845-2020 XTC, v.weak\PLC + fair peak; ID, Xenon Transm' Company, mx, 1937 ID+@, mx
6210,0 1903-1919 trace (included only because better heard elsewhere) - - [cf SW GOLD ]
6208,6v 1905-2004 trace, drifting down to 6207,4
6325,0 1920-1923 UNID, "test", accn, allo test, bit of mx, allo test een twee, mx. (1936 gone)
6422,3 1943-2018 UNID, 60s clips, R.Caroline (London W1 address), mix of parts, occ. D song, clips...
6397,0 1948-2005 R. GSV, v.weak\fading; Beach Boys, ID, "Caroline" song, anorak mx, Doors.
4026,0 2021-2135 LASER HOT HITS, fair \Morse4028; mx, jingle, ID
3934,8 2025-2105 UNID, e.weak \deep fades, mx. - - - - - - - - [cf MONIQUE ]
3927,2 2027-2135 R. BATAVIA, e.weak\noisy, mx, song in F from Eurovision?, 2035 part of Bonanza, Man of action, 2045 tk in E: democracy .., ID??, 2051 real ID, pops, 2130 F song.
6294,7 2109-2140 WEEKEND MUSIC R., pops, 2121 ID, stories: Ross Revenge raided, D act 1974, IDs, mx
6205 L 2111-2120 UNID, fair\PLC, traffic 6203u; mx, mx. (2137 gone). - - - - [cf MINIPOWER ]
* * * * * TUES. 26 AUG. 2014 * * * * *
6304,9 1543-1609 R. PLUTO SW, e.weak\PLC,noisy,F fishers6307,5u; mx, tk, some C&W, 1607 ID, end ?
6150,0 1612-1624 EUROPA 24, fair+peaks \PLC; instrum mx, 1615,1624 triple IDs
6304,0 1624-1719 UNID, weak\fading,PLC,F fishers; D songs, 1708 het 6305, 1719 "R. -- --"@live.nl. [cf VENDOR ]
6305,0 1709-1715 UNID, e.weak \under 6304 stn; tk in D, Radio Mont...???, accn. (1720 gone)
6295,0 1710-1727 BLACK BANDIT, clear; C&W, 1725 known voice, fancy ID Kwackzalver (=crook ?)
6325,0 1720-1725 UNID, v.weak \RTTY6328; messing with mod level, mx, 2 words, blank. (1728 gone)
6305,0 1725-1728 UNID, fair; accn
6305,0 1913-1916 UNID, v.weak\PLC,het 6300,8; bugles band, accn. (1959 blank on 6304,6)
6294,9 1918-1957 ODYNN R., fair \PLC,noisy; ID, mx, tk in D, g's, 1919 ID, Who'll stop the rain, 1956 on/off, \bursts
6264,9 1922-1955 UNID, e.weak\PLC,hard; D% mx, D% tk. - - - - - - [cf FLAMINGO ]
6219,6 1931-2036* R. KILOHERTZ, \stanag splash,occ.traffic it. 6215u; rockabilly, tk in G, ID in E, 100W.
6210,0 1937-1946 UNID, e.weak+peaks \PLC; D% mx, Balkans% accn mx, 1946 some words. - -[cf WITTE REUS ]
6915,0 2003-2028 PREMIER R. INT, \Morse u-side, QRM?; mx, 2009 ID, canned ID, mx, All by myself, tk
6860,4 2012-2026 R. GSV, e.weak\PLC; Whole lotta love, rock, ID, Santana?
6860,4 2144-2150 WMR, "Baba O'Riley", 2149 ID, testing, "Baba O'Riley" again
6305,1 2028-2103 UNID, v.weak\PLC; D mx and rock. - - - - - - [ cf VAT69 ]
6205,7 2037-2057* UNID, e.weak \traffic 6200u it., and what else?; mx, v.hard to hear. [cf ONDA CALIENTE ]
6263,4 2049-2137 UNID, trace. - - - - - - [cf OZNRH ]
4026,0 2103-2128 LASER HOT HITS, fair-good\fading; mx, tk, IDs, bank holiday
3929,9 2105-2133 R. BATAVIA, v.weak \FM image?; psiou! tk, ID no copy, pops, 2113 J.Halliday "Que je t'aime", 2119 ID, 2129 anorak, part of Bonanza, Man of action (see Monday).
6380,0 2134-2200 BLACK BANDIT %, strong peaks; C&W (2150 blue grass-cajun) - - - -[cf KWAKZALVER ]
6295,1 2136-2140 UNID \fading; mx; Grace Jones ?. (2153 gone)
6300,0 2302-2308 R. RAINBOW INT, fair(better then usual)\PLC; ID+@, Beatles"A day in the life", IDs, V.of Peace...
* * * * * WED. 27 AUG. 2014 * * * * *
6295,0 1554-1700 UNID, trace > e.weak\noisy,PLC; mx, 1636 tk,c'/d,hotmail, g's, 1643 ..auf KW.., mx. [cf HITMIX ]
6150,0 1555-1659 EUROPA 24, weak\PLC; triple ID, instrum mx.
6746,9 1558-1659 PIONEER R., v.weak \much fading; ID+@, mx, 1612 ID again !
6950,0 1604-1658 UNID, fair \noisy; endless techno box. - - - - [cf BLACKBEARD ]
6380,0 1654-1658 UNID, e.weak \PLC, D mx, Michaella ? [cf JAMAICA ]
6380,0 1757-2127 UNID, v.weak\fading,PLC; D songs, some pops, 2126 e.weak\PLC,noisy,atmos; mx [cf JAMAICA ]
6200,0 1753-1757 UNID, "I just called", then instrum mx. (1805 gone)
4026,0 1836-2035 LASER HOT HITS, fair\ut.noise under,RTTY4020a; mx, ID, mx, tk, D? clip, 1938 Dragonslayer
6485,1 1848-2120 INTERSOUND R., v.weak\PLC,RTTY6483,stanag splash; mx, 1854 ID no copy, 1925 Give peace a chance, P4P, "Way of life", "professor W.C. Waters" (hein? ), now \bad fading; 1932 ID, rock,etc
6925,0 1857-1901 UNID, mx, 1859 break, back on, break again.
6860,4+ 1904-1921 R. GSV, weak\PLC,strong Morse 6853; ID+@, mx, Blondie"Call me", tk, many IDs, Beat it
6950,0 1915-2039 BLACKBEARD, fair-good\noisy,fading; endless techno box, but tk above with IDs, 2037 bye-bye
6850,1 1953-2040 ARCADIA R., \strong Morse6853; jazz, ID many languages, jazz
6837,9 2003-2040 UNID, e.weak\PLC > trace; tchacs mx
6263,5 2022-2202 UNID, trace, sometimes barely heard mx. - - - - [cf OZNRH ]
6740,0 2041-2044* UNID, bad-noisy mod.; Suzy Q, I put a spell on you, s/off.
6930,0 2122-2125 UNID, fair \spitting ut., traffic; C&W - - - - - - [cf TRX ]
6925,0 2150-2207 UNID, fair \traffic; blues. - - - - - - [cf TRX ]
6740,0 2145-2204* R. TIDAL WAVE, strong, test after break, distorsion gone, but still noise included. Crunchy granola, American woman, ID, tk, mx, 2202 ID
* * * * * THURS. 28 AUG. 2014 * * * * *
6305,1 1603-1725 R. MERLIN INT, weak \bigPLC; pops, IDs, 1613 ad for DrTim news, E.Moricone mx. (1817 gone)
6295,0 1621-1702 UNID, fair\PLC; Rasputin, pops, 1639 Telstar, D mx, 1702 overmod [cf B.POWER-B.ARROW qso ]
6286,1 1644-1713* UNID, e.weak\PLC, 6295 splash; Bzn, D mx, accn, sudden s/off
6319,9 1653-2005 RODE ADELAAR, weak>good; D songs, occ. C&W or pops, 1913 ID
6424,7 1704-1706* UNID, e.weak\PLC; mx, s/off - - - - - - - - - - - - - -[ cf RONALISA ? ]
6149,9 1715-1719* UNID, rock, instrum mx, sudden s/off. (could be Europa 24 testing)
6300,0 1817-1839 R.Z. VENDOR, good; D song, 1821 brass mx, ID in D+E, said c'/d, If I only could, 1832 ID,c'/d
6293,0 1826-1839 BLACK ARROW, mx, 1827 "Encore une fois", 1830 ID as B.A., Dust in the wind, techno, 1839 g's
6825,0 1842-2002 R. PLUTO SW, v.weak\sticky PLC at first; mx, 1932 Psycho killer, ID, 1936 ID, mx
6300,1 1848-1902* R. BONTE SPECHT, polka, g's, IDs(good one at 1859), brass mx, end
6265,1 1903-1928 R. NORA, pops, 1908 Z.Nora, 1922 F song, 1926 IDs, burrito song, tk in D, mx
6300,0 1914-1929* UNID, e.weak or less; mx, 1928 tk, ID \OTH burst above!, then end [ followed? by ASCONA ]
6950,1 1938-2005 LITTLE FEAT R., fair\fading,some atmos; ID, mx, tk: Montferland, 1943 ID+@, 2002 F song, IDs
6263,5 2007-2203 UNID, trace \noisy, gurgling ut. - - - - - - [cf OZNRH ]
6205,0 2011-2126 SUNRISE R., e.weak\PLC, bpm, D instrum, Roll over Beethoven, tk, Gloria, 2040 ID, 2048 Troggs"Wild thing", 2056 "Good love"(title?), 2058 ID, mx. (2134 gone)
6205 L? 2134-2204 UNID, mx, v.hard to hear, rock, \splash from 6200, atmos.
4026,0 2059-2120 LASER HOT HITS, fair \atmos; Laser Int, DJ list, ID, mx...
3905,1 2101-2108* R. ALICE, pops, 2106 ID, c'/d, ID, N. part of NL, long blank, s/off at 2108'37"
6295,1 2121-2148* UNID, e.weak\PLC,atmos; rock, rap, bit of drift, 2142 hum(pop on 6295,25), 2148 nix |cf VAT69]
6284,9 2123-2125 v.weak\noisy, QRM6280; D mx. (2142 gone)
6209,9 2125-2205 R. GOLDSTAR, weak\fading,atmos; D instrum mx, 2127 ID, SunnyRadio hotmail, 2133 ID+@
6290,1 2148-2149* UNID, mx, s/off
6305,1 2150-2156 UNID, mx, slow end
6260,1 2157-2202 UNID, mx, end.
* * * ** * FRI. 29 AUG. 2014 * * * * *
6305,1 1205-1216 UNID, e.weak\PLC, mx, tk, "Japanese boys", etc... - - - -[cf MERLIN ]
6746,9 1613-1705 UNID, v.weak\PLC; mx, mx, 1652 D song \helico ut.QRM, anorak mx, 1703 Shadows [cf PIONEER ]
6950,0 1615-1705 R. BLACKBEARD, fair \fading, techno mx, 1639 ID, tk: will relay Laser, 1705 ID, time check
6939,9 1624-1631 TRANS EUROPE R., weak\stanag6937; Bowie, 1630 ID, 30W, ID+@, tnx rpt. (1635 gone)
6290,0 1709-1822 RODE ADELAAR, fair\PLC; D brass mx, ID, accn, mx, accn. (1834 gone)
3905,0 1718-2137 UNID, v.weak\under noise > strong; mx, 1818 tk, 2014 Bowie, 2111 "Lola" [cf SKYLINE ]
6305,0 1724-1724 UNID, D or G song
4026,0 1810-2057 LASER HOT HITS, v.weak/RTTY4024 (at first); mx, ads:FSN,OEM, 1815 ID+@
6300,0 1820-1841 UNID, strong; mx, 1834 tk in D, g's to D stns, Hello Marylou, Stupid cupid. - -[cf TELSTAR ]
6255,0 1822-2302 R. TELSTAR SOUTH, Son of a preacher man, typ. Golden Boys, 1833 Doors "Light my fire", 2001 offshore story, mx, mx, 2259 California dreaming, typ. tk
6205,1 1826-1848* UNID, weak-v.weak\fading; pops, 1831 jingle, 1847 ID(=?), now c'/d. - - [cf KING SW ]
6215,0 1828-1851 UNID, (after blank), weak\fading,noisy; mx, techno mx, 1851 QSY to 6210
6210,0 1851-1852 UNID, (ex-6215), mx
6320,0 1834-1920 DELTA R., weak-fair\noisy; D songs, 1837 JID, D song, ID, JID, 1919 now on 6319,8, F song, blank
6240,0 1842-1909 UNID, \many stanag bursts;60s pop, break, 1855 back at last, clips from R.Veronica, tk in D, pops, 1856 background:"Walk don't run", ..DrTim(?) .. SUV(?)..studio Arnhem(?).. mx, 1900 tk: Four Tops, Veronica clip, ann' Radio Zender Zud-West (??), 1907 QSY to 6244, tk about R.Veronica
6241,9 1917-1917 UNID, tk in D
6245,0 1931-1934 UNID, samba, tk in D (sounds like same Veronica story), 1934 D song
6300,0 1910-1925 BLAUWE PANTER, weak-fair\messing with mod level; D mx, 1914 ID, allo... later het, ut.bursts
6289,9 1909-1929 UNID, D songs, 1927 Loop di la (dirla dada), accn-D song - - [cf POWERLINER ]
6298,5 1920-1925 UNID \het6300; mx, Batman, 1925 lost
6237,8 1934-2150 CRAZY WAVE R., \traffic; mx, 1949 ID,mx, tk, 2031 ID, mx, IDs, tk in E+G
6207,0 1938-2056 UNID, v.-e.weak \noisy, PLC,traffic 6210u; mx, 'piraat' song, mx - - - - [cf GOOFY ]
6199,9 1943-2028 UNID, weak-fair\noisy; D songs, D tk, 1952 tk: Donetsk, 1953 50-60s mx,jingle,Walk don't run, ..Lex Harding show.. etc, 2024 duo tk, "Radio -- --o" jingle, Here comes the sun, Veronica clip, Harding. (Later China QRM)
6219,9 1956-2000* UNID, fair-good; pops, 1958 Losing my self-control, cut, blank and s/off
6290,0 2002-2039 UNID, accn-D "bourrée", blank, mx, blank, 2016 G song, 2039 Baker Street
6304,9 2004-2004* UNID, bit of mx, blank and s/off
6950,0 2007-2046 LASER HOT HITS, tk above "Minnie the moocher"(reprise), IDs, D.Norris, tk...
6299,7 2033-2040* UNID, weak-fair \PLC; pops, So happy together, S.Blue"Venus", sudden s/off
6876,2 2046-2048* UNID, e.weak \bad fading, mx, s/off
6290,0 2051-2147 UNID, e.weak, mx, mx - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [ cf RNW ]
6290,0 2256-2328 R. POWERLINER INT, tk in D, ID, QSO w. RNW, mx, g's, mx
3929,9 2112-2138 R. BATAVIA, fair\loc.noise; mx, 2114 ID, g's, ID+@, mx, 2137 ID, mx
6320,0 2124-2132* UNID, \hets L-side; accn brass mx, accn, end. - - - - [cf MONTFERLAND ]
6300,6 2124-2130* SALLANDSE BOER ?, strong\PLC; mx, tk in D, amateur, Sallandse Boer, bye-bye
6320,0 2138-2139* UNID, strong, D mx, s/off at 2139'37"
6320,0 2139-2151 UNID, weak-fair, accn, 2151 E.Moricone mx
6307,0 2143-2151 R. CAROLINE INT, v.weak\PLC; mx, JID+@, mx, tk, ment' R.Rainbow
6300,5 2254-2256 UNID, CCR "Proud Mary", mx. (2303 gone)
6207,0 2302-2302 R. CAROLINE INT ?, ID not OK, Balkans mx
* * * * * SAT. 30 AUG. 2014 * * * * *
7265,0 0753-0753 HAMBURG LOKAL R. %, in AM-USB, weak +peaks; jazz (0803 gone)
6095,0 *0800-1005 MIGHTY KBC, v.strong; "Time to warm up the tubes...", Rosko, C&W, 1005 mx,tk,ID
6190,0 0805-0917 HAMBURG LOKAL R. %, in AM-USB, v.weak, G W singer, 0850 kletzmer? mx, tk in G
6944,8 0811-0908 R. COAX ?, e.weak \loc. noise; mx, tk, 0820 Beach Boys"Good vibrations", 0823 ID not quite OK, etc.. 0904 ID(=?), @hotmail.com, D mx, 0908 end ?
6299,9 0911-0916 UNID, e.weak\PLC, mx
6300,0 0928-0954 UNID, v.weak, Get it on, brass mx, synthe (0955 lost, later traces, till 1220)
6324,8 0919-0930 UNID, trace-e.weak\PLC; mx, 0924 almost classic mx. (0937 gone) - - [cf NORTON ]
6210,0 0939-0942 UNID, e.weak; War of the worlds. (0942 to 6205 ?) [cf QRP ]
6205,0 0942-0949 UNID, e.weak at best \PLC, mx. [cf QRP ]
6205 u 0957-1003 UNID, e.weak \PLC; pops, 1003 "Relax" (1008 gone) [cf QRP ]
6305,1 1958-2048 UNID, mx, gd ev', .. , 2004 \stanag above, 2022 Walk like an Egyptian [cf UNDERGROUND ]
6290,1 1959-2230 R. VAT 69, up to strong; Wind of change, 2011 Nights in white satin, 2022 ID+@, mx, 2225 spectrum?
6245,4 2002-2232 R. TANGO ITALIA %, mx, 2010 mx from Argentina, 2130 break, 2153 back, song in sp.
6215,0 2006-2033 UNID, weak \it. traffic6217,0; mx, 2019 Voyage voyage, mx
6205,0 2008-2008 mx, Dragonslayer, messing (2014 gone)
6200,9 *2015-2053 UNID, \bit of hum; mx, blank between tracks, 2044 tk in G ?. - - - -[cf EUROPA EXPRESS ]
6070,0 2026-2205 R. CHANNEL 292, relay of Offshore History R., \fading, splash..; 2030 QRM from VOA, RNI jingle, 2200 Man of action, 2202 ID+@ (then OHR ID), story of Galaxy (from war of Pacific)
6209,7 2037-2053 R. FLYING DUTCHMAN, pops, tk in D, ID, tnx rpts
6324,8 2047-2206 UNID, some accn mx, later sailors songs? [cf NORTON ]
6255,0 2049-2153 R. TELSTAR SOUTH, typ. of Golden Boys, Twist&Shout, Venus, ID, Light my fire...
6860,3 2054-2111 UNID, Kate Bush, mx, 2111 reggae. - - - -[ cf GSV ]
6915,0 2058-2218 UNID, offshore stories, rock, mx: Marbles, 2218 flattened by Stanag [cf PREMIER ]
6925,0 2059-2105 LITTLE FEAT R., fair\noisy,atmos; pops, 2105 ID@ \traffic
6930,0 2101-2106 UNID, e.weak \v.hard,QRM from 6925; mx, 2106 trace, then lost
6549,6 2112-2122* UNID, weak\PLC; rock, rockabilly, sudden s/off at 2121'53"
6264,8 2126-2129 UNID, e.weak-trace; mx. - - - - - - [cf CARRIERWAVE ]
4025,9 2133-2139 LASER HOT HITS, strong \fading,some noise; mx, tk, "on Laser"
6306,0 2141-2206 RAMMSTEIN R. %, weak; Rammstein hard rock, 2206 now hard to hear.
6322,4 2220-2225 RAMMSTEIN R., weak \PLC > v.weak\ut.atmos; Rammstein ?, ID(+@gmx.de), still hard to hear
6920,0 2259-2300* UNID, Man of action. - - - - - - [cf PIONEER ]
* * * * * SUN. 31 AUG. 2014 * * * * *
6200,9 0640-0820 UNID, weak+peaks\PLC; mx, player problem, 0723 "It's R. -- -- --". (0850 on 6200,1) [cf SUNFLOWER]
6070,0 0647-0851 R. CHANNEL 292 %, v.weak\PLC; offshore-year 1964, in E, 0726 Galaxy, R.London. (0932 trace)
6070,0 1707-1847 R. CHANNEL 292 %, weak\noisy,fading; offshore story, R.East Anglia 250kW joke, 1823 RNI story
6209,8 0658-0758 R. WAVES INT %, e.>v.weak\PLC; mx, "C.B. Tex(?) radio show", 0733 C&W, tk in F
6212,4 0804-0927 R. WAVES INT, drifting, hard to hear; 0807 on 6212,2 ID in F, C&W, 0849 on 6212,1 tk (US accent)
6210,8 1157-1157 R. WAVES INT %, e.>v.weak\PLC; tk, mx
6281,5 0744-0810 UNID, e.weak\much fading,PLC; 0744 Laurent Voulzy "Rockcollection", 0751 W voice, "California dreaming", 0754 "bc' on ...." ID no copy, 0755 uip uip! 0756 W voice. (0815 gone).
6205,0 0804-0850 UNID, v.>e.weak \splash; mx. (0928 trace on 6205,1). - -[cf KING SW ]
6095,0 0813-0931 MIGHTY KBC, v.strong, ad, ID, Trucker Radio, 0929 ads, deep fade (1157 good+peaks)
6095,0 1638-1658* MIGHTY KBC, v.strong+peaks, playing RNI last hours, 1655 RNI off air, 1656 KBC ads, ID
6397,0 0821-0832 UNID, v.-e.weak\PLC, "My sweet lord", W voice (no copy), harmonica, pop. (0852 gone) [cf GSV ]
6305,15 0835-0853 R. UNDERGROUND INT, weak-fair; mx, 1-2-1-2 gd m'... 0838 IDs, g's, pops... (0927 gone)
6284,9 0841-0858 UNID, v.weak\PLC; mx, tk, Beatles, W voice, mx, 0856 ID no copy (0924 e.weak, mx) [cf CONDOR]
6306,3 1155-1156 UNID, v.weak; pop mx - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -[cf VOTN ]
6320,0 1649-1718 UNID, e.weak\PLC; mx, brass mx, instrum mx. - - - -[cf HITMIX ]
6280,0 1650-1730 UNID, v.weak \squeezed stanag 6275,het 6282,15; rock, pops, 1722 a few words?. (1819 gone)
6802,8 1724-2020 PINK PANTHER R., v.hard at first with RTTY 6802,0, then weak\PLC; mx, 1830 g's to Artem, IDs in E and in D (Rose Panter), ID+@, tk in D, D song. 1925 flattened by RTTY and stanag, 2019 mx \atmos.
6860,4 1835,1924 R. GSV, v.weak\PLC; mx, ID by W, reggae. 1924 v.weak\PLC, atmos. (2019 gone)
6215,0 1842-2157* UNID, e.weak\atmos; bpm, 1957 "This is radio station -- --", 2036 Lambada(alt take), peaks
4025,9 1847-2135 LASER HOT HITS, weak > strong \noisy,atmos; mx, tk, 2049 ID+@
7700,0 1853-2137 FRSH, strong\PLC(arg...), 1854 multi IDs, mx, 1900 R.Stones"Start me up"1912 RadioDag@..., FRS Golden Show, mx, many IDs, FRSH clips. 2020 short clips..., 2137 year 1980, mx
9300,0 1854-2021 FRSH, e.weak\noisy,atmos; //7700
6940,0 1917,2018 PREMIER R. INT, v.weak\atmos, Rasputin, ID, Aneka"Japanese boys". 2015 mx
6325,0 1926-2022 UNID, v.weak\atmos,PLC; Dragonslayer, 1931 tk ?, Dire Straits?, 2002 C&W. [cf MONTFERLAND ]
6318,8 1927-1934 R. CAROLINE INT, e.weak\atmos, PLC; mx, JID+@, mx. (2002 gone)
6305,1 1934-1936* R. UNDERGROUND INT, QSO, CQ, CQ, ID, CQ DX, s'/by on the fq, blank, off.
6305,0 *1936-1941 R. ROB from Rotterdam, weak\atmos,PLC; reply, ID, rpt, 1939 bye-bye.. IDs,1941 \hum
6305,1 *1941-1944 R. UNDERGROUND, reply to ROB, tk: plasma TV noise, rpt, ID, "in QSO"
6265,1 1944-2007 CUPID R., fair\atmos,ut underneath; mx, IDs, tnx, 800W ?, ID+@, mx, ...
6240,0 1950-1953 UNID, mx, rock. (later 6243 ?) - - - - [cf MUSTANG ]
6207,0 1956-2040 R. CAROLINE INT, e.weak\atmos; mx, 2039 JID, mx.
6243,0 2007-2107 MUSTANG R., only good; ID, tk, Loco-motion, rock... 2034 g's, IDs, 2103 c'/d, rock \ut.QRM
3904,7 2045-2055 LIKEDEELER, weak\low mod, atmos; retro mx, pop-rock, tk, W singer in G, 2053 ID, c'/d
6305,1 2056-2129 UNID, v.weak\atmos; Bzn, mx, jazz, pops, 2124 H.of Rising Sun. - - [cf VAT 69 ]
6263,5 2057-2103 OZNRH %, trace-e.weak, mx?, 2001 tk. (also 2153).
6935,0 2112-2150 UNID, blues, song, D song "Bimbo bimbo", early 60s pops, Yaketi Yak, H.Belafonte? [cf TRX ]
6319,0 2145-2201 UNID, e.weak; g's DrTim, mx, 2201 R. Verona ??, mx.
6290,1 2150-2202 R. SILVERBACK, D song "Bimbo bimbo", ID, "All right now", 2159 Nena "99..." in G, mx
kHz UTC1-UTC2 Station-ID, signal \QRM-QRN etc..., details
(Sometimes : UTC1,UTC2 : no intermediate check)
Tips are in time order, except when linked with a "|" in the spacing line.
mx=music, tk=talk, D=Dutch, E=English, G=German, F=French, it.=Italian, sp.=Spanish, rpt=report, v.=very,
e.=extremely w.=with, '=..ing, c'/d=closing down, M/W=man/woman, g'=greeting, ut=utility, SM=summer meeting ad
ID+@=ID+e-mail address, J=jingle, PLC=PowerLineComm'(noise), \=but, %=guess, hl=hotline, accn=accordion
> =becoming/then, bb=boom-boom mx, bpm=beat per min, [ between sq. brackets : best fit ID, thanks quick logs ]
Please note that c'/d is a period from a few seconds to well more than an hour before the real switch off !
"Strength" notes (from e.weak to V.strong) are rather S/N notes by ear, not S-meter levels.
LOGS : 25 - 31 AUG. 2014
Moderator: Moderators group
- Hardcore Gold Piratear
- Posts: 631
- Joined: Fri Jan 12, 2007 21:40 pm
- Location: W. France