Many stations on the air, but still weak signals on daytime. Unusual stations were hard to identify (not only here!), also some 'stereo' problems, so IDs (from mine or [from others]) are less than 100% sure.
Look for : Dokkum, Robbie, Barones, BZN, Columbia, Alex-W, Holland AM, Akai, Kipspies, Over the Horizon, Condor, Dubbel XX, Brabantia, Polaris (and no names).
R.Likedeeler was on almost everyday, extremely weak, sometimes relaying Skyline R. Germany.
* * * * * MON. 11 AUG. 2014 * * * * *
6265,7 0641-0820 WEEKEND MUSIC R., v.weak\PLC > e.weak,ut.QRM; mx, IDs "from Scotland", 0642 Move it on over
6290,0 0740-0801 UNID, v.weak\PLC,noisy; D mx(song, accn, polka, tiki)
6095,0 0759-0800 UNID, music heard on the channel before s/on of v.strong TRANSPORT R. at *0800
6290,0 0806-0819* UNID, strong \on-off audio, mx, Plaisir d'amour, Red River rock, tiki, off-back, D mx, 0819* sudden
6305,1 1707-1858 R. MERLIN INT, fair; mx, occ. tk and IDs, reggae. (1821 \D stn QRM on 6305,0 for a few min.)
6310,0 1710-1711 UNID, weak; mx, mx from Asia ? (1714 gone)
6295,0 1714-1718 HITMIX R., weak\fading; instrum mx, tk(sounds muffled), ID, kind of D mx.
6290,0 1807-1807 UNID, QSY on 6295
6295,0 1807-1823 UNID, ex-6290, v.weak, mx, tk(sounds muffled), ann' 6295, bye-bye c'/d, 1813 Alain Bashung "Osez Josephine", 1817 ID (no copy), 30 ? watts, tnx, 1823 tk in G; Bzn. - - - - - -[cf HITMIX ]
6210,0 1820-2235 SW GOLD, \occ.Traffic QRM; usual 'dead' radio.
6265,7 1819-1951 R. GSV ?, v.-e.weak \het,atmos; mx, tk, IDs not OK, 1944 Tainted love. (see WMR later)
6305,0 1821-1823 UNID, stronger than Merlin, D mx (1842 gone)
6319,9 1837-1921 UNID, v.weak\noisy,atmos; instrum mx, 1856 clarinet. (1953 gone) - - - - [cf UNID ]
6284,85 1845-1846* CUPID R., strong\fading; mx, tk in D, ID, cheerio, and off
6285,0 *1846-1846 R. ROB, from Rotterdam, rpt for Cupid (voice only)
6295,0 1858-1900 UNID, some islands mx by brass band, then D mx.
6204,9 1905-1906 UNID, e. weak; mx, then lost.
6295,0 1922-2020 ZARA R., weak+strong peaks, wide bandpass \fading,somme RTTY; tk in D, polka, brass band, 2002 Sail away, synthe mx, 2015 ID+@, 2020 strong, Daddy Cool.
6285,0 1928-2029 UNID, e.-v.weak\often undermod, noisy,atmos; Crunchy Granola, 1930 dit ist Radio - - -, jingle, tk, tk, 1958 mx, 2001 ID no copy, mx, tk, 2023 in E+D, Radio .. studio .. Blauwe .. 2029 Radio Null site (??), Shadows
6220,5 1951-1951 R. TANGO ITALIA %, tango (2031 gone)
6322,1 1953-2020 UNID, fair +odd peak, mx, 2017 phone call (other voice hard to hear, in D +E?) - -[ cf R. PYTHON ]
6304,85 1955-2011 UNID, good \light mod, on-off audio; mx, 2005 CCR ? then "Barracuda". - - [cf UNID ]
6255,1 2030-2037 UNID, strong fighting with 6256,1; mx, 2036 part of "Blowin' in the wind" (reprise)
6256,1 2030-2037 UNID, strong fighting with 6255,1;
6256,0 2050-2141 UNID, strong, wide band, jazz, pop, mx, 2119 \het on 6255 again; more pops. [cf UNID ]
6265,8 2030-2140 WEEKEND MUSIC R. - R. GSV(?), v.weak; mx, 2113 Every shalala, 2114 S.Wonder"Supertitious", 2118 ID (both), 2129 Play that funky music, 2134 ID(both)
6239,9 2032-2050 R. ROBBIE, 2038 ID, in duplex with R. ROB (2nd voice, weaker), voice only, sounds like traffic
6220,0 2039-2049 UNID, e.weak\atmos; tk (in G ?), mx. - - - - - - [cf LIKEDEELER ]
6965,0 2059-2111 LITTLE FEAT R., fair-good \atmos,traffic on 6965u; pops, 2100 ID+@, g's to Montferland, 2105 ID
6240,0 2124-2141 SLUWE VOS R., \F fishers on 6234,5u; some techno mx, 2127 ID+@, mx, more IDs, g's
* * * * * TUES. 12 AUG. 2014 * * * * *
6265,7 0625-0736 R. GSV (?), v.>e.weak \PLC,occ.traffic; Play that funky music, ID (not quite OK), Hot stuff, 0736 Radar love
6145,0 0723-0734* UNID, TransmissionTest@gmail.com, powerful \short breaks; test loop: mx and @
6305,4 1648-1716* UNID, trace>weak, 1650 QSY 6304,9 and back, 1658 blues, pop-rock, audio breaks, sudden s/off
6290,0 1651-1658 UNID, trace>e.weak\PLC, accn, instrum, polka. (1702 gone)
6220,0 1715-1936 SKYLINE R.G. ?, trace, 1817 e.weak\PLC,atmos; some mx, 1842 rock, tk ..news..on SW.. 1906 tk over, jingle, mx, etc, 1928 v.weak\more atmos; ..Germany.. "Skyline(?) Radio -- --". (Then long blank, still at 2151)
6265,15 1703-1715 UNID, e.weak; part of "Lily the pink", 1706 allo, test amateur.. 1707 gd ev' this is ..., N. part of the NL, 50 W at the moment (over CCR ?), g's. From 1712 : \hum, QRM about same level [cf ALICE ?? ]
6265,05 1712-1715 UNID, \hum with 6265,15, 1715 both stns: tk+mx. (1720 both gone) [cf SATURNUS??]
6285,0 1717-1816 R. TELSTAR INT, good\PLC; Them?, live ID, Who"Won't get fulled again", JID, Jailhouse rock, tk over instrum, ment' R.Python, 1814 tk, ID, instrum mx
6210,0 1722-2217 SW GOLD, 1722 trace, 1826 e.weak\PLC,atmos, mx, ID, 1935 Let's all chant, etc (also 2331)
6305,0 1846-1906 UNID, weak \PLC, atmos; mx, pops
6290,0 1912-1921 WITTE REUS, weak \PLC,atmos; pops, short tk, no ID but QSY on 6295
6295,0 1921-2112 WITTE REUS, weak \bad PLC,atmos; ex-6290, 1922 ID (also White Giant), 1936 Have you ever seen the rain, tk over, ment' R.Rob, R-Adelaar..., 1949 The way I like it, 2009 Paint it black, 2013 RxReport, Stairway to heaven, 2022 S.Blue, ID, \light mod. 2100 weak\atmos, Race with the devil, 2112 Dragonslayer
6945,0 1954-2058 UNID, e.weak \noisy, atmos, hard to hear; mx, bit of tk at times. (2134 gone) [ cf PLUTO ]
6295,0 2130-2217 UNID, strong peak; D mx, 2209 tk, anorak mx, 2217 Blue Monday. - - - - [ cf BARONES ]
6265,8 2101-2217 R. GSV, \occ.traffic; pops, 2105 Love shack, 2108 ID by W, more pops and IDs
6256,0v 2103-2130 UNID, e.weak\drift to 6259,8; Bzn?, tk in D, 2116 This is R. ---, gd ev', 2120 mx,tk,rpt, breaks [cf BZN]
6950,0 2134-2156 R. PLUTO SW, \atmos, mx, IDs "R. Pluto SW, music radio station"
6324,0 2202-2204 UNID, mx, 2203 long blank
6323,0 2207-2218 UNID, mx, 2208'30" break, 2210 blank, 2212 "OK, ready, let's go", techno, 2215 strong peak
6204,0 2331-2343 UNID, mx, laugh jingle, crazy rock (CWR ?), mx, 2343 long blank
* * * * * WED. 13 AUG. 2014 * * * * *
6265,8 0744-0815 e.weak\noisy,PLC; "No more heroes", mx, tk \too noisy. 0815 end? [ cf GSV ]
6305,0 1707-1710 UNID, mx, 1710 "Ma belle amie". (1719 gone)
6219,9 1711-1719 R. COLUMBIA %, e.weak\PLC; mx, tk, hotline, mx... 1815 squeezed \traffic6217u, stanag 6224
6219,9 1837-2056 R. COLUMBIA, e.weak\PLC, hard to hear; tk, ..dot-com, slogan, in D or E?, mx, 1916 ID no copy, 1918 'stereo' for a few min. (beating), 1945 ID (+@ no copy), D song, 1948 beating again, 2002 Man of action, tk\stronger traffic, atmos, now on 6220,0+, mx, 2056 tk in E, flute
6210,0 1713-2359 SW GOLD, v.weak\PLC > fair, computer programme, canned IDs
6291,9 1818-1834 UNID, mx, "Sing a lalala"(title?), then D songs. - - - - [cf NMD ]
6265,7 1821-2215 R. GSV, e.weak \hard to hear; "Scotland the brave" in a loop, more bagpipe, later pops, IDs, 2046 Echo Beach, No more heroes, 2213 Love shack.
6285,0 1929-1952 UNID, Save your kisses for me, Tiger feet, Ma Baker, Down on the corner, QSY to 6290
6290,0 1952-2023 UNID, strong \some hum; Yesterday man, Wooly Bully, YMCA (2045 gone) [cf RODE ADELAAR ]
6255,0 1941-1942 UNID, \fading; "radar love". (1958 gone). - - - - - - - - - -[cf MERLIN ]
4025,0 2014-2019 LASER HOT HITS, strong \bit of ut., bit of fading. mx, tk, ID+@, ann' 6950. (2155 and later: blank)
6304,9 2025-2123 UNID, e.>v.weak \PLC, mx, 2028 tk, rpt, this is Radio ---, 2033 ..Int'l.., D mx, 2108 ment' Powerliner, 2117 Fox on the run, 2120 Pretty woman, 2022 dull voice, mx. - - - - - [cf RONALISA ]
6298,0 2044-2210 R. MONTFERLAND, good\fading; accn, islands mx, rock, pop, accn, 2132 ID over cancan, Moricone, 2145 accn, Johnny Halliday "Pour moi la vie va commencer" (g's over mx), accn
6290,1 2057-2213 RNW, e.weak\splash; tk in D, mx, pop, 2125 c'/d here, 1-2-1-2, testing, 2128 "Osaka", 2135 jethro Tull, 2147 ID, g's, 2152 I can't stand the rain, 2200 ID "on 6-2-9-zero", "See Emily play".
6322,0 2110-2138 R. ETHERFREAK, e.weak; mx, ID+ ..master(at)Etherfreak.nl, mx, 2137 ID+@, mx
6802,9 2139-2208 UNID, fair \PLC,ut.QRM; instrum, 80s synthe club, 2204 "Should I stay/I go" in D, D song [cf PINK P.]
* * * * * THURS. 14 AUG. 2014 * * * * *
6237,6 0649-0653 R. GSV, v.weak\PLC; ID, mx.
6205,0 0655-0737 HITMIX, e.weak, later\PLC, mx, 0700 ID, tk, mx, 0720 accn, ...studio1A.., D song...
6290,0 0831-0833* RODE ADELAAR, ID, g's to Gunter, D mx, and end.
6285,1 1310-1325* R. NORA ?, e.weak\PLC; rock, tk in D, Joe Dassin "L'été indien", \deep fades, tk, guitar, 1322 JM.Jarre "Oxygene", tk over, ment' Nora twice, but not a positive ID, end.
6266,0 1522-1529* RZ. ALICE, weak-fair\fading,PLC,atmos; polka, tk over song, ment' De Reus, 1527 IDs
6150,0 1530-1720 EUROPA 24, e.weak\bad PLC; mx, rock, IDs in G+E+D
6220,0 1543-1719 UNID, trace\PLC; trace of audio at times
6220,0 1802-1822 UNID, trace-e.weak \noisy,traffic; mx, 1810 tk: five watts (?)
6220,0 1931-1950 R. LIKEDEELER, e.weak \6219,8 hum till 1943; mx, 1941 ID, My Sharona, 1946 spelled ID, bye-bye
6220,0 2053-2111 UNID, e.weak; tk, mx, "Silver machine", 2109 QRM from vocoder traffic
6290,0 1550-1642 UNID, trace \sticky PLC, some mx at times. - - - - [ cf HITMIX ]
6300,0 1625-1806* TELSTAR R., e.weak\PLC > strong, 1626 D/G song, 1634 tk, 1716 Get it on, ID, 1720 rockabilly
6210,0 1709-2054 SW GOLD, e.weak\PLC > v.weak; mx, 1711 ID, 1940 tired computer, audio dropouts
6266,0 1755-1808 UNID (after a trace), mx, D mx, bastringue - - - - - - [cf ALICE ]
6324,9 1755, 1824 UNID, weak-fair, 1755: D mx. 1824: "Radio - -, the NL" (muffled mike), accn - - [cf >NORTON ]
6305,1 1823-1840 R. MERLIN, e.weak-fair \PLC,atmos; mx, 1837 tk, IDs, g's, mx.
6290,6 1841-1958* R. ALEX ..., e.weak, f'up v.slowly; mx, 1856 tk:QSL, ID no copy, 1903 "Listen music", 1911 ID, then mx and more annts (not better , even when spelled), 1956 bye-bye. - - - -[cf R. ALEX-W ]
6320,0 1928-2040 R. POEMA, tk in D, then mx, mx, 2027 said c'/d, Poema.AM(at hotmail.com), 2034 Walk don't run, tk in E+D, said other stn just after, "Eine cigarette", ID+@, "Wiedersehen" song.
6265,2 1929-1955 R. NORA, mx, tk in D, 1950 Mlle Ninette, tk in G, DJ is 70(?), ID, c'/d, TX 1 tube, modiulaor 2 tubes, Joe Dassin "L'été indien" (repeat ?).
6424,9 2002-2023 UNID, e.weak \often below noise; mx, D mx. - - - - - - [cf RONALISA ]
6950,0 2011-2151 LITTLE FEAT R., weak-fair \atmos; pops, IDS, 2147 "Pour que tu m'aimes encore"
6975,7 2013-2149 ROCK R. NETWORK, strong /bit of drift; rock, hard rock, 2119 ID, RockRadioEurope (@yahoo)
6319,8 2042-2110 R. ZARA (after carrier on 6319,8), strong;mx, rock, 2110 ID, from the NL, c'/d, song again
6300,0 2044-2103 BLACK BANDIT %, strong; D song, 50s rock-C&W"Sweet cherokee maiden"(?), 2103 D version of "Papal'Americano". (2110 gone)
6284,9 2050-2050 UNID, weak \noisy, mx, singer in E. (2111 gone) - - - - [cf UNID ]
4026,0 2056-2155 LASER HOT HITS, good+peaks \it.traffic4030u; mx, tk, ID (also 2355 Dragonslayer background)
* * * ** * FRI. 15 AUG. 2014 * * * * *
6305,1 0953-1014 UNID, e.weak \deep fades; 0954 long row of Caroline jingles, 1013 tk, mx
6240,0 1229-1234 SLUWE VOS R., mx, short audio break, 1233 ID. (1236 gone)
6210,0 1402-1512 HOLLAND AM, e.weak \PLC, mx, 1408 ID no copy, tk, mx, 1505 HollandAM (at europe.com), hard to hear, 1509 c'/d, 1512 mx
6289,9 1651-1653* R. AKAI, guitar, ID, Let's go, c'/d ID
6289,9 *1653-1656* UNID, reply to Akai, \hum from other stn calling on 6290,1; 1655 bye
6289,9 *1656-1700 R. AKAI %, guitar, ment' Akai, that's the QSO going on
6283,0 1700-1705 UNID, v.-e.weak; drums and accn, mx.
6240,2 1705-1707 e.weak, Mungo J."In the summertime", 1706 tk, ..hotmail...
6220,0 1707-1827 UNID, e.weak \hard, vocoder traffic..; mx, occ. rock~, 1815 D? song, 1826 "-- SW"
6215,0 1708-2027 UNID, v.weak; mx, funky?, soul?, 1810 synthe-drums, 1813 TX hickup, 2021 low tk. [cf ROZ ]
6215,0 2120-2320 R. OSCAR ZULU, e.weak +good peaks; mx, 2256 gmail, soft rock, 2259 in E, from the NL; only 10W at the moment, 2318 eurobird(?)@gmail.com, ID, mx
6210,0 1708-2121 SW GOLD, e.weak; mx, IDs; audio dropouts, also some carrier dropouts.
6305,1 1835-1836 R. ALTREX, tk, ID, mx. - -(1840 gone)
6290,1 1836-1848 UNID, e.weak \noisy, v.hard to hear; mx, soon only a trace and no f'/up.
6324,0 1840-1842 MUSTANG R. %, good \fading; Tutti fruti, mx.
6322,0 1846-2038 MUSTANG R. %, v.strong; Elvis, folk, Sound of silence, Ma baker, soul, mx, mx, mx
6280,0 1843-1947 UNID, v.weak\PLC,atmos; mx, jingle, Bzn, ID?, mx, 1925 funny singer, 1942 RNI clip [cf DOKKUM]
4026,0 1857-2125 LASER HOT HITS, good \F fishers 4025u; mx, tk, Laser, Laser Int, 2124 ID.
3905,0 1900-2123 SKYLINE INT R., weak at first, 1903 ID, g's, rock, 1910 ID over "Get it on", 1911 ID, later mx
6220,0 1930-2308 UNID, e.weak \stanag6225, traffic6217u; mx, tk??, 2305 gregorian singing ? [cf SKYLINE R. G. ]
6290,0 2007-2038 RODE ADELAAR, accn, 2014 Knock on wood, 2028 ID, 2037 If you be..
6280,0 2024-2036 UNID, \splash; mx, tk, ID?, MungoJ"Summertime, 2029 long instrum track, ID?,mx [cf SUNRISE]
6290,0 2111-2122 UNID, endless synthe-bpm, maybe with stealth ID under ? - - - - [cf SUNRISE ]
6240,0 2015-2314 UNID, synthe-tchacs(medley?), 2115 tk \stanag burst6238, techno bpm, 2308 strong "Stop in the name of love", (232 gone). - - - - - - - -[cf EXPERIENCE ]
6404,3 2039-2044 R. GSV, weak \PLC; No woman no cry, ID+@, My little runaway. (2110 gone)
6920 L 2050-2132 R. PLUTO, weak-fair_ut.6915a; IDs in E+F, Days of Pearly Spencer, techno, 2126 What is love
6950 u 2100-2131 UNID, e.weak \noisy; mx, 2107 techno drums, mx. 2131 lost. - - - - [cf KIPSPIES ]
6300,0 2243-2330 R. POWERLINER, strong > fair, mx, g's to stns(later Smolinsky), IDs, 2323 Smoke on the water
* * * * * SAT. 16 AUG. 2014 * * * * *
6220,0 0655-0816 UNID, mx under noise, slowly f'/down, 0748 tk then mx, under noise, trace.
4026,0 0755-0800 UNID, e.weak\loc.noise; mx, tk, ..e-mail..
6095,0 *0800-0810 MIGHTY KBC, v.strong, triumphal entrance of Emperor Rosko's, C&W, gd m' truckers!
6095,0 1014-1025 MIGHTY KBC, Beach Boys"Silence is golden", offshore era memories, ad for KBC
6095,0 1243-1412 MIGHTY KBC,good \fades, R&R, 60s pops, 1347 Shame on you, 1417 Happy birthday sweet 16
6290,0 1017-1019* UNID, e.weak\PLC, mx, end
6305,1 1245-1416 R. MERLIN INT, v.-e.weak\PLC, mx, ID, 1348 H.California, 1412 T-Rex"Children of the revolution, 1415 ..challenge the law.., (Also 1612-1649: v.-e.weak \traffic 6300u, mx, 1639 ID)
6305,1 1935-2330 R. MERLIN INT %, \traffic 6300u it., later ut.QRM; mx
6746,9 1253-1403 UNID, e.weak +v.weak peaks \PLC; mx. - - - - [cf PIONEER ]
6205,0 1349-1400* R. CASANOVA, e.-v.weak\PLC; mx, 1355 tk, ID, g's, D accn, D song
6802,7 1404,1620,2119 UNID, 1404: mx\noise. 1620: v.weak\PLC, King Creole. 2119: fair, mx, 2121 end? [cf PINK P.]
6294,9 1613-1652 UNID, v.weak>weak \PLC; D/G songs - - - - - -[cf RODE ADELAAR ]
6725,0 1623,2128 UNID, 1623 soft rock, D songs, tk in D. 2128: D song. 2220: D song, strong peaks. [cf TOWER ]
6319,2 1634-1648 MAGIC AM, mx, tk in D, IDs in E, mx
6150,0 1645-1653 UNID, weak+peaks; mx, instrum mx.
6310,0 1649-1652 UNID, wobbling; mx, 1652 lost
6319,9 1932-2132 UNID, strong\fading > weak\v.weak; pops, D songs, 2045 Koto?, 2130 Kraftwerk [cf CARRIERWAVE]
6289,5 1936-2229 OVER THE HORIZON R., good; quiet instrum mx, 2034 chansonnier on 6289,6 and ID over that, 2047 J.S.Bach ?, 2051 rock on stage, 2103 musical movie, 2108 Zarathustra, 2148 ID, chansonnier in E
6283,0 1939-2228 UNID, weak; H.California, D.Straits"Sultans.., 2039 undermod., 2149 many Elvis songs
6260,0 1942-1944 UNID, strong \fading, beating-hum(with CVC %), hip-hop, 1944 lost
6239,6 1945-2327 SKYLINE R.G. (1946 ID) & R. LIKEDEELER (2325 ID), v.weak\atmos, 1947 Black betty, 2059 ..low power.. Germany.., 2208 tk, ment' Likedeeler?, mx
6220 a 1949-2044* UNID, wobbling (only noise in ECSS), pops, 1953 Dust in the wind, 1956 Simon &Garf."I'm a rock", 2022 Jungle rock, 2043 Logical song, 2044 sudden s/off. - - - - [cf POWER AM ]
6210,0 1959-2327 SW GOLD, v.weak\noisy, mx, 2000 ID as SWC, 2100 \stanag noise, 2207 ID, many dropouts
6204,9 2001-2206 UNID, v.weak\atmos; tk, mx, 2024 break?, 2205 rock, dropouts, blank [cf FLYING DUTCHMAN ]
6253,9 2012-2058 R. PANDORA, v.weak\atmos, often under noise; pops, 2016 ID+hl, DX news??, mx, 2040 tk, reverb.
4026,0 2026,2223 LHH %, 2026: \Morse QRM; Mike Andrews p' Alan Jackson. 2223: mx
6384,3 2111-2112 R. UNDERGROUND, mx, known voice, robot voice JID, Asian? mx.
6404,2 2113-2129* R. GSV, weak\fading; rock, A.Brown"Fire", 2128 ID (also @, no copy).
6950,0 2122-2122 LITTLE FEAT R., ID, "Winchester cathedral"
6299,9 2132-2216 R. AKAI, rock, C&W, 2215 ID. (2229: blank and s/off)
6267,9 2153,2329 UNID, 2153: some reggae mx (2155 gone). 2329: trace - - - - [cf UNID ]
6262,5 2154-2200 WIZARD R., mx, allo-1-2, ID, .., c'/d in a few min.
6255,9 2201-2228 UNID, A.Brown"Fire", pops, 2213 Knock on wood, 2225 tnx Ross/Scotland, rock. [cf ODYNN ]
6319,9 2216-2331 UNID, fair+peaks; mx, 2323 War of the worlds ? - - [cf MONTFERLAND ]
6382,0 2218-2219* UNID, v.weak\atmos; mx, Michel Polnareff mx, and end.
6940,0 2333-2336* PREMIER R. INT, fair\stanag6935; "bc' live from the republic of Ireland", QSY to 6945
6945,0 *2336-2340 PREMIER R. INT, fair-clear, mx, gd m' Alex/UKR.., ID, Anita Ward"Ring my bell"(alt take)
* * * * * SUN. 17 AUG. 2014 * * * * *
6305,1 0647-1222 R. MERLIN INT, \occ.traffic6300u it., later v.weak; 0647 ID+hl+@, mx, IDs, 0718 Queen of hearts, Highway to hell, jazz, Hocus pocus, 0934 Grocer jack.
6320,0 0744-0831 UNID, e.weak\PLC, fades; mx, 0802 rock (Clapton?) (0851 gone) - - [ cf CARRIERWAVE ]
6150,0 0750-1035 EUROPA 24, v.>e.weak \PLC; pop-rock, 0755,0818 canned IDs in G+E+D. (1230-1331: trace)
6095,0 0800,1037 MIGHTY KBC, v.strong; 0800: ID, Trucker Radio Show, C&W. 1037: pop mx. Also 1222: pop
6205,0 0809-0933 UNID, e.weak+v.weak peaks\PLC,ut.QRM; mx, 0809 tk(no copy), mx,mx [ cf KING SW ]
6240,0 0820-0842* R. CASANOVA, weak\PLC; ID, accn, whistlers' song, D song, 0840 het 6240,3
6294,6v 0832-0929 R. CONDOR, v.>e.weak \PLC,drift to 6295,0; 0832 ID, mx, IDs, 0851"Radioactivity", 0929 anorak
6240,3 0840-0847 UNID, 'stereo' w.Casanova, schlager? then long blank, 0842 alone, long blank [cf SKYLINE RG ]
6260,0 0844-0846 CASANOVA R., whistlers medley, 0845 ID in E+D, mx (0853 gone)
6199,9 0854-0854 trace, included because heard elsewhere - - - - [ cf RONALISA ]
6236,1 0855-0857 UNID, e.weak, bit of mx, then blank
7375,0 0904-0918 UNID, only v.weak peaks above noise; R. London story, clips, jingles, general
6285,0 0920-0935 BLACK BANDIT %, good, You got me singing the blues(title?), blank, C&W, accn...
6320,0 0927-0935 UNID, e.weak > trace; mx, a few words, f' to a trace
6250,1 0930-0940 UNID, e.weak\PLC, v.hard; mx, 0940 s/off ?
6236,2 0931-0931 trace, included because heard elsewhere - - - - [ cf RENALDO ]
6300,2 1225-1225 trace, seemed with audio, included because heard elsewhere - - [ cf VAT69 ]
6309,8 1255-1320 UNID, e.weak\deep fades; mx, D song ? - - - - - -[ cf DUBBEL XX ]
6236,0 1300-1307 UNID, e.weak; mx, 1303 Larsen effect, tk in G, ..und dreizig kHz", mx, 1307 lost [cf PERFEKT ]
6299,8 1337-1422 UNID, e.weak at best \PLC; mx, 1346 hotmail, 1407 and 1415 Man of action [cf DUBBEL XX ]
6297,1v 1532-1542* UNID, under ReflEur6295 sideband; drifting to 6296,6; mx, 1542 s/off
6950,0 1545-1718 LASER HOT HITS, weak-e.weak; mx, 1547,1550 IDs, mx, 1706 g's
7310,0 1554-1557* R. SLOVAQUIE INT, in French, via R.700 %, duo tk, song in F. (then R700% in G, news, mx, 1602*)
6150,0 1606-1725 EUROPA 24, mx, rock, 1613 triple ID
6210,0 1710-1825 SW GOLD, e.weak \ut, Morse around, dropouts; mx. Also 2113, mx, 2318 ID
6305,1 1719-1719* UNID, mx, false start? then s/off
6305,0 1820-1837 UNID, v.weak \fading,noisy,PLC,splashes...; mx, 1822 ID no copy, 1831 yodl, rock [cf HITMIX ]
6240,0 1823-1830 RODE ADELAAR, fair;"Apache" (overmod.), ID, barrel organ, live ID, 1829 ID+gmail, polka
6399,3 1838-1838 trace, included because heard elsewhere - - - - [ cf UNID, DrTim news ]
6802,7 1839-1841 UNID, weak-fair\fading; D song. - - - - - - - - - - [cf PINK P. ]
6915,0 1842-1844 UNID, v.weak \fading,noisy; mx, " - - Radio Int'l" in E. - -[cf PREMIER ]
6945,1 2032-2031* UNID, mx, but off or QSY. - - - - - - - - [cf LITTLE FEAT ]
6920,0 2032-2044 LITTLE FEAT R., mx, Bonsoir Marcel, ID, ..move a couple of times.., ID+@, Bonsoir à nos écouteurs en France, 2042 player problem, 2044 TinaTurner ?
6320,1 2045-2056 UNID, weak>v.weak \hets,hard; mx, tk in D, comedy+laughing box, 50s R&R ? [cf BRABANTIA ]
6305,1 2048-2147 PAARDENKRACHT, good +peaks\fading, mx parts, IDs, tk, Man of action, ID in E, mx, 2123 She works hard for the money, mx, 2147 ID
6255,0 2058-2134 R. TELSTAR SOUTH, strong, last day of R.London in '67, long clips, later typ. Golden Boys sound
6242,0 2102-2150 BOGUSMAN, good\fading. tk: Solidarnosc era in Poland, indie rock, Sensational Alex Harvey Band
6325,1 2114-2215 UNID, v.weak\RTTY6328; mx, "Mr Cannibal", tk in D, 2123 - - free radio, 2141 D waltz, Loco-motion \traffic, 2150 Witch queen of New Orleans, 2210 tnx report Belgie, 2111 Mrs Robinson. [cf BRABANTIA ]
6404,2 2136-2215 R. GSV, fair; 2138 Riders on the storm, 2154 IDs, mx
4026,0 2156-2207 LASER HOT HITS, mx, tk, Laser Int, mx
3905,0 2158-2207 UNID, mx, rockabilly, Elvis. (also 2326 Rammstein). - - [cf POLARIS ]
6289,9 2314-2328 UNID, \China6280 splashes; pops, 2317 Janis Joplin ?, 2321 C&W on 6289,8 \f'/down
kHz UTC1-UTC2 Station-ID, signal \QRM-QRN etc..., details
(Sometimes : UTC1,UTC2 : no intermediate check)
Tips are in time order, except when linked with a "|" in the spacing line.
mx=music, tk=talk, D=Dutch, E=English, G=German, F=French, it.=Italian, sp.=Spanish, rpt=report, v.=very,
e.=extremely w.=with, '=..ing, c'/d=closing down, M/W=man/woman, g'=greeting, ut=utility, SM=summer meeting ad
ID+@=ID+e-mail address, J=jingle, PLC=PowerLineComm'(noise), \=but, %=guess, hl=hotline, accn=accordion
> =becoming/then, bb=boom-boom mx, bpm=beat per min, [ between sq. brackets : best fit ID, thanks quick logs ]
Please note that c'/d is a period from a few seconds to well more than an hour before the real switch off !
"Strength" notes (from e.weak to V.strong) are rather S/N notes by ear, not S-meter levels.
LOGS : 11 - 17 AUG. 2014
Moderator: Moderators group
- Hardcore Gold Piratear
- Posts: 631
- Joined: Fri Jan 12, 2007 21:40 pm
- Location: W. France