Look for R. WAVES INT, R. WILSKRACHT, R. TOP 2000 (ID tnx to Toutatis), lots of usual stations, lots of UNIDs (before Doc Tim News gives most of them).
* * * * * MON. 11 NOV. 2013 * * * * *
6219,8 0744-1427 R. WAVES INT, (cold start on 6219,9) fair+peaks > weak \strong stanag noise (bursts, then almost continuous). mx, IDs(multi). 0754 "Caroline" song, 0822 offshore story: Ross Revenge, 1256 Shaking all over
6305,1 0823-0831* R. MERLIN INT, blank, 0827 mx, 0830 ID, Paul Watt
6300,05 *0831-0831* R. MERLIN INT, W pop singer
6305,1 *0832-1208 R. MERLIN INT, back, same song, ID, mx, 0951 I can break away, 1018 IDs, tk, >v./e.weak
6324,9 0836-0843 UNID, D songs, parts of instrum mx (incl' polka) - - (0845 gone)
6070,0 0847-1006 R. CHANNEL 292, weak>v.weak, mx, ID in G, jingle '6-0-7-0 non stop music", 0956 ID-mx-ID-mx..
6070,0 1429,1654 R. CHANNEL 292, 1429: mx \co-channel QRM?, 1654: Tommy, "test of 6-oh-7oh", 1658 end?
11401,0 0909-1015 R. WAVES INT %, e.weak \PLC, mx, tk, RWI alike
11401,0 1107-1209 R. WAVES INT, fair, mx, IDs+BP, annt 7484kHz, "Do you love me"(reprise), Lucille, 1121 some C&W, 1207 M.Fugain?, P.Danel"Kilimandjaro"
11401,0 1253-1309 R. WAVES INT, fair, offshore history(Laser and LaserHH, on MV Communicator), rock.
11401,0 1351-1517 R. WAVES INT, e.weak\drowned +strong peaks! mx, tk, IDs, annt 6250, 1452 sudden deep f/down
6974,6 1310-1322 UNID, e.weak, D songs, Radetski march, ID?, song(kind of Chapeau de Zozo)
6303,7 1325-1413 UNID, e.weak \PLC, non stop mx, 1355 instrum rock, "Oxygene", D songs
6240,0 1332-1358 UNID \PLC, Chinese QRM. tk in E, 1338 ..the NL.., mx, v.hard to hear \ut,ring alike. (1408 all gone)
6324,5 1419-1424* UNID, mx, R&R.
6290,85 1458-1633 R. NORTON, v.weak, D songs, 1501 row of IDs
6324,5 1628-1630 UNID, strong. Rammstein ? (1634 gone) - - - - - - - - [ cf TINA ]
6304,9 1629-1652 UNID, \F fishers on 6307,5u. non stop D songs. (1702 gone, to 6303 ?) - - [ cf OMEJAN ]
6746,9 1645-1652 UNID, non stop D mx. - - - - - - - - - - - -[ cf PIONEER ]
6303,0 1702-1742 R. OMEJAN, D songs, 1707 ID+@ no copy(over 'piraat' song), 1719 ID OK at last, then \traffic.
6285,0 1712-1736* UNID, \v.dist. by traffic on 6284u. mx, accordion everyother track, 1716 tk no chance
6325,3 1727-1732* UNID, accordion, polka, end.
4026,0 1938-2138 LASER HOT HITS, \loc? noise, mx, 2126 tk, ID, 2137 ID
1386,0 2441-2447 CARILLON R., strong peak, JID, "Happy birthday" song, f/down, QRM beat.
* * * * * TUES. 12 NOV. 2013 * * * * *
1386,0 0743-0757 UNID, v.>e.weak \QRM, mx
6070,0 0828-0841 R. CHANNEL 292, e.weak, mx, 0829 ID
6070,0 1546-1644 R. CHANNEL 292, \Firedrake jammer splashings, mx, 1633 ID
6307,8 1548-1623* UNID, v.weak \PLC, rock, audio problems, 1612 Born to be wild, 1623 sudden s/off
6210,0 1624-1625* UNID, v.weak, mx.
6245,0 1721-1753 R. TINA : Bzn?, IDs+@, D songs \soon sticky PLC, 1745 River Kwai(instrum)
3905,0 1925-1943 trace, under scratching utility
4026,0 1933-2320 LASER HOT HITS, Laser goes DX, FSN plug, 2013 EMR clips (repeat)
6247,0 2016-2043* R. TWENTANA, messing with mx parts, IDs, allo, g's. 2029 I'm a believer, 2043 break
1386,0 2420-2433 CARILLON R., pops, 2426 "Magic", 2432 JID.
1602,0 2434-2436 R. SEAGULL, ID heard \much QRM from Spain.
* * * * * WED. 13 NOV. 2013 * * * * *
1386,0 0628-0647 CARILLON R., mx, JID, pops, C&W, 0643 fade and Russian(?) QRM, 0647 clear again.
1350,0 0631-0640 UNID, e.weak, W opera singer
6240,0 0756-0837* R. PELIKAAN, ID and tk over JM.Jarre(?) mx, 0801 Don't bring me down, 0815 polkas, Walk don't run, then more and more ut bursts, mix of mx, IDs. Off at 0837'49"
6250,0 *0838-0850* R. PELIKAAN, D songs, soul, IDs in D, c'/d and more strong ut. bursts.
6250,0 0854-0857* R. PELIKAAN (or maybe a reply?), mx, tk (mentions of Pelikaan, no other name), moo's.
6215,2 0915-1050 UNID, blank or low mod?, \traffic on 6214u
6250 a 1051-1051 UNID, e.weak\PLC, some mx heard, quick f/out
6298,6 1055-1127 UNID, e.weak\PLC, mx, annts (IDs no copy), 1103 Man of action, brass mx, 1110 v.gd aft' This is ... NL, a short test programme. Crunchy Granola. 1112 same annt. 1116 rpts.. QSL cards.. 1120 Tubular Bells. 1122 Tequila, "OK, the last one .. test .. NL .. Victor .., more mx.
1386,0 1635-1653 CARILLON R., v.weak, pops, 1640 JID, "Memphis Tennessee", Beatles "When I'm 64"
1386,0 2135-2144 UNID, mx, 2144 Eloise.
6799,9 1655-1701 UNID, e.weak, fading in and out, tk, mx.
6280,0 1802-1803* R. PELIKAAN, c'/d ID, end.
3905,1 1914-1955 R. WILSKRACHT ?, v.weak\noisy,odd fades. mx, 1916 allo, test..1925 instrum of "Scarborough Fair", 1951 R&R(Little Richard?), 1953 Have you ever seen the rain.
3905,1 1957-2048 R. WILSKRACHT ?, \QRM. 1957 accordion \carrier QRM on 3905,05. 2002 mx on both stns. 2015 QRM now on 3900,1 with "What is love" then D song. Later, both around 3905: 3905,1 with D songs, 3905,05 with mix of pops and D songs, till 2048 approx (end of QRM).
3905,1 2051-2130* R. WILSKRACHT, tk in D+E, ID at last. Elvis"Falling in love with you", ID. \strange noise, maybe from overpowered stn on 3955. 2113 Elvis"Don't be cruel". 2114 Highway to hell. 2127 c'/d ID, Casanovas song by barrel organ.
4026,0 1923-2131 LASER HOT HITS, \bad signal, noisy. mx, tk. 2131 fair, Mike Andrews.
* * * * * THURS. 14 NOV. 2013 * * * * *
6070,0 1435-1438 R. CHANNEL 292, weak/v.weak, mx, ID.
4026,0 1840-1928 LASER HOT HITS, mx, 1917 ID, Bay City Rollers.
4026,0 2113-2148 LASER HOT HITS, mailbox, mx, "A la vie, Ã l'amour", Laser Int.
1386,0 2343-2345 CARILLLON R., mx, JID
* * * ** * FRI. 15 NOV. 2013 * * * * *
1386,0 0757,1330 UNID, e.weak, mx.
6795,8 1203-1722 PINK PANTHER R., v.weak\PLC, blips. mx, tk in D, 1309 ID,1325 Oh happy day, 1436 Lola
6305,6 1437-1736 R. VERONA, \occ. F fishers 6305u. D mx, 1725 g's to stns, 1727 ID+@, 1730 DAKOTA (ID+@)
6250,4 1639,1708,1719 R. TANGO ITALIA %, tango
6265,5 1753,1803 R. TANGO ITALIA %, tango
6205,5 1831,1843,1909,1925,2005,2228 R. TANGO ITALIA %, tango
6290,0 1639-1719 R. WITTE REUS, polka, D mx, tk to R. Odynn, 1707 ID (by gmail address)
6747,0 1645-1645 UNID, weak\fading. tk: "..the sound of free radio" - - [ cf PIONEER ]
6247,0 1709-1800* UNID, \PLC. D songs, BZN(?) in E, 1800 Queen of hearts > sudden s/off. [ cf TWENTANA ]
4026,0 1744-1747 LASER HOT HITS, \hiss, traffic on 4020u and 4030u. mx, ID
4026,0 1911-2011 LASER HOT HITS %, mx, tk, etc... (also 2218 \fading, atmos)
6325,4 1747-1832 UNID, Reveille rock, polka, brass, anorak, Apache... 1824 \ut.QRM(full zoo) [ cf SKYWIRE ]
6242,1 1826-1842 R. AC-DC, hard \noise zoo. rock, Rawhide, ID+@, more rock.
3905,0 1912-2236 R. ALICE, strong. barrel organ, accordion, rock, ID, polka, etc...2220 The wanderer, Belinda.
6285,0 2224-2235 UNID, v.weak \QRM 6280 China?,plc. some jazz, blues, then fades down, drowned. [ cf TRX ]
6933 L 2410-2413 UNID, mx hard to clarify, audio breaks, tk? (maybe freebander from Brasil)
* * * * * SAT. 16 NOV. 2013 * * * * *
6949,9 0804-0933 R. COAX, e.weak \traffic, fades. mx, 0848 spelled ID, mx, then only a trace.
6240,0 0848-0849* UNID, mx, tk in D, ..gute morgen.. and end. - - - - - - [ cf TWENTANA ]
6215,3 0850-0939 UNID, quite undermod, almost no audio (mx). (also 1131-1135) - - - - - - [ cf KING SW ]
6095,0 *0900-0928 KBC, triumphal entrance of Emperor Rosko, Coast-to-coast-Country (incl' rock)
6095,0 1145-1308 KBC, strong \fading, Cream"Strange brew", ID, pops, ad KBC Import...
6190,0 0929,1135 HAMBURG LOKAL R. %, in AM-USB, weak. 0911 W singer in G?. 1135 W long tk in G
6795,8 1138-1330 PINK PANTHER R., e.weak \mushy carrier,PLC. mx, D mx, 1321 ID+@, tk... (also 1549, 1603)
6245,0 1333-1335* R. CASANOVA, tk over mx, g's, ID, prob. QSO w. Centurion, bye.
6305,6 1341-1434 UNID, \ut.QRM,PLC. mx, D mx, tk, IDs Mirla??, Mirza??, OK Tina. - -[ cf VERONA ]
6285,0 1400-1625 UNID, e.weak\PLC, pop, 1452 Green grass of home, 1501 tk, 1612 Venus, Eloise [ cf TOP 2000 ]
6325,0 1416-1417 UNID, \PLC, het. mx, tk, then f/out.
6325,4 1417-1427 R. SKYWIRE, 1420 tk, mx, ID, accordion, 1427 lost.
6310,05 1428-1432 UNID, e.weak \loc.noise,PLC. mx, ID?, then sounds like a number stn.
6305,0 1434-1438* ODYNN R., Pump up the volume, tk to Verona, c'/d ID.
6305,6 *1439-1442* R. VERONA ?, accordion, ID?, rep. to Odynn
6305,0 *1442-1444* ODYNN R., Pump up the volume, tk to Verona, Tina. c'/d ID. (Then the QSO goes on)
6295,1 1445-1457* UNID, e.weak, "Last night a DJ...", mx, blanks (or undermod times)
6290,0 1447-1624 R. WAVES INT, \some downdrift. mx, many IDs, offshore memories, OEM plug, 30th anniv.
6253,0 1506-1506 UNID, pop mx.
6325,4 1508-1546 R. SKYWIRE, e.weak, mx, polka, tk, Reveille rock, ID.
6245,1 1521-1535 UNID, D mx, mx. - - - - - - - - - -[ cf KLABAUTERMAN ]
6210,0 1527-1534 R. FLYING DUTCHMAN, "Angie", mx, ID.
6746,9 1547-1611 UNID, D song, 1606 D version of "Ring of fire", thrn same W singer, \blips. [ cf PIONEER ]
6974,6 1550-1554* R. RONALISA %, v.weak, "Ronalisa" D song, accordion, c'/d ID (no copy), end.
6245,0 1615-1619* UNID, pop mx, good \scratching ut. noise. 1619 break
6245,5 2046,2051,2115,2121,2137,2241 R. TANGO ITALIA %, tango.
4026,0 2052-2239 LASER HOT HITS, repeat. mx, psious!, ID, etc...
3905,0 2056-2240 SKYLINE INT R., Yes Sir I can boogie, 2109 Lonesome me, 2131 ID, g's, (hl in D), ment' Skyline Junior. 2134 Rolling Stones"Start me up"
6974,6 2242-2252 UNID, e.weak, polka, D mx, tk in E, tnx rpt from USA, "Born in the USA", f/out. [ cf RONALISA ]
* * * * * SUN. 17 NOV. 2013 * * * * *
6241,9 0733-0745 UNID, weak, D mx - - - - - - - - - - [ cf TWENTANA ]
6215,2 0735-0911 UNID, \v.undermodulated, some mx "heard" at times. - - - - [ cf KING SW ]
6210,3 0735-0820 R. WAVES INT, mx, tk, IDs+Rueil POB.
6199,5 0736-0822 R. ORANG UTAN, weak/v.weak, mx, 0822 g's to DrTim, ID, song (BZN?)
6220,0 0755-1127 R. TWENTANA, good > v.weak, acordion, ID, D songs, D v. of Etoile des neiges,.. 1122 ID
6305,0 0818-0946 R. ALTREX, v.weak\ut. 0825 Girls girls girls, ID by moo's. (then a trace \PLC, till 1127 at least)
7265,0 0838-0852 EMR via MV BALTIC R., AM-USB mod, mix of mx, ID+@ (or MVB box).
7410,0 0845-0850 UNID, v.weak\PLC, pops, "This is (long name)". (maybe not a free stn ?)
6095,0 0903-1040 KBC, Trucker Radio, mx, duo tk.
6070,0 0905-1002 R. CHANNEL 292 %, v.weak \PLC, pops, 0907 "Season of the witch"
9480,0 0915-0923 EMR via MVB in AM-USB, Sunshine superman, ID in G+E, T-Rex, 0921 Göhren address
6201,3 0928-1002 UNID, trace +e.weak peaks \ut,PLC. tk: almost no copy(.. dot-com, OK, OK). mx: rock, 0944 Because the night. (also het from 6199,5 at 0947, orang-utan back on ??). - - - - - - - - - - - - [ cf LIKEDEELER ]
6045,0 1003-1050 SW ROCK, strong, The Who, ID, DJ Mike Wilson... tk in E+G, 1041 Beatles"The walrus", 1048 mike @shortwaverock.com.
6285,0 1022-1022 carrier, strong peaks \strong PLC. - - - - [ cf SCOTLAND a few min. later ]
6325,1 1050-1118 BOGUSMAN, \strong PLC, Chinese mx, tk, ID, mx.
6325,1 1333-1338 UNID, Ian Dury "Sex and drugs and rock'n roll", 1336 long blank [ cf THE GHOUL ]
6285,0 1056-1102 UNID, trace +e.weak peak, mx, tk, This is Radio -- -- - (1102 lost)
6240,0 1104-1141* R. CASANOVA, v.weak \PLC, mx, Jungle rock, Wir sind de Casanovas, 1120,1141 IDs
6205,0 1105-1106 R. SCOTLAND, strong \PLC, mx, gd m' and ID over the mx. (1124 gone)
6795,8 1119-1119 UNID, e.weak, mx - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [ cf PINK PANTHER ]
6795,8 1505-1532 UNID, e.weak \PLC,traffic. mx, tk - - - - [ cf PINK PANTHER ]
6305,5 1338-1341 UNID, e.weak, mushy. mx, tk, slogan "... all Europe radio, on SW ! ". [ cf WITTE REUS ]
6290,0 1341-1344 ODYNN R., g's, ID, mx background, polka "lala,lala, ouh!" (1406 gone)
6260,15 1344-1404* R. CAROLINE-RAINBOW INT, single Rainbow hotmail too, tk in E, mx, 1404 time check, good bye
6240,1 1352-1357 UNID, \Chinese QRM. Children singers, mx. (1406 gone)
6284,9 1407-1458 UNID, v.weak\sticky PLC, peaks of mx, 1419 Halloween(?) laughs, more techno boom-boom
6265,4 1432-1537 R. TANGO ITALIA, IS loop with ID, later : tango
6245,4 2019-2135 R. TANGO ITALIA %, v.weak fades to good peaks, tango, tango..
6242,0 1436-1518 R. AC-DC, rock, ID (in D+E) over "Rawhide", gd aft', Highway to hell, 1508 ..Belgie.., 1513 C&W
6252,0 1510-1520 UNID, strong \fading, "Relax" , 1518 pop mx, 1520 blank (1537 gone).
6320,1 1522-1534 UNID, e.weak, mx and blanks (soon under PLC)
4026,0 2038-2051 LASER HOT HITS, mx, tk, ID. (2115 : v. weak, under noise and ut.)
3930,5V 2039-2112 UNID, tk in it. (not SSB ! ), on 3932,4 at 2048, on 3927,6 at 2013 (then lost)
1386,0 2142-2201 ENERGY (Dublin), "50 ways to leave your lover", JID, Bette Davis eyes, \beat with CARILLON ?
mx=music, tk=talk, D=Dutch, E=English, G=German, F=French, it.=Italian, rpt=report, v.=very,
e.=extremely w.=with, '=..ing, c'/d=closing down, M/W=man/woman, g'=greeting, ut=utility, SM=summer meeting ad
ID+@=ID+e-mail address, J=jingle, PLC=PowerLineComm'(noise), \=but, %=guess, hl=hotline
> =becoming/then, bb=boom-boom mx, bpm=beat per min, [ between sq. brackets : best fit ID, thanks quick logs ]
Please note that c'/d is a period from a few seconds to well more than an hour before the real switch off !
"Strength" notes (from e.weak to V.strong) are rather S/N notes by ear, not S-meter levels.
Logs : 11 - 17 NOV. 2013
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