- * * * * * MON. 11 MAR. 2013 * * * * *
6070,0 0718-0809 R. 6150 %, under Toronto% QRM as usual. (at 1001 : trace/e.weak with some mx)
6735,0 0803-0818 HOT R. (?), e.weak \noisy, rock, IDs not sure, dot-tk, 0814 We love the pirate stns
6325,0 0958-1020* UNID, e.weak\PLC, D songs, euro-pop, allo test-een- twe [ cf LUXEMBURG ]
6299,5 1001-1027 UNID, e.weak \occ.het on 6300,3. mx, tk, no details [ cf NORTON ]
6299,5 1315-1409 trace under PLC
6200,4 1316-1403 UNID, trace +e.weak peaks \PLC, some mx on peaks, 1403 off? [ cf SLUWE VOS ]
6260,05 1331-1419* R. OSAKA ?, v.weak \PLC, var. D mx and some pops, 1332 known voice, 1418 "Mexico"
6290,0 1420-1814 R. OSAKA, fair peaks \PLC, "Mexico", Crazy horses :-{, D mx, 1626 Hocus pocus, 1811 c'/d IDs
6985,1 1630,1942 LIGHTNING R. %, e.weak\atmos,traffic,occ.ut. 1630-1638 mx, 1756 traffic only, 1942 ID almost clear
6305,7 1758-1807* R. SKYWIRE, \occ.hets+pee-weets, rock, IDs, 1803 Clash, 1804 Reveille rock, 1807 off.
6305,0 1932-1940* UNID, \PLC, some atmos, mx, maybe D.Bowie, off without annt. [ cf PYTHON ? ]
4026,0 2026-2209 LASER HOT HITS, tk: listening to moving satellite, IDs, mx, techno, 80s mx
3905,4 2034-2035* UNID, e.weak, I&T.Turner "Proud Mary (Rolling on a river)", and off. [ cf SWR NL ]
* * * * * TUES. 12 MAR. 2013 * * * * *
6070,0 0747-0855 R. 6150 %, mx under talk-show stn, "I shot the sheriff".
6070,0 1436-1632 R. 6150 %, v.weak \PLC, mx, 1626 We love the pirate stns, tk, no ID.
6095,0 0907-1100* TRANSPORT R., powerful \fading, // 5955, european road news in D (snow), IDs, pops, C&W
5955,0 0907-1100* TRANSPORT R., powerful \fading, //6095, some 20s late, test via Nauen, audio less processed?, "Hit the road Jack" at 1052 seemed natural, not constricted like on 6095, and speech sounded also clearer
6285,0 1437-1641 R. OSAKA, \loc.noise, D instrum, 1443 rpt (known voice), then song about Dutch MOA in 1974: "The day the music died". 1641 cartoon mx, ID+@, uip-uip!
6305,0 1632-1710* ODYNN R., weak \PLC, D songs, 1707 IDs+@, c'/d.
6745,2 1644-1816 UNID, v.weak \PLC>strong PLC, In the army now, 1701 Beatles songs, euro/D pops. [ cf PIONEER ]
6735,0 1652-1814 HOT R., up/down around noise level, mx, 1748 ID+@
6294,9 1710-1818 UNID, v.weak \PLC, accordion. Same at 1930-1944. [ cf NORTON ]
6285,0 1711-1734 R. PYTHON, relaying Glenn Hauser's "World of radio", 1732 ID+@, tk, bye-bye, mx.
6304,9 1920-1954* R. PYTHON, \PLC, hum, hets. mx, ID, rpts, "low power 8W of carrier", ID+@, mx.
6300,1 1926-2002* UNID, D mx, often undermod or blank. [ cf FLYING D. ? - unusual low ]
6985,1 1949,2014 UNID, e.weak \traffic, gurgling noise, mx heard at times [ cf LIGHTNING R. ]
4026,0 2006-2010 LASER HOT HITS, \noisy, RTTY on 4024,5 close, mx, tk ID.
* * * * * WED. 13 MAR. 2013 * * * * *
6070,0 0818,1304 R. 6150 %, 0818 pops hardly above talk show, 1300 v.weak \noisy,PLC, pop-rock, W DJ in E
6305,0 1305-1400 R. ALTREX, e.weak \PLC, fades, mx, accordion, 1312 mooh !, mx heard on peaks.
6294,8 1316-1359 UNID, e.weak/trace \PLC, mx heard on peaks. (1359 \strong PLC) [ cf NOLAN R. ]
6285,0 1318-1346 UNID, e.weak/trace \PLC, 1322 D song heard on a peak [ cf ALIVIABAR )
6260,2 1357-1358* R. OSAKA ?, c'/d, tnx for listening, bye bye, known voice??, 1357'48"*
6552,7 1401-1410 UNID, e.weak \strong PLC, mx. (also 1823). [ cf PINK PANTHER ]
6325,1 1819-1825 UNID, v.weak \noisy, mx, pops. [ cf NORTON ]
6305 a 1819-1831 QSO: Reveille rock, Crunchy granola, "Skywire, Python.." Odynn ID at 1828*, other one
6295,25 1820-1823 UNID, strong, rock, pop, \strong PLC back just on ID. [ cf FLYING DUTCHMAN ]
6324,9 1920-1930 UNID, \ut, traffic, strong PLC, mx, some tk, ..Nederlands.. [ cf NORTON ]
6985,1 1933-1945 LIGHTNING R. %, e.weak \noisy, mx, 1944 usual stealth ID "-- -- -- --, SW".
6985,1 2049-2108 UNID, DJ over techno mx, 2051 "This is -- -- "+hl (prob. FM relay by LIGHTNING R.)
6290,0 1948-1951 UNID, trace, then mx on a peak, then lost. [ cf ASCONA ?]
6290,0 2002-2013 UNID \traffic, mx, D mx, messing?, D song, 2013 het on 6285,9 [ cf ASCONA ?]
6285,9 2013-2032* BLACK ARROW with R.APOLLO, both IDs, g's in G for Doc, pop-rock, already c'/d, more g's and mx
4026,0 1954-2340 LASER HOT HITS, strong \fading, strong RTTY on 4023 later 4024 kHz. mx, tk ID.
6312,3 2033-2044* UNID, fading down, some techno then soul mx, off without annt.
* * * * * THURS. 14 MAR. 2013 * * * * *
6289,9 0928-0938 UNID, e.weak, mx (Dire Straits?), mx.. (also a trace at 1253) [ cf RONALISA ]
6095,0 1254-1412* R. FLYING DUTCHMAN, yes! on KBC frequency ! weak \strong PLC, mx, duo tk, IDs, D songs, rock, pop, 1357 c'/d in 10 min, tnx rpts, 1405 now on 6294,8, instrum, IDs, etc...
4026,0 2000-2219 LASER HOT HITS, \RTTY on 4024,5 v.disturbing, mx, tk, ID
6984,9 2212-2212 UNID, \local? "mopad", techno mx. (prob. FM relay by LIGHTNING R. )
* * * ** * FRI. 15 MAR. 2013 * * * * *
6284,6 0756-0923 R. GOUDENSTER, weak \atmos, D songs, 0836 hotmail(SunnyRadio1), 0909 Bang bang
6284,7 1143-1213 UNID, e.weak \PLC except around 1148: tk with audio effects, D song.
6299,7 0838-0922 R. NORTON ?, e.weak \fading, D songs, 0853 unclear ID over mx, more D songs
6070,0 0845-0845 R. 6150 %, usual mess with Toronto %
6070,0 1341-1345 R. 6150 %, tape in D+E with "Man of action" and ID in E, more pops
6235,0 0856-0905 UNID, v.weak \low mod?, guitar, D song, 0901 "-- -- from the NL", J.Cash?, f'/down.
6324,8 0907-0939 UNID, \noisy ut. 0907-0911 blank, 0919 D mx, D song, then f'/down
6294,8 1147-1404* R. ODYNN, v.weak, D songs, 1208 @ \strong PLC, 1327 D songs, 1345 On the border, tk over, No milk today, CCR Bad moon, 1400 ID+hl+@, 1403 ID, then off
6284,9 1331-1359 UNID, "Speedy Gonzalez", then D songs. [ cf OSAKA ? ]
6285,0 1404-1600* R. OSAKA, v.weak, polka, waltz, D songs, 1419 known voice, 1536 uip-uip! "Yesterday"
6299,7 1452-1614 UNID, v.weak > trace > v.weak, nonstop D songs, 1600 tk \strong PLC now. [ cf NORTON ]
6306,5 1512-1555 UNID, trace \gurgling ut., 1531 some mx heard
6205,6 1605-1613 UNID, e.weak \strong PLC, no details. [ cf TINA ]
6325,7 1614-1720 R. CAROLINE INT, \PLC. mx, 1615 JID, 1658 ID, 1714-1720 strong carrier on 6324,3
6734,9 1617-1717 UNID, e.weak \strong PLC, traffic. mx, tk (IDs ?) then under all that noise. [ cf HOT R. ]
6295 a 1700-1723 UNID, drifting (quick back), mx and tk, no details [ cf LLR ]
6289,8 1704-1740 UNID, e.weak \PLC, mx, after1725 mx and IDs+@ no copy, 1728 Plaisir d'amour. [ cf RONALISA ]
6324,25 1740-1757 R. UNDERGROUND, strong \PLC, D mx, g's, 1749 JID, techno, etc..
6985,0 1755,2013 UNID, 1755 mx \traffic all around, 2013 mx \noisy channel - - - - - - - - - - - -[ cf LIGHTNING ]
4026,0 1758-2204 LASER HOT HITS, \it.traffic on 4020U, strong RTTY on 4024,5, tk, ID, mx.
3905,0 1800-2429 SKYLINE INT R., \fading,noisy > good, nonstop pops, 2024-2027 tk, g's, IDs, 2429 \hams
6292,7 1910-1917 R. BLACK ARROW, C&W, tk in D+E, ID, bye-bye, more mx, more tk and ID.
6285,3 1914-2017* R. UNDERGROUND, \occ. tx hickup, pops, chat,1929 ID, 2011 "Goodbye my love"
6267,1 1918-1930 R. FLYING DUTCHMAN, pops, 1923 ID, D songs
6729,9 1931-1948 R. ECHO ONE, mx, "plays only music", Morse, IDs+@, Brit. anthem, 1944 Hot R.?(no copy, .tk)
6291,7 2019-2020* UNID, rpt for Underground, from Mike (Vorbek ??)
6299,95 2119-2129* R. BOOMERANG, strong, Sweet caroline, D song, synthe, messing with mod, ID.
6289,2 2120-2130 R. TELSTAR, strong\fading, pops, g's, IDs, R&R, 2130 QSY
6290,15 2130-2153* R.TELSTAR, ex 6289, good modulation ), pops, IDs, R&R, 2153 ID+@
6299,9 2136-2139* UNID, \occ. strong hum, mx, ID no copy, from the NL, c'/d [ cf BLACK ARROW ]
6295,6 2144-2145 R. BLACK ARROW, \het 6299,95 OC, mx, tnx rpt, ID, mx.
6305,0 2207-2211* R. CALIPSO, v.weak, 60s guitar, IDs heard approx as R.Caningsel, g's, c'/d
* * * * * SAT. 16 MAR. 2013 * * * * *
4026,0 0835-0838 LASER HOT HITS %, v.weak, mx, tk.
4029,0 1606-2007 LASER HOT HITS, under noisy ut. at first, 1837 \strong RTTY on 4024,5. rpt from Guernsey
6260,0 0839-0857 UNID, e.weak \undermod, some techno-drums, synthe then pop mx. [ cf SOUNDWAVE ]
6070,0 0846-0846 R. 6150 % with RNI tape \Toronto% tk stn QRM
6005,0 0847-0856 UNID, jazz, not // to 6005. (0925 : mx // 6085)
9510,0 *0900-0915 R. CITY, Vroom! ID (after Verdi mx from IRRS at 0858). Pops, oldies, 0913 JID, the Equals.
6321,7 0915-0924 UNID, e.weak \ut.QRM, mx, tk, pops. [ cf ASCONA ]
6209,9 0919-0937 UNID, e.weak, pop, D song, more pops, 0937 weak/v.weak, "Angie" [ cf SLUWE VOS]
6217 a 0924-0924 awfulé"_(çÉ'_YÇÀé"#[FVJ"
6095,0 0925-0925 KBC %, powerful, C&W
6937,5 0927-0936 IMR R. %, weak \noisy, mx, tk (W voice)
6937,5 1405-1832 IMR R., v.weak \noisy, mx (incl' Irish songs), tk, IDs
6937,5 2105-2112 IMR R., weak\noisy, mx, tk ID, G.Harrison "My Sweet Lord", pops.
6300,0 1304-1315 UNID, \noisy clouds, pops, C&W (then \strong PLC) [ cf FLYING DUTCHMAN ]
6324,8 1303-1307 UNID, on/off stn or QSO ?, v.weak \noisy, mx, tk over background mx.
6324,9 1312-1312* BAKEN 16, instrum background, ment' Rob, ID and off
6325,0 *1312-1312 trace, prob. QSO
6325,0 1350-1351 BAKEN 16, \strong PLC, tk in D over background mx, ID.
6325,0 1403-1423* UNID, \PLC, mx, 1415 "Bye bye love", tk in D, Deep Purple, "It was -- --, the NL", off.
6295,0 1352-1400 UNID, mx \under strong PLC [ cf PYTHON ]
6285,0 1400-1452 UNID, weak\strong PLC, D songs (incl' polka), also "Summertime" then G song. [ cf OSAKA ]
6552,7 1404-1827 PINK PANTHER R., \strong PLC at first, pops, oldies, 1501 ID, cartoon mx, 1827 "Mexico"
6305,0 1425-1434 UNID, \strong PLC, mx, 1432 peaking withmx, then off. [ cf PYTHON ]
6200,5 1440-1457 UNID, some mx \under strong PLC, later strong loc.noise.
6305,0 1451-1533* R. POWERLINER, \strong loc.noise at first, 1526 ..low power.. v.gd aft', accordion, tiki, tk in D, ID
6538,7 1503-1524 NEW ECHO ??, e.weak, mx, 1516 ID by M, "Cathy's clown", other IDs+@ (no copy) (1543 gone)
6449,1 1505-1740 UNID, weak then \PLC, D mx, songs, rock, C&W, oldies, D songs... 1740 child voice [cf STUDIO 52 ]
6425,0 1535-1540 R. ZODIAC, \noisy,fading, mushy carrier, mx, 1539 ID, mx.
3910,5 1609-1632* UNID, \noisy channel, on-off audio, D song, allo-een-twe, C&W, messing. [ cf TECHNICAL MAN ]
6420 a 1622-1625 UNID, strong \PLC, mushy carrier, bad mod. no details. (1635 gone). [ cf MUSTANG ? ]
6985,0 1705-1833 UNID, e.weak \noisy, occ.ut, occ.traffic. mx, pops. [ cf LIGHTNING ]
6985,0 2103,2324 UNID, hard to hear, DJ over mx. [ cf LIGHTNING ]
6306,35 1726-1740 R. MALIBU, weak, pop, ID in D, 1729 ID+@, 1738 e.weak, tk, D song.
6290,0 1731-1738 UNID, e.weak \PLC, D mx. [ cf MORNING STAR ]
3910,4 2009-2300 TECHNICAL MAN, strong, tkin G+E, ID+hl, 2010 ID+hl in sp.+F, waltz. Later: pops and D songs.
3904,7 2012-2300 R. ALICE, pops, rock, IDs, ment' Techman on 3910. 2300 "Baba O'Riley"
3931,5 2015-2017 UNID, v.weak mx, quickly lost. [ cf RTL R. ]
6325,6 2027-2059 R. CAROLINE INT, \upside RTTY, hum 6325,5 a ??, 2040 muffled pop+ID(no copy), 2050 JID, etc...
6294,8 2032-2055* TELSTAR R., strong \messing with mod level?, Elvis, pops, test-1-2-allo, ID, c'/d, D song, g's, g's
6286,8 2045-2059 R. FLYING DUTCHMAN, wide band, drift>6286,6, D mx, pops, live ID, c'/d, g's...
6292,0 2303-2326 R. POWERLINER INT, strong \fading, splash, pops, g's, ID (with R. Kilo-Golf), mx.
6300v U 2309-2325 R. FLYING DUTCHMAN, v.strong in USB \drifting, hard to clarify! 2310 gd night George, 2311 in AM on 6301,4 (or QRM ??), back 6299,9 USB downdrift, filler mx, 2316 canned ID, 2317 "Come prima" tchactchac v.
* * * * * SUN. 17 MAR. 2013 * * * * *
6925,3 0427-0449 UNID, v.weak \atmos, 6920U traffic, occ.ut. Kind of rap, then soul, then a fade, then techno mx. 0445 imprecations with "crazy, then ".. eagle legal radio tango .." or alike, then lost. [ cf UNID on HFU site]
6284,7 0740-0812* BLACK ARROW, \fading, atmos, "Smoke on the water, hard rock, 0750 ID, etc... \OTH bursts too
6216 a 0744-0838 awfuléi'èéçèÇ"_R#^@]CB*% ÉÈ
6199,6 0745-0858 UNID, weak \noisy, reggae, "YMCA", D songs [ cf ORANG UTAN ]
7265,0 0815-0845 EMR, ID+@, tnx MV Baltic R., tk over "Sunshine superman" is "pumping" (right word?)
6210,0 0824-0858 UNID, weak \hiss noise, reggae songs. [ cf SOUNDWAVE ]
6450,0 0839-0844 UNID, strong peaks, \fading, hiss. "Diver seat", pop. [ cf UNIVERSE ]
6005,0 0900-0909 EMR, \noisy, fading, ID, etc.. // 9480
9480,0 0902-0935 EMR, strong, AM-USB, 60s-80s pop rock, 0904 R.Stones, 0906 ad for OEM, 0934 ID.
6070,0 0910-0910 R. 6150 %, weak \noisy, RNI tape
6095,0 0910-1050 THE MIGHTY KBC, v.strong, Trucker R., C&W, Irish mx for St-Patrick's day. (also 1545)
6295,0 0917-0958 UNID, weak \fading, noisy, mushy carrier. D songs, pops. 0957 hum from 6294,9
6294,9 0958-1002* UNID, instrum R&R, Under the moon of love, then messing with audio and off. [cf TELSTAR ]
6937,5 0922-1126 IMR R., \fading, noisy. Irish songs, 0924 full ID: Irish Music R.
6937,5 1431-2105 IMR R., \noisy, Irish mx, 1831 ID+@, 1956 sweeping hets, ID, tk.
6210,0 0937-1124 R. BORDERHUNTER, strong \deep fading. Pops, polka, ID, synthe.. 1121 D song, waltz
6284,8 0958-1004 UNID, "islands" D mx, D songs, 1004 "Ting aling aling"
6005,0 1006-1051 UNID, \PLC, mx, tk in G, (NOT // to 6085) [ cf JOYSTICK ]
6295,0 1008-1018 UNID, weak, fading, soon strong PLC. "Let's have party..", piano mx.
9480,0 1027-1158 R. GERONIMO, strong, mx, IDs+@+POB, (legal relay today).
6312,4 1055-1116 UNID, e.weak, noisy. Some "islands" mx, very long track. (1120 gone)
6291,0 1059-1120 UNID, e.weak, soul mx, J.Brown"I feel good" (1124 gone). [ cf FLYING DUTCHMAN ]
6291,0 1108-1115 UNID, strong carrier, bit of mx at 1109, flattened the other UNID on 6291.
7375,0 1127-1155 UNID, v.weak, R. Caroline 259 tape-J.Walker show, Days of P.Spencer, Harlem shuffle, Soul ma, Knock on wood, Stand by me, Caroline IDs.
6325,15 1158-1203* UNID, e.weak, yodl, ID(not clear) from thr N. side of NL, c'/d, g's, D song and off. [ cf G.V.]
6325,0 1204-1204 UNID, e.weak tk, then lost. A Dutch QSO round going on !
6325,1 1205-1209 SKYLINE R., v.weak, D song, tk, IDs, ment' DocTim.
6295,0 1210-1319 UNID, v.weak \v.noisy, D songs (1250 young singer, 1318 latino-like) [ cf R. TELSTAR ? ]
6280,0 1212-1220 strong carrier(s?), maybe flattening TIP & ELVIS SHOW, also het on 6281,8 at 1218.
6280,0 1221-1309 TIP & ELVIS SHOW now in the clear, asking for rpt for mod quality! \het again ! , CCR row, 1251 ID+@, tnx rpts, mx, reggae... (1319 gone)
6283,3v 1223-1225 strong carrier disturbing Tip&Elvis, on 6283,35 then 6284,5, and off at 1225.
6325,1 1240-1350 UNID, tk in D, D songs, tk: ..chat box.. DocTim.. amateur.. 1330 tk: ..low power.. [ cf G.V.]
6300,0 1243-1247 UNID, trace > e.weak \noisy, D song. [ cf NORTON ]
6300,0 1317-1351 UNID, e.weak \noisy, D songs. 1337 tk, more mx. [ cf NORTON ]
6210,0 1320-1350 UNID, e.weak, mx, 1321 "Radio -- --", 1325 "..@live.nl", 1347 "Santa Maria"(?title). [ cf SLUWE VOS]
6280,0 1340-2117* TIP & ELVIS SHOW, weak > strong, pops, oldies, 1425 now tk in D+E, duet. IDs+hl
6299,6 1412-1424 UNID, pop mx, then audio lost. [ cf BAKEN 16 ]
6325 a 1416-1419 UNID+UNID, 6325,35 and 6325,1. 1418 rpt for Sallandse Boer ?
6289,9 1540-1635 ODYNN R., e.weak, splash fr.Tip&Elvis, mx, 1610 ID+@, 1628 Booker T.
6299,9 1539-1628 UNID, e.weak \noisy +PLC. No details. [ cf NORTON ]
6325,3 1614-1952 BOGUSMAN, different radio@.. > strong \fading, much tk, mx.
6249,7 1803-1840 UNID, \PLC,ut. D mx (incl' BZN ?, maybe a G song too), 1840 ..hotmail.. [ cf ALIVIABAR ]
6710 L 1821-1827* UNID, mx and blanks
6985,05 1832-1838 LIGHTNING R. %, v.weak,occ.traffic, mx, 1834 ".. Radio .."(typ.short),
6985,05 2002-2009 UNID, v.weak,occ.traffic, DJ over mx, "..dot-com" by W voice. Prob. relay by Lightning R.
6210,0 1925-1945 R. MORNING? STAR, e.weak \PLC, mx, g's, ID (not clear enough), mx, more tk and noise
6209,8 2015-2100 UNID, e.weak \PLC, mx, tk, 2029 ID(no copy) [ cf MORNING STAR ]
4029,0 2108-2110 LASER HOT HITS, \bad fading, S.Wonder, tk:R.Luxembourg, ID, "4026".
6924,9 2452-2510 UNID, e.weak, blues, tk: "-- -- shortwave@gmail.com". [ cf CAPTAIN MORGAN ]
- - -mx=music, tk=talk, D=Dutch, E=English, G=German, F=French, it.=Italian, rpt=report, v.=very,
- - -e.=extremely w.=with, '=..ing, c'/d=closing down, M/W=man/woman, g'=greeting, ut=utility,
- - -ID+@=ID+e-mail address, J=jingle, PLC=PowerLineComm'(noise), \=but, %=guess, hl=hotline
- - -> =becoming/then, bb=boom-boom mx [ between sq. brackets : best fit ID, thanks quick logs ]
- - Please note that c'/d is a period from a few seconds to well more than an hour before the real switch off !
(Late ) LOG : 11 - 17 MAR. 2012
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- Hardcore Gold Piratear
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(Late ) LOG : 11 - 17 MAR. 2012
- Hardcore Gold Piratear
- Posts: 1172
- Joined: Wed Nov 18, 2009 21:52 pm
- Location: Bogatynia/Polish-Germ.-Czech border
Re: (Late ) LOG : 11 - 17 MAR. 2012
Hi Ray and tnx a lot for such 2 logs of us there!
Radio Caroline International.
Radio Caroline International.