LOG : 9 - 15 JULY 2012

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Ray Lalleu
Hardcore Gold Piratear
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LOG : 9 - 15 JULY 2012

Post by Ray Lalleu »

  • * * * * * MON. 09 JUL. 2012 * * * * *

    6980,0 0500-0556 LASER HOT HITS, weak, good mod, G.Drew about Tchernobyl, 0550 FSN,OEM, T.James...

    6980,0 1814-1814 LASER HOT HITS, weak \ut.QRM,laser, mx, "Laser"

    6070,0 0503-0600 R. 6150 test %, v.weak \R.Vatican on 6075, tk in D, Brown sugar, 0559 RNI

    6070,0 1911-2057 R. 6150 test %, RNI recordings: IDs, mx.

    4015,0 0505-0545 LASER HOT HITS %, v.weak > e.weak, mod OK, mx, tk.

    4015,0 1935-2118 LASER HOT HITS, weak \noisy, ID of R. Dash??.nl then LHH ID+@. 2118 Ian Lawrence, ID+@

    6085,0 0600-0600 PURE R. 1, ID in E, ID in G, news in G.

    6304,9 1632-1632* R.OSAKA ?, was tk, bye bye and off.

    6305,1 1634-1659* R. OME JAN, \PLC, g's to Osaka, Rivers of Babylon, 1650 yodl, 1659 IDs, bye [maybe GV at 1st?]

    6300,1 1651-1658 UNID, v.difficult, small drift, mx, 1656 tk ...NL...gd ev'..

    6305,6 1700-1701* UNID, part of Reveille rock, pop, and off? or jump to 6325 (same mx)

    6325,0 1702-1707 UNID, ex 6305,6 ? 1703 D mx on 6324,9. (1713 gone)

    6300,0 1708-1719 UNID, Born in the ghetto, Baby come back, then audio on/off [ cf W.REUS? OSAKA ? ]

    6940,0 1720-2125 IMR, weak-v.weak \loc.noise, M+w annt, soul mx, Hendrix, 2124 ID by W as "Radio IMR"

    6930 L 1816-1820 BALTIC SEA R., \ut.QRM on 6926, Baccara"Yes sir.., seagulls, ID, Lambada.

    6310,0 1822-1917 UNID, \PLC most of the time, D and international mx. [ cf UNID...]

    6305,0 1828-1859 PONY R., 1831 Hey tonight, SM2012, SM2012, 1854 ID, gd ev', closing soon.

    6319,5 1846-2003 R. CAROLINE INT, e.weak, mx, JID, drumbox mx.

    6300,0 1906-1918* PONY R., D mx, ID, c'/d, accordion

    5800,5 1923-2059 OVERIJSSEL R., v.weak > fair\noisy, 1927 ID, Speedy Gonzalez, D songs, unclear annts.

    6280,25 1941-2055* COSMIC R. ?, v.weak\noisy, Tutti frutti, R&R, rock, 2032 duet tk, mx, sudden IDs ending by "6-2-8-zero", 2055 @?,bye.

    3930,05 2100-2117 R. BATAVIA, "piraat" song, tnx Gino, ID+@, Mamy Blue in E, 2116 ID.

    3934,9 2101-2115 LASER HOT HITS + RAINBOW, weak, 2101 LHH, 2109 Manof action, "Rainbow on Laser Hot Hits", 2112 Spirit in the sky, 2115 Rainbow IDs, QRM from Batavia.

    * * * * * TUES. 10 JUL. 2012 * * * * *

    4015,0 0450-0550 LASER HOT HITS, weak, mx, IDs, G.Drew

    4015,0 2051-2245 LASER HOT HITS, v.weak \noisy, 2051 ment' Stewart Ross, 2245 ID.

    6070,0 0457-0557 R. 6150 test %, weak \PLC, strong splash from Vatican 6075 at times. RNI tape. 0552 Brown sugar

    6070,0 1909-2118 R. 6150 test %, \bassy, RNI tape, in D, later D and E. 1909 Pour un flirt, 2049 pips, Tommy

    6980,0 0458-0557 LASER HOT HITS %, e.weak > trace

    6980,0 1851-1851 LASER HOT HITS %, e.weak \atmos, mx

    6325,0 1853-1927 UNID, weak > e.weak, mx, 1925 CCR "Hey tonight, \het from 6326

    6300,0 1901-1919 UNID, e.weak \mushy carrier,atmos, mx

    6210,0 2042-2046 UNID, e.weak \v.active atmos,occ. ut.noise, mx

    6310,0 2043-2125 UNID, strong \some atmos, Poppies"Musique populaire, N.Hagen?, 2110 tk far from mike, 2122 rock, 2125 Beethoven by modern orchestra. [ cf GRENSSTAD ]

    3930,0 2053-2137 R. BATAVIA, long quite undermod, 2130 Ebony & Ivory, 2132 ID, 2137 anorak mx.

    3934,9 2054-2136 UNID, e.weak at best, mx, 2103 tk \noise growing, 2136 QRM from Batavia.

    6305,0 2240-2246 BLACK BANDIT %, strong, C&W, lighter voice now (2251 gone)

    5799,6 2243-2311 R. ARMADILLO ?, ment' WIZARD and BOGUSMAN too, mx, tk, test after resistor change

    * * * * * WED. 11 JUL. 2012 * * * * *

    6930,0 0458-0503 UNID, e.weak - trace, no better.

    6980,0 0504-0552 LASER HOT HITS, fair +peak > v.weak \noisy ut. right under, 0551 ID+POB+stream Friday night

    6980,0 2050-2055 LASER HOT HITS, much atmos, Gary Drew talking, mx.

    6070,0 0540-0600 R. 6150 test %, Rolling Stones special, recording from ?? with POB in Hilversum.

    6070,0 1702-2102 R. 6150 test %, \some PLC, My Sweet Lord, tk, 1921 Even the bad times.., tk in D+E, 2102 RNI

    6305,0 1704-1720 UNID, D songs, couple words at times, 1719 tkin D (g's ?), pop. [ cf OSAKA ]

    6305,0 1808-2237 R. OSAKA, good \strong PLC at first, Ah ah said the clown, mix C&W-60s mx-D mx, 1851 ment' Witte Reus (in D tk), 2026 SM2012 over D song, R.Stones, "Amsterdam", Radetski March, 2145 ID+@, g's, later squeezed

    6289,5 1822-1822 UNID, e.weak, mx [ cf SWR NL ]

    6935,0 1930-1955 UNID, \continuous atmos, mx, tk in D+E ...@pirateradio.at 1939 R.Picom??? (big noise), 1948 tk, intimate tone quite incompatible with atmos!! 1949 cheerio bye bye, instrum filler mx

    3934,9 2005-2154 UNID, e.weak +v.weak peaks, mx, some tk at times. [ cf RAINBOW ]

    4015,0 2009-2134 LASER HOT HITS %, e.weak > weak-fair. mx, tk.

    3930,0 2016-2128 R. BATAVIA, e.weak > fair, mx, 2121 Ebony&Ivory, 2124 anorak, 2126 ID+web, 2127 mx :-(

    6295,0 2027-2048 UNID, v.weak \atmos,noisy ut. upside, mx, 2045 Mi Amigo jingles, pops again. [cf AMOSPHERE]

    * * * * * THURS. 12 JUL. 2012 * * * * *

    6980,0 0455-0558 LASER HOT HITS %, e.weak \noisy, mx, 0554 tk: RNI, \traffic QRM on 6981U

    6980,0 1926-2115 LASER HOT HITS %, e.weak \traffic > fair \fading, mx, tk, 2054 Detroit Spinners.

    6070,0 0458-0603 R. 6150 test %, v.weak \gospel stn QRM (stronger at first) on 6070, "Tommy" at 0500 and 0603

    6070,0 1814-2234 R. 6150 test %, v.weak, RNI tape, in E later in D.

    4015,0 0505-0540 LASER HOT HITS %, e.weak > trace, mx, tk.

    4015,0 2126-2214 LASER HOT HITS, \noisy, RTTY 4008 and 4018, 2126 ann' 4015 and 6980, mx.

    6305,2 1313-1325 UNID, e.weak \mushy carrier, PLC, mx, 1322 ~blues-gospel.

    6304,6 1810-1811 UNID, tk then Dragonslayer, and off ?

    6304,9 1831-1843 DE WITTE REUS, 1831 disturbed, Dragonslayer, 1839 clear ID, mx, 1843 ID, mx, tk

    6304,9 1949-1957* DE WITTE REUS, "Summertime", said "the gardener", c'/d, ID, Dragonslayer, g's...

    6294,7 1959-2001* R. MYSTERO GHOST PLANET, ID, POB, bit of mx and off.

    6240,0 2002-2048 UNID, mx from SE Europe, oriental mx, nonstop. [ cf relay Bulg. FM VERONIKA ]

    6320,0 2006-2016 UNID, v.weak \some PLC, non stop mx.

    6296,9 2020-2025 UNID, \noisy ut.QRM, mx, 2025 tk, and off ?

    6300,0 2027-2027 UNID, mx, seems undermod (stronger carrier right on 6300) . . [ cf RONIN ? ]

    6205,0 2054-2112 SPACESHUTTLE, e.weak, mx, tk, rpt, 2107 Final countdown, 2110 ID, c'/d, mx. (2117 gone)

    6210,0 2102-2149 UNID, e.weak, accordion, yodl, some tk after 2140 (much too weak to copy).

    6305,0 2119-2147 R. RONIN INT relayed, v.weak, tk in E, mx, 2131 Video killed.., 2146 ID, bye bye [ via CUPID ]

    3934,9 2122-2131 R. RAINBOW, e.weak, mx, IDs.

    6260,5 2132-2207 R. UNDERGROUND, strong, messing w. G and D mx, 2207 long tk, known voice.

    6910 L 2152-2200* UNID, mx, 2158 traffic QRM, 2200 off.

    6304,9 2203-2242 R. ZODIAC, good \PLC +strong peak , mx, IDs+@+SMS hl, testing, g's, 40W on peaks of mod

    6290,7 2217-2243 R. MYSTERO GHOST PLANET, \occ.fax, traffic?, ID, CCR songs, also R. ZERO ?? e.weak now

    6325,0 2237-2325 SUMMERMEETING R., v.strong, bit overmod, mx, IDs+@, jingles, D song, London calling

    6294,7 2322-2322* UNID, last words and off.

    * * * * * FRI. 13 JUL. 2012 morning * * * * *+/- 0,2 kHz

    6980,0 0659-0659 LASER HOT HITS %, v.weak \bad fading, mx

    6304,9 0703-0804 UNID, v.>e.weak \PLC, ut:6307, London calling, tk, rock, 0744 W & baby voices [cf VIXEN ]

    6304,0 0803-0804 heterodyne disturbing UNID 6304,9 [ cf VENDOR ]

    6304,9 1004-1006 UNID, e.weak, no details [ cf RONIN ]

    6070,0 0707-0855 R. 6150 test %, v.>e.weak \PLC, mx, tk, 0750"Tommy", prob. RNI tape

    6325,0 1003-1008 UNID, v.weak \PLC, mx, tk over "Radio Gaga". [ cf RAINBOW ]

    6295,0 1004-1006 UNID, weak +peaks \PLC, mx, tk over mx, rock (E.Clapton style) [ cf OME JAN ]

    * * * * * FRI. 13 JUL. 2012 evening * * * * *+/ -2kHz

    6980 1615-2040 LASER HOT HITS %, v.weak \image from7880 w. strong ut., mx

    6305 1619-1636 UNID, v.weak \fades, mx, 1628 tk, brass mx (still a trace at 1658) [ cf OSAKA ]

    6070 1621-2038 R. 6150 test %, e.weak +v.weak peaks, mx, tk, 2038 pops, tk.

    6325 1648-1657 UNID, non stop mx (1700 gone) [ cf RAINBOW ]

    6325 1948-2049 R. RAINBOW INT, \some image QRM, mx, tk, IDs at 2029 and 2049.

    6290 1953-2017 R. RONIN SW, rock, ID by W+M, g's to S.Meeting, "We love...", 2007 g's by Captain (Morgan ?) SW, so could be a patchwork of US stations?, 2008 J.Hendrix"All along..."

    6240 2013-2015 R. CAROLINE-RAINBOW, difficult, tk over "Man of action", ID+"the peace station", mx.

    6305 2016-2016 UNID, mx. [ cf SWR NL ]

    4015 2017-2024 LASER HOT HITS, mx, ads FSN+OEM, ID, mx

    3935 2020-2035 CAROLINE-RAINBOW ?, e.weak, ID quite unsure, mx

    6306 2031-2035 R. SWR, instrum of M.Sardou "Connemara", tnx Mr Carolina, ID, on 6-3-zero-6, mx

    6940 2040-2048 UNID, mx, tk. [ cf IMR ]

    6940 2303-2303 IMR R., mx with DJ.

    6925 2042-2105 UNID, tk to Alex in Kiev, rpt from Sweden, mx. [ cf PYTHON ]

    6255 2250-2315 R. TELSTAR SOUTH, typical.

    6207 2300-2300* UNID, a "piraat" D song, then said "I'll be back" and off. [ cf SLUWE VOS ]

    * * * * * SAT. 14 JUL. 2012 * * * * *+/ -2kHz

    6980 0637-1038 LASER HOT HITS %, some mx heard \image ut. > traffic > noise

    6980 1819-1822 LASER HOT HITS, mx, ID \still image pb (had not the antenna tuner as preselector)

    6290 0640-0745 R. VIXEN? INT, strong at first, London calling, W voice, rock, 0744 ID (?)+@gmail, baby voice, mx

    6280 0643-0651 UNID, weak-v.weak, mx, 0651 "Sugar sugar" [ cf GEOSTAR or MERLIN ]

    6070 0644-0901 R. 6150 test %, 0644 weak, Byrds"Turn turn turn", 0807 v.weak, tk in D, Man of action (1818 mx+duo)

    6305 0748-1045 R. MERLIN INT, strong > v.weak, slogans, mx, boxed ID, 0841 ID by J.Frost, 0911 ID, 1045 ZZ Top

    6305 1207-1210 R. MERLIN INT, weak,mx, tk, ID.

    6305 1650-1703 R. MERLIN INT, \image QRM at first, then clear mx, tk and IDs by W.

    6305 1926-1928 R. MERLIN INT, mx and ID \het

    7265 0756-0907 UNID, in G, theater play ?? then long tk only, all in G. [ cf HAMBURG LOKAL R. ]

    6005 0806-1039 R. 700 (SIEBEN HUNDERT) in G, pops, tk in G.

    6095 0901-1211 KBC, v.strong, 0901 That's allright mama, 0903 tk (Rosko ?), 1042 pops

    6300 1639-1704 CRAZY WAVE R./ CWR, weak, Booker T, tk:S.Meeting, ID+hl, mx 1704 hl again.

    6300 1826-1958 THUNDERBIRD & CWR, \terrible noisy ut., alternating IDs, in E and G, mx,1838"My friend Jack"

    6940 1655-1657 UNID, v.weak, mx, tk: R.Caroline on the North Sea, "Loving Awareness" era [ cf IMR ? ]

    6940 1820-1944 UNID, weak \atmos, mx, seagulls, soul mx, tk, 1944 Born to be wild. [ cf IMR ]

    6295 1848-1912 UNID, accordion, soon disturbed by ut.QRM

    6326 1907-1950 SUMMERMEETING R., mx, tk:SM, IDs, 1909 "..Woundered Knee", 1940 Beatles"I want to hold your hand", 1948 IDs in E, the in Spanish (same voice), then in E again, mx.

    6320 1910-1955 R. CAROLINE INT, v.weak \splashes from 6325, quiet mx, 1955 ID.

    6255 1959-2008 R. TELSTAR SOUTH, ID, typical instrum mx sounds, memories: R. Luxembourg (many jingles)

    6240 2008-2013 UNID, was talking, rock, couple words again \sunk in atmos + splashes. [ cf SKYLINE R.G. ? ]

    6205 2014-2016 UNID, mx, \atmos. [ cf R. SUMMERMEETING ]

    * * * * * SUN. 15 JUL. 2012 morning * * * * *+/ -2kHz

    6070 0420-0420 R. 6150 test %, tape from R. Caroline 390, w. address in The Hague given in E and D

    6070 0725-1029 R. 6150 test %, pops, tk in E+D, 0841 RNI tape: news, ID+JID, "Judy in disguise", later v.weak

    5800 0727-0730 UNID, \ut. then OC? (seems undermod), Crunchy Granola, anorak mx (0837 trace) [ cf OVR ]

    6326 0730-0945 SUMMERMEETING R., weak +odd peak > v.weak, mx, low voice, 0830 Mr Tambourineman, 0832 ID?, Born to be wild, 0836 IDs in row, Blueberry hill, 0934 Highway to hell, ID, Roxane, Rose garden

    6237 0735-0735 UNID, \fading, fax QRM, D mx, accordion. [ cf DELTA ]

    6215 0736-0846 UNID, mx, \noisy ut., v.bad modulation (KING SW usual suspect)

    6200 0822-0914 UNID, non stop accordion, then non stop D songs. [ cf DELTA ]

    6285 0823-0847 UNID, mx, non stop accordion [ cf ANTONIO ]

    6295 0824-0851 UNID, D polka, 0850 ID but sunk in noise.

    6980 0828-1049 LASER HOT HITS %, same image problem, then v.weak, then under F hams on 6983

    6005 0838-0900* EMR / EUROPEAN MUSIC R., Riders on the storm, IDs, mailbox progr., mx sounds bassy.

    6095 0901-1028 KBC, mx, IDs by DJ and boxed ID, strong \strong fading, pops.

    7265 0905-0947 MV BALTIC R., v.weak, pops, tk in G but IDs rather in the F way, Rolling Stones special.

    6300 0911-0911* UNID, synthe mx (J.Michel Jarre ?), sudden switch off.

    6199a 1039-1059 UNID, D songs, ID? in D, hl (mike not clear), 1051 audio messing, 1057 waltz [ cf DELTA ]

    6300 1220-1223 UNID, strong peak \suddenly weak, pop mx, 1223 only a trace.

    6321 1224-1225 R. ASCONA, D song, tk and sings over, ID, tk: SMeeting, c'/d, ID "Z.Ascona from NE NL".

    * * * SUN. 15 JUL. 2012 evening * * * back home +/- 0,2 kHz some PLC

    6304,0 1700-1725 R. BONTE SPECHT, v.weak > fair, mx w. annts, 1714 live ID "on 6-3-Oh-4", Mr Mister, 1725 brass

    6279,8 1701-1728 UNID, \6275 noisy ut. splash, mx, 1707 Osmonds "Crazy horses" [ cf LUXEMB.]

    6300,1 *1709-1713* UNID, blank, J.M.Jarre?, blank and off.

    6317,5 1719-1721 UNID, D song, then undermodulated.

    6525,0 1722-1730 UNID, v.weak, Beatles "Can't buy me love". [ cf PINK PANTHER, and following line ]

    6525,0 1816-2042 UNID, v.weak \occ. traffic on 6525 USB, mx (rock, C&W, accordion..) 2042 stealth ID !, mx

    6940,0 1724-2048 UNID, e.weak \fades,occ.traffic mx, tk.

    6980,0 1725-2047 LASER HOT HITS %, e.weak mx and tk

    6317,0 1818-1823 UNID, C&W, quiet song, pops (1834 gone) [ cf B.BANDIT]

    6317,0 1903-1905 UNID, pops, sudden s/off. [ seems the Dutch QSO quarter today ]

    6316,0 1925-1926* R. ASCONA, mx, ID, tk to Mike, bye bye, off. (then a carrier on 6315,6)

    6303,8v 1824-1936 MAGIC AM, in E, ID+@, g's to stns, "6305 kcs", mx, POB, tk in D too, drift 6304,0, mx, DJ.

    6280,2 1826-1952 UNID, v.weak near deafening 6275 noisy ut., mx.

    6070,0 1830-2130 R. 6150 testing %, RNI tape, Xmas wishes, mx.

    6325,0 1907-1933 R. RONIN SW (UNID strong relay), looping on "Satisfaction", then IDs, blues, rock.

    6285,0 1915-1952 UNID, v. weak, no LSB ?, pops, 1918 "Africa", 1950 music box. [ cf GEOSTAR ]

    6285 U 2004-2016 UNID, weak in USB, Hey girl, My lucky number, 2011 tk: 6-2-8-5 .. goed abend .. border NL .. Victor .. power level .. a few watts .. 6-2-8-5 on 49 mb .. 2014 jazz, gd bye, 2016 off?

    6206,0 1941-2053* SLUWE VOS R., weak +peaks, pops, ID, rock, 2052 Voyage voyage, c'/d and off.

    6290,0 1953-2036 WITTE REUS ?, Dragonslayer, 2002 ID? from Holland .. from the disco time .. Lady Vampirella .. g's to Italy .. 2017 Funky town, Knock on wood(A.Stewart), 2036 ID w. mumbled name, c'/d, High energy

    6235,0 2021-2031 R. -- -- INT, \ut.QRM,noisy,atmos, mx, 2023 ID over, 2028 IDs \fax, 2031 off? [ cf TROPIQ ]

    6210,0 2026-2026 R. MERLIN ???, e.tiny-tiny ID.

    6319,5 2038-2048 R. CAROLINE INT, IDs, mx.

    4015,0 2056-2101 LASER HOT HITS, v. weak \noisy, ut. on 4013. mx, tk, "on Laser".

    mx=music, tk=talk, D=Dutch, E=English, G=German, F=French, it.=Italian, rpt=report, v.=very,
    e.=extremely w.=with, '=..ing, c'/d=closing down, M/W=man/woman, g'=greeting, ut=utility,
    ID+@=ID+e-mail address, J=jingle, PLC=PowerLineComm'(noise), \=but, %=guess, hl=hotline
    > =becoming/then, SM2012=ad for Summer meeting 2012.
    [ between sq. brackets : best fit ID, thanks quick logs ]

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