Log 28 NOV - 1st DEC

Logs from pirates on shortwave.
Log van piraten op korte-golf. (Ned & Eng)

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Ray Lalleu
Hardcore Gold Piratear
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Log 28 NOV - 1st DEC

Post by Ray Lalleu »

  • *** LUNDI 28 NOVEMBRE 2011 ***

    (4015 no LHH here or around, all of the week)

    6970,0 0726-0740 LASER HOT HITS, trace, then f/in at 0726. mx, comments, reports.

    6970,0 1632-1756 LASER HOT HITS, \fading, traffic on 6965U. Early f/out.

    6325,0 1620-1621* UNID, mx, a few words and off. [ cf NACHTPIRAT ]

    6305,0 1625-1629* UNID, v.weak, mx and tk, ment' Rona Liza ?, and off

    6295,0 1634-1723 MISTI R., accordion (Shadows too), g'to Fox48 and Achim

    6210,0 1716-1723 UNID, e.weak mx under noise.

    6990,5 2215-2245 LIGHTNING R. % , v.weak mx \fading, noisy. ID"---ing Radio" at 22.33.

    *** MARDI 29 NOVEMBRE 2011 ***

    4015,3 0109-0120 R. ARMADILLO, weak \atmos, het on 4010. mx, ID at 0119.

    6970,0 0732-0732 LASER HOT HITS, trace, then f/in at 0732, mx, ID.

    6970,0 1704-1757 LASER HOT HITS, M.Scott w. the Mystery year. 1744 annt in sp. 1757 f/out.

    6219,7 1648-1652 R. CAROLINE INT, bad fading, mx, ID.

    6305,4 1653-1656 UNID, C&W then instrum 60s mx

    6306,4 1701-1717 UNID, Dutch mx (even "Marina" with lyrics in sp.) [ cf BUURTSUPER ]

    6300,0 1657-1657 R. OSAKA, ID by duo M+W, mx. (not at 17.02).

    6293,0 1658-1715 UNID, Dutch songs, later pop-rock but f/out. [cf MISTI ]

    6990,5 1705-1709 UNID, v.weak mx, disturbed by many short bursts of ut.QRM.

    6205 L 1937-1953* R. ASSH%T INT, V.strong, LSB, audio v.compressed. IDs+@ spelled and f/out

    *** MERCREDI 30 NOVEMBRE 2011 ***

    6300,0 1545-1733 R. OSAKA, D and easy listening mx, 60s oldies, IDs. Happy mx!

    6970,0 1552-1807 LASER HOT HITS, cornered (SSB, het). D.Simpson, then M.Andrews, tk of RNI in 1970

    6325,0 1632-1637* UNID, \ut.QRM. Medley of many v. of Hymne à la joie (Froehlichkeit?) [cf MISTI ]

    6310 L 1638-1654* R. ASSH%T INT, strong, instrum mx, incl.Oxygene, IDs+@, quick spelled

    6293,1 1642-1703* MISTI R., D+euro mx, IDs. 1702 c'd, dinner time!, @, bye bye.

    6305,1 1704-1710 R. FLYING DUTCHMAN% from H., noisy, mx (One for you one for me), IDs (hard!)

    3905,2 1912-2142 R. WILSCRACHT %, easy\occ.noise, IDs(v.hard!), D mx, Sugar sugar, Obladi oblada

    6300,0 2113-2139 R. SPACESHUTTLE, 60s mx, R&R, many IDs w."c'/d", POB, yahoo..

    6925,1 2300-2319 UNID, e.weak, AM mode. mx and tk.

    *** JEUDI 1er DECEMBRE 2011 ***

    6970,0 0721-0728 LASER HOT HITS, f/in between bursts of noise. ID, S.Ross.

    6970,0 1723-2045 LASER HOT HITS, noisy. mx, DJ, ID. 1915 All by myself.

    6325,0 1649-1650 UNID, mx, and lost. [ cdf MISTI ]

    6323,6 1651-1926 UNID, v.weak, D mx (1816 Oxygene), few words at times. 1924 tk but f/out.

    6315,5 1653-1720 R. CAROLINE INT, v.weak to fair, ID, mx.

    6314,0 1656-1657 UNID, v.weak in the noise. 1657 jingle and off?

    6300,0 1658-1811 R. OSAKA, weak to strong \occ. noise. Live, easy D mix, Orange blossom special.

    mx=music, tk=talk, D=Dutch, E=English, G=German, F=French, it.=Italian, rpt=report, v.=very,
    e.=extremely w.=with, c'/d=closing down, M/W=man/woman, g'=greeting, ut=utility,
    ID+@=ID+e-mail address, J=jingle, PLC=PowerLineComm'(noise), \=but, %=guess, hl=hotline

Hardcore Gold Piratear
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Re: Log 28 NOV - 1st DEC

Post by Caroline »

Hi Ray,

lot of thanks for such two logs of us there!!!
Always nice to read it!! :D

Have a nice rest of this week and till then,
R.Caroline International.
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