London Calling.

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Log van piraten op korte-golf. (Ned & Eng)

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Andy Richards
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London Calling.

Post by Andy Richards »

They say that "Patience is a virtue".

People who know me will tell you that it is not a virtue I have.......:-)

But listening this weekend,it was worth being patient.Because tonight we had good signals and
programmes from Merlin and Star and the best was Borderhunter.What a huge signal!(I'm sure the
power was cranked up a bit due to The Meeting next week) and a nice show.The Japanese promo was great!

Cupid and a UNID on 6420 a were also very strong this weekend.

Also worth a mention were Laser,Bogusman,Megamix,Old Timer,Lowland and Delta.All with pretty good signals.

Friday 24/06/11

3905Khz - 2035-2040 - Skyline Int Radio - 45333 - "Bat out of Hell","We are Family".

Saturday 25/06/11

4015Khz - 1912-1917 - LHH - 44333 - "People are People",Status Quo - "Break the Rules".
6220Khz - 1948-1953 - The Bogusman - 44433 - Repeat of last weeks programme.
6260Khz - 2220-2225 - Cupid Radio - 55434 - AC/DC - "Back in Black".Rock & Techno Music.
6305Khz - 1953-1958 - Radio Megamix - 44433 - Dutch Music.
6310Khz - 2040-2045 - UNID - 33332 - Dutch & Dance Music.
6315Khz - 1857-1902 - Old Timer Radio - 44433 - Soul/Disco Song,"Only You","Melting Pot".
Later "Mighty Quinn".
6315Khz - 1945-1947 - Old Timer Radio - 44434 - Oldies.CD at 1947.
6325Khz - 1908-1908 - Radio Zodiac Int - 34333 - Just caught him closing with a jingle.
6385Khz - 2002-2007 - Radio Lowland - 43333 - BTO - You ain't seen nothing yet",Queen - "Magic".
6420Khz - 2008-2012 - UNID - 55544 - Rock Music.CD at 2012.Maybe Black Bandit.
6945Khz - 2022-2027 - LHH - 33332 - Music and Chat.

Sunday 26/06/11

4015Khz - 2100-2105 - LHH - 44434 - Pop Music,Blue and "Europop".
5815Khz - 0755-0800 - Orion Radio - 34333 - Chat & French Pirate Song.
6205Khz - 1015-1020 - Radio Borderhunter - 35333 - Country Music and report from Iann in France.
6236Khz - 1440-1445 - UNID - 35433 - "Tie a Yellow Ribbon".Radio Marconi?
6237Khz - 1020-1025 - Delta Radio - 45333 - Pop Music.Later Oasis.
6240Khz - 2105-2110 - Radio Borderhunter - 55434 - Country Rock Song,Techno Song,Japanese Promo!
6305Khz - 1025-1030 - Radio Merlin Int - 34333 - Soul Song,"Hi Ho Silver Lining".
6305Khz - 1312-1317 - Radio Merlin Int - 35333 - Kaiser Chief's - "Ruby",Aerosmith & Run DMC - "Walk this Way".
6305Khz - 2045-2050 - Radio Merlin Int - 44434 - Reggae songs.
6420Khz - 1030-1034 - UNID - 45433 - Dutch Music.Off at 1034.
6945Khz - 0805-0810 - LHH - 25432 - Pop Music.
7685Khz - 1910-1915 - Radio Star Int - 44333 - Rock Music.
7685Khz - 2040-2045 - Radio Star Int - 45434 - The Mailbag Show.

Andy Richards.
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Re: London Calling.

Post by JoJo »

Hello Andy, thanks for the log. :wink:
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