I had significantly less local QRM here on Saturday evening, so I decided to listen for a while. Lots of activity! Great! Thanks for the entertainment, everyone!
All times UTC.
Sat 21 Aug
6289 Mustang Radio playing ‘Summer of 69’ at 1826, then ‘Voyage Voyage’. Very good signal – and good audio! SIO 434
6305 Radio White Star, FIN playing rock music at 1905. Had to take a break at 2111. Said he would return in two minutes, but he didn’t. SIO 333
6310 Radio Altrex, NL talking about a frequency change at 1809. SIO 333
6310 Radio Pluto, NL calling CQ 48 at 1857, then short QSO with B... SIO 232
6310 B... (Beer something?), NL in QSO with Pluto at 1858. UK DXer says Black Bandit, but that’s not what he said. Perhaps it was Black Bandit using a different name? SIO 232
6310 UNID playing music at 1842. Not Altrex. SIO 433
6318 Radio Caroline Int. with pop music and jingles. SIO 232 at 1922.
6373 UNID playing ‘Macarena’ at 1655. S/off at 1656. SIO 232
6375 Radio Kilohertz, D with rock ‘n’ roll and Schlager music. SIO 332 at 1915
6424 Radio Marconi, NL with a report for R. Alice at 1639. SIO 433
6660U Russian outbanders talking to each other at 1853. Strong signals tonight.
6852 PRV, GRC noted at 1824. It’s possible that they’ve got a license, but it’s certainly a strange frequency for a ham beacon! http://6852khz.blogspot.com/
6960 Jan van Gent, NL with religious music at 1811. SIO 333
Sun 22 Aug
6850 Weak carrier at 0410. MAC? Perhaps I could have detected some audio at my ‘remote’ QTH (i.e. in the wood 500 m from the block of flats).
I also listened to Radio Jennifer (a programme on WBCQ) on 5110 early on Sunday morning (from 0325 UTC). A good and ‘pirate-like’ programme!
RX: Sangean ATS 909
ANT: AOR WL-500 (small active loop)
QTH: Oslo, Norway
Local sunset on Saturday: 1854 UTC
Local sunrise on Sunday: 0348 UTC
This weekend's log
Moderator: Moderators group