Logs from Newfoundland Sep. 29- Oct. 4

Logs from pirates on shortwave.
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newfoundland dxer
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Logs from Newfoundland Sep. 29- Oct. 4

Post by newfoundland dxer »

Hi everybody:

It was an interesting week. Perphaps the most interesting thing was the complete failure of 48 and 52 metres on Saturday night/Sunday morning. I could barely hear Cupid on 48m Saturday night! On Sunday morning I rose at 0645 UTC, only to sit in Iann's chat and watch in frustration as 48m filled with stations. The band was overflowing, but I could hear nothing!!!

Amazingly, 39m was the opposite. I logged Amica and Geronimo weakly, but FRSH was loud and clear. I even heard he first hour of their 1200 show (until 10:30 am local, complete daylight path)!!!

Higher frequencies were also cooperating this weekend, with more successful daytime tests on 19 and 22 metres from Cupid, Black Arrow, BOB and Channel Z..

This week, I QSLed my 100th pirate station (a very nice eQSL from Radio Pluto). New stations heard this week included Eccentric Shortwave, Radio Free Mount Airy, Ironman Radio and Amiga Computer Generated Radio (all from the US), as well as Radio Black Arrow (heard 4 times!) and a tentative reception of ROZ.

Tuesday, September 29
6925,0u . 0000-0018 . Radio GaGa (US), "Driver's Seat", "Radio GaGa", "Staying Alive" ID and off at 0018 34442
6924,5 . . 0104-0109 . Captain Morgan Shortwave (US), unid song, Twilight Zone theme and off 34342
6935,0 . . 0110-0112 . UNID (US?), song to the tune of the Russian anhem, off without announcement, 33442
6925,0u . 0120-0131 . Eccentric Shortwave (US), song about the FCC, IDs by man and woman, 44443
6925,0u . 0152-0210 . Radio Free Mt. Airy (US), weak music, ID at 0209, 24341

Wednesday, September 30
6925,4. . 0022-0027 . Captain Morgan Shortwave (US), barely audible music under ssb QRM, ID via frn, 22341
6930,0u . 0029-0030 . RadioGaGa (US), heard last 40 seconds of show, with closing ID, 34443
6940,3fm. 0058-0125 . Outhouse Radio (US), barely able to hear music using fm mode, some details in am mode, but very distorted, "Brick in the Wall" twice :), ID, 24431 (my first FM pirate, even if he was on sw!)
6925,0u . 0159-0235 . Spider Radio (tent), weak music, Pet Sop Boys "It's a Sin at 0214, fading in and out, 14331
6924,9 . . 2351-0008 . Outhouse Radio (US), Pink Floyd, off at 0008. 24341

Thursday, October 1
6924,3 . . 0056-0110 . Captain Morgan Shortwave (US), weak music, Twilight Zone theme, 14241
6940,0 . . 0123-0127 . UNID (US?), weak music, off without announcement, 24341
6925,0u . 0141-0215 . Radio Fudd/WBNY/WMR (US), three different shows, 34332
6950,6 . . 2100-2120 . MAC Shortwave (US), "Hang on Sloopy", ID by Paul Starr, 34432
1665,0 . . 2120-2200 . Relmus Radio, greetings and played "Happy Birthday" for me! Thanks Relmus, 34442
3928,7 . . 2145-2150 . Central Radio, music, audio better than last time, but still distorted, ID at 2146, 34342
1655,8 . . 2215-2220 . Radio Klass Snoek, weak music and talk in Dutch, ID via Iann's chat, 24341

Friday, October 2
6925,0 . . 0120-0155 . Amiga Computer Generated Radio (US), synthesizer music, IDs, gave address of a mail drop that has been closed quite a while, so probably just a relay of an old show, 24431 at start, fading out or off 0155
6375,0 . . 2034-2045 . CoolAM Radio, very weak music, ID via Iann's chat, 14331
3905,0 . . 2040-2053 . Bluestar Radio, music, ID, 24442
6850,0 . . 2053-2110 . Radio Black Arrow, ID, "Road to Nowhere", country song, 24442
3910,0 . . 2115-2116 . Radio Boomerang, caught ID, brief music and off, 34443
3900,0L . 2119-2123 . MRF Radio and Radio Delta Oscar, brief QSO, then DO talking and whistling, MRF 24441, DO 14441
1710,0 . . 2320-0000 . Radio Soleil Int. and UNID (US), I hear RSI almost nightly, but tonight there was a second station underneath. Sounded like preaching fro a couple minutes, then mellow music. Too much QRM from RSI for more detail. RSI 34443, UNID 11441

Saturday, October 3
6925,0u . 0002-0010 . Ironman Radio (US), bluegrass music, ID, this was his "Halloween Show", mail drop!, "Hot Corn, Cold Corn" by the Pine Valley Boys, off 0010
1646,0 . . 0050-0100 . Radio Calypso, barely audible music, ID via Iann's chat.
6930,0u . 0110-0125 . Barnyard Radio (US), rap music, ID, 24341
6925,0u . 0136-0150 . Radio Mushroom (US), The Who "Miles and Miles", ID, 33443 (QRM from GaGa)
6925,0u . 0136-0150 . Radio GaGa (US), completely buried under Radio Mushroom except one ID at 0137, 21441
15070,5 . 1330-1605 . Cupid Radio, IDs, greetings to listeners, great music, great show! 34443
15070,0 . 1645-1655 . Radio Black Arrow, music, ID, 24431
7550,5 . . 1805-1815 . Radio Amica, pop music, ID, fading in incredibly early, 24442 now, better later
3930,0 . . 2000-0130 . Bluestar Radio, music, IDs, peaked at 34443 around 2100, QRM from hams after
3905,0 . . 2015-0130 . Overijssel Radio, music, IDs, 24442 around 2100, severe ham QRM after.
6399,8 . . 2005-2010 . Galaxy of Peace (tent), barely audible music,
3935,5 . . 2010-2155 . Radio Baggerteam, weak music, faded in very slowly, ham QRM, ID via Iann's chat, 23441
3920,0 . . 2105-2215 . Radio Oscar Zulu, very weak music, as signal slowly improved, so did ham QRM, ID via Iann's chat,
6270,5 . . 2225-2230 . Cupid Radio, music, ID, amazingly weak, 24441
1656,0 . . 2247-2248 . Radio Toekmost, clear talk and music, QRM from strong US station on 1660, 33442
3890,0 . . 2250-2300 . Skyline Radio International, barely audible under multiple strong hams, 21441
6941,5 . . 2300-2310 . MAC Shortwave (US), ID by Paul Starr, "King of the Road", 44443

Sunday, October 4
6925,0u . 0016-0030 . UNID (US), started with ""hello, testing 1-2-3-4-5, can anybody hear me? Is my signal getting out?" , then 1-2 second bits of music, every couple of minutes, no ID heard, up to 44443
6930,0u . 0035-0040 . Radio GaGa (US), music, SSTV, ID, 24341
6926,0 . . 0059-0120 . UNID (US), barely audible talk, moved to 6925.0 after a couple of minutes, frn reports a 1950's newsreel, 14331
7600,1 . . 0801-0959 . Free Radio Service Holland, music, many IDs, emails and snail mail, started weak, but was up to 44443 by 0830.
7550,5 . . 0835-0845 . Radio Amica, music and talk by man in Italian, 23441
12257,1 . 0920-1050 . WR International, faded in 0920 with talk and music, ID, weak signal until 1050 fade out, 14341
7570,0 . . 1000-1010 . Radio Geronimo, weak music, ID via Iann's chat, 14341
7600,1 . . 1207-1300 . Free Radio Service Holland, very surprised to find FRSH at this time at 34342! Signal lasted until just past 1300.
15066,7 . 1452-1454 . Channel Z Radio (US), caught last 2 minutes of the test, ID, music, 34342
15070,0 . 1458-1505 . Radio Black Arrow, music, ID, 24431
13955,0 . 1505-1715 . Best of British Radio, very weak music and talk, only detail recognizable was the "Lincolnshire Poacher" theme, 14331
13958.0 . 1520-1525 . Radio Black Arrow, brief test, music, ID via Iann's chat, 23431
6324,8 . . 1955-2000 . Sonnet Radio Europe, weak talk and music, ID via Iann's chat,
3930,0 . . 2000-2140 . Central Radio, music, talk ID, still somewhat distorted, up to 34442
1620,3 . . 2120-2130 . Radio Technischeman, barely audible talk and music, ID via Iann's chat
3899,9 . . 2145-2200 . UNID, weak music, no announcements heard, 23431
6926.1 . . 2220-2230 . MAC Shortwave (US), ID by Paul Starr, 23341

Thanks to all the operators who made this such a great week.

Cheers, Terry
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Dave Jones
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Post by Dave Jones »

Hi Terry,
Thanks for the mention of WR International in your logs for Sunday 4th October.

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Post by BoBritain »

Thanks for the log of Best of British.

Stay tuned for our 'non stop poacher' transmission, guaranteed to punch through the noise for 3 hours continuously, at some future date :wink:

Seriously though, we had 4 reception reports from the USA/Canada which shows what can be done with just 12 Watts and a clear frequency. Next job is to increase the 12 Watts to something more funky!

Thanks again!

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newfoundland dxer
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Post by newfoundland dxer »

Thanks for your replies WRI and Bob.

Yesterday, I received the coolest QSL in all pirate radio. Captain Morgan Shortwave sent me an actual working wall clock through the mail, with my QSL info printed on the front.


Apparently, I am the first listener outside of the U.S. to receive one of these famous clocks.

Thank you Captain Morgan.
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