a few logs from Newfoundland, August 17-23

Logs from pirates on shortwave.
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newfoundland dxer
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a few logs from Newfoundland, August 17-23

Post by newfoundland dxer »

Hi everyone:

Not many logs this week, particularly from Europe. I was away from the radio from Thursday to Sunday afternoon, so I missed the peak times.

Sunday night saw an actual hurricane make landfall in Newfoundland. This is the first time that I can ever remember an actual hurricane landing here. We have had lots of tropical storms that were former hurricanes, but they never maintained hurricane strength all the way here before. Thankfully, it lost strength very quickly once it landed, and surprisingly little damage was done. Should be affecting the UK and Ireland around now.

The logs:

Monday, August 17
6925,0u . . 2115-2125 . . Spider Radio, pop music, ID via Iann's chat, 24342
6315,0 . . . 2245-2300 . . CoolAM, very weak music, barely audiible, ssb qrm,
6870,0 . . . 2302-2304 . . Snappie Radio, ID, brief voice test, 24342

Tuesday, August 18
6923,1u . . 0130-0145 . . Captain Morgan Shotwave (US), 0.3 watt test!!! (new QRP record), barely audible music, confirmed by email from op.
6925,0u . . 2015-2030 . . Spider Radio, pop music, 23341
3900,0 . . . 2135-2150 . . Borderhunter Radio, Dutch? music, ID, 24341, very, very early for 76m here.

Wednesday, August 19
6925,0u . . 0119-0131 . . Radio Jamba Int. (US), lots of foul language, ID, 34342
6925,0u . . 0138-0150 . . 9-12 Radio (US), parady songs, IDs, 34343 at start, fading to 23341 by 0050.
3900.0u . . 2135-2136 . . VOTN, brief test in usb, ID, email, 34442
6280,3 . . . 2140-2150 . . Radio Merlin Int. (tent), barely audible music,
3920,0 . . . 2155-2200 . . Radio Nooderlicht (tent), very weak music with ham QRM.
6925,0u . . 2250-2305 . . Outhouse Radio (US), talk, "Dirty Laundry", 24341

August 20-22 - no logs (travelling)

Sunday, August 23
6325,0 . . . 2000-2005 . . Sonnet Radio, very weak music, ID via Iann's chat.
5810,0 . . . 2005-2102 . . Fantasy Radio, pop music, IDs, 34342
6309,1 . . . 2015-2020 . . Sonnet Radio, moved from 6325, still barely audible
6925,0u . . 2040-2050 . . Spider Radio, instrumental music, ID, 24441
6650,0u . . 2200-2015 . . UNID, music, talk in what I am pretty sure was Russian, music, 33342
6925,0u . . 2253-2310 . . Big Dog Radio (US), "We're not Gonna Take It", ID, dog barking and off, 33342

frn: Free Radio Network (US) http://www.frn.net/vines/
Iann's chat: http://www.easyshopdiscountzone.com/rad ... e/english/

General Trouble maker
General Trouble maker
Posts: 81
Joined: Thu Jul 05, 2007 22:18 pm

Post by Johnno »

Hi Terry

Hurricane (Bill?) classed as an ex-hurricane by the time it reached the NW Atlantic coast of Ireland so not really affecting us in Europe.

Thanks for the report for Fantasy (Email sent).
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