Not much noise here this weekend and fairly quiet activity.Good chance for the lower power stations.
Delta Lima Radio from Germany on 6425 claimed to be running only 5 watts.I can believe him.I had good results myself on 48 many years ago with only 5 watts!!Delta Lima was one of the strongest German stations I have heard to much for power!!
Radio Dr.Tim also had one of his best signals into me,very strong at times.
The "Regulars" were absent this week.
No LHH or Mystery here and Playback were not as strong as usual.
Several Dutch stations commented on the weather.I thought it was only the English that talked about the weather....Condor said he was broadcasting from "Freezing Holland",Borderhunter said that the snow had been 10cm since Christmas and that he had -11c last night and Scotland said it was just 2c in his studio this morning and he was wearing a big coat,a hat and gloves!!
Nice to see some stations still using the 76m band.Even during the day.Why not if it works?
Radio Waves Int also came in well for me.
I am curious about my UNID on 6205 this afternoon.
Anyone with any info?
Strongest signal with me this weekend was Borderhunter.Followed by Scotland,Delta & Quintus.
Saturday 10/01/09
3905Khz - 1855-1900 - Radio Oscar Zulu - 45433 - Soft Cell,Cat Stevens.Very deep fading.
Good presenter.
5800Khz - 1010-1015 - Playback Radio Int - 23232 - Bluesy Rock,Rock'n'Roll.
6260Khz - 0955-1000 - Radio Altrex - 34433 - Madness,Mink De Ville.
6310Khz - 1000-1005 - Radio Condor - 34433 - Dance Music."From freezing Holland".
Sunday 11/01/09
3915Khz - 1030-1035 - Skyline Radio Int? - 25433 - "Cotton Fields".Later "Son of my Father" and Dutch Music.
3930Khz - 1050-1055 - Antonio Radio? - 25432 - Dutch Music.
5800Khz - 1017-1022 - Playback Radio Int - 25433 - Mix of music.
5815Khz - 0920-0925 - Orion Radio - 45444 - "Whole Lotta Rosie",Dutch Music.Closed at 1002.
6205Khz - 1117-1122 - Radio Borderhunter - 55444 - Darude.Saying how cold and how much snow in
The Netherlands.
6205Khz - 1324-1329 - UNID - 34333 - "One step beyond".Later "No More Heroes".
6220Khz - 1012-1017 - Delta Radio - 44434 - Dance Music.20Khz splatter.
6240Khz - 1040-1045 - Misti Radio - 24432 - "Sultans of Swing".
6265Khz - 1002-1007 - Premier Radio Int - 34433 - The Who,U2.
6285Khz - 0935-0940 - UNID Maybe Dr.Tim - 34333 - German."Xanadu".
6285Khz - 1055-1059 - Radio Scotland - 45434 - Report for Dr.Tim.Playing "Just like Eddie".
6285Khz - 1024-1029 - Radio Dr.Tim - 35434 - Dave,Dee,Dozy,Beaky,Mick & Tich.Deep fading.
6300Khz - 0940-0945 - Radio Quintus - 43433 - Dutch Country music.On top of another station(Legal one).
6300Khz - 1007-1012 - Radio Quintus - 45434 - Dutch Music.Now no interference.Closed at 1105.
6310Khz - 1105-1110 - Radio Malaisy? - 43433 - Dance/Techno music.On top of legal station.
6325Khz - 1112-1117 - Radio Waves Int - 34443 - French Music.
6425Khz - 0930-0935 - Delta Lima Radio - 45434 - Only 5 watts from Germany.Different music.
Andy Richards.
London Calling.
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